Monday, December 21, 2015

Workers" Comp For Psychological Injuries

Psychological Injuries On The Job

Yes, all jobs are stressful. There are some careers which have already proved being more stressful than others. When thinking of an on-the-job injury, it’s more likely that you’ll think of physical injuries resulting from accidents, traumatic events or injuries which occur after repetitive movements.

There’s however, another distinct class of injuries which is very serious and is usually the subject of workers’ compensation claims. To have your workers’ compensation claim approved for psychological injury, you’ll need to ultimately prove that you job did cause high stress, damage and even depression.

Work-related psychological injuries may develop in diverse ways and for numerous reasons though, the subsequent compensation claims can be difficult. Ailments of psychological nature qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. It could be the result of work-related issues, including issues with the manager and private life issues such as an aftermath of assault or robbery.

The rules for workers’ compensation with regard to psychological injuries can be slightly stricter than those of other ailments. You’ll find some attorneys unwilling to represent their clients for such claims considering how difficult they can be. That doesn’t imply that you’ll probably not get any help.

There are still those attorneys who are always willing and able to represent their clients even with the greatly complex claims. There’re those who’ve adequate experience to handle your claim suitably diligently, while well sensitive to what your needs and concerns are.

What Psychological Injuries Can You Claim?

Usually, a psychological injury will occur when you’ve experienced psychological stress or trauma, commonly associated with physical trauma. Among injuries which can be claimed, some include depression, anxiety, ulcers and heart diseases that have been caused by work-related stress. Some however, can’t be claimed, including mental trauma and nervous breakdowns.

Mental trauma is often caused by workplace injuries where the injured worker is in lots of pain and consequently unable to work. Still yet, there’re some instances in which an injury could be the result of depression, and this may be covered so long as the work injury is a reasonably contributing factor in the mental illness. However, the state legislature barely allows for covering of nervous breakdowns under workers’ compensation.

Psychological Injuries Connected to Workplace Accidents

Often, a psychological injury will arise from physical injuries which have occurred on the job. Should a worker sustain a severe injury, it could have multiple effects on their life. Such effects could trigger anxiety, chronic depression, or related mental conditions. These effects may include frustration, severe physical pain, permanent scarring, or change in appearance.

In addition, undergoing treatment for a physical injury, and psychological injury as well, can prove mentally and financially taxing. This could postpone a return to one’s work. Workers ought to recover, not only for their on-the-job physical injuries, but also for any subsequent mental conditions developed due to the accident.

Benefits With Psychological Injuries Cases

In case your claim is approved, it’s highly probable that you’ll receive benefits covering your medical treatment costs and the wages you’ve lost from the time you were prompted to take off-work. Benefits for permanent disability due to mental conditions are rare to quite a great extent. Proving that a psychological injury has left you unable to function permanently in a workplace could require quite a reasonable, extensive amount of complicated evidence.

An attorney however, is more likely to have resources necessary to obtain testimonies from psychological experts who could attest to the fact you’re not able to work. You’ll stand the best chance of acquiring the benefits if you’ve an attorney who well understands how the workers’ compensation law works.

The law surrounding psychological injury claims is complex when saying the least. There are some which you can’t claim, while yet there are others you can. Obviously, no one expects that you understand the ins and outs of workers’ compensation laws. That is the most definite reason why work injury attorneys are available. Basically, a work injury lawyer will assist by assessing your case and determining whether or not your psychological injuries can be claimed.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation does provide you with financial assistance in overcoming the kind of illness in this case. It may pay for any lost wages, especially if you’ve had to take some time off work, and therapy and/or counselling costs. It may meet the medication cost you’d need to pay to help alleviate symptoms of your mental illness.

If you’re among those who believe they’re entitled to benefits because of work-related psychological injuries, it’d be best to discuss your situation with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer, and as soon as possible.

Workers compensation lawyers ga

Psychological Injuries

Workers" Comp For Psychological Injuries

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Attorneys

We are a reputable personal injury claim attorneys dedicated to making your claiming compensation for your injury easy. We work on contingency basis, so your peace of mind is guaranteed. If you have been injured due to negligence, omission or commission by another person, it’s natural that you seek compensation. However, the insurance company of the responsible party will not just agree to pay you, or if it does, it will try to reduce the amount that you will receive to the minimal. This is why we ask you to work with us and benefit from our many years of experience, knowledge and expertise.

Our team of courteous and friendly staff is able to provide you with a high quality legal consultation. When you make contact with us for the first time, there are a few questions which we will ask you. This is important because it helps us know more about you and how you got injured. Most interestingly, we don’t charge our customers for this first consultation. By choosing to work with us from the time you get injured, you will have made the best decision and you will definitely be on the right track to getting fairly compensated.

Compensation For Your Personal Injury

We know how much you are entitled to as compensation. There are several factors that we take into account to arrive at a fair amount for a personal injury claim and among them are the extent of the injuries suffered, loss of current and future income, expected medical expenses and the amount of pain and suffering that you underwent among others. We work with specialists from other fields to ensure that our clients receive a fair compensation for the injuries that they suffered. We can advice you on what’s possible and what is not, therefore helping you make informed decisions much earlier.

Filing Your Personal Injury Claim

We comprehend that filing a personal injury claim is never an easy task. There are strict procedures and time frames that should be followed. By working with us, you can have the assurance that your claim will be filed correctly. Our teams also ensure that our application is not expunged because of technical errors. Moreover, we have the tools and networks to access important documents, forms and police reports which can help us obtain positive results for our clients. Even when you are still undergoing treatment, we can help you handle your personal injury compensation claims while you concentrate with recuperating.


Personal Injury Claims

Your Personal Injury Claim

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Workers Compensation Law & Lost Income Benefits

Lost Income Benefits Program

A basic aspect of any workers compensation law lost income benefits program, is the financial assistance offered by an employer, when you are hurt on the job. So, if you are injured, and because of such injuries on the job, are not able to work for a period of time, the top legal team is going to work to ensure you are still being compensated for the time you are out of work. This is where we can step in. In many cases, employers are going to try to make you feel as if you were at fault, or as if you are to file a claim against them, that you can possibly lose your job. This is the furthest thing from the truth; in fact, if you are hurt, and your employer is at fault, you have the right to file a claim, without the threat of losing your position with your employer. Further, you have the right to receive some form of compensation for the time period in which you are not able to work, due to the injuries which you have sustained.

Filing Your Lost Income Benefits Claim

Allow us to step in and help you in the claim filing process. Not only do our team of attorneys have years of experience in filing worker comp claims, we specialize in these cases so we are fully prepared to assist you when you are hurt on the job. If you are owed any compensation, if you should receive lost income benefits, and if there are any other damages which should be included in your settlement, we are going to make sure they are all included. And, we are going to work to ensure you receive the highest amount of compensation, when filing your case. We are also going to inform you of your rights, in the event your employer has threatened the possibility of job loss in the event you choose to file a claim.

Receiving Your Lost Income Benefits

When you are out of work, and can’t earn a living due to injuries sustained on the job, you still have the right to receive compensation if your employer’s negligence (or that of a co-worker), is the reason behind such injuries. Choose our team of legal professionals to guide you, assist you in the claim filing process, and to inform you of all your rights, when the time comes for us to file the worker compensation claim on your behalf so you may receive your lost benefits income.


Lost Income Benefits

Workers Compensation Law & Lost Income Benefits

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Workers Compensation Law in Georgia

Workers Compensation Law in Georgia

Were you hurt on the job? Did another employee’s negligence, faulty equipment, or poor work conditions, result in a major injury to you? If so, and you are unable to work, or unable to pay your medical bills, the right workers compensation law in Georgia professionals can step in to assist you. This is exactly who we are. In addition to specializing in worker’s comp cases, our team of highly specialized lawyers is prepared to assist you with any legal matter, any injury, or any other compensation you are trying to receive, due to an injury you suffered while you were on the job.

When Choosing a Workers Compensation Law in Georgia

There are many things you should consider. So, why choose us? Some of the benefits of choosing our firm, over local competitors include:

– We specialize in worker’s comp cases. Therefore, we understand how they work, how to file them, and how to win them.

– Our team of attorneys have years of experience in worker compensation claims. This allows them to work on any type of case you are dealing with, and assist you when you are injured on the job.

– We guarantee the best possible outcome. We do not guarantee an outright victory, but with ample evidence, we do guarantee to have your case settled, and to receive the highest compensation amounts for you.

We will also include legal fees, court costs, and other administrative costs, as a part of your settlement offer. Therefore, we will try to collect from the employer, or any other party who is at fault, so you are not stuck with legal bills after we resolve the case for you.

When you are hurt on the job, it is important to file your workers compensation claim immediately. If you are ready to file your claim, or simply want to know if you have a viable case, feel free to contact our team right away. Not only will we assist you with filing, we will work with you to determine how much compensation you should receive, based on injuries, and your employer’s fault in the injuries.

When filing a workers compensation claim, you want the best legal team by your side. Let us step in to provide you with excellent legal services, and with many years of experience in this field of law, allowing us to best represent you after a workplace injury has occurred.


Workers Compensation Law In Georgia

Workers Compensation Law in Georgia

Friday, October 16, 2015

Compensation For Your Work Injury Claim

Do not wallow in sadness over denied claims any longer but instead contact us for guidance on how to get paid for your workplace injury We will certainly package your claim in a way that you will get compensated as fast as possible so that you can go back to building your life.

Compensation For Your Work Injury Claim

Experienced Workers" Compensation Lawyers

The Law Office of Bobe & Snell is dedicated to providing superior representation with skilled and experienced attorneys to either pursue your rights under the Workers’ Compensation Act or defend your interests as an uninsured or insured employer. With over 25 years experience, Bobe & Snell are ready, willing, and able to provide you with the best representation possible.

Experienced Workers" Compensation Lawyers

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Meeting With A New Attorney

During your first meeting with an attorney, don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as possible. This includes inquiries about what you should expect, how much it will cost and anything else you are wondering about. You’ll want to be as comfortable in this process as you can be, and asking questions can help.

Meeting With A New Attorney

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Bobe & Snell Team

Our team of courteous and friendly staff is able to provide you with a high quality legal consultation. When you make contact with us for the first time, there are a few questions which we will ask you. This is important because it helps us know more about you and how you got injured. Most interestingly, we don’t charge our customers for this first consultation.

The Bobe & Snell Team

Monday, October 12, 2015

Our Law Firm

Our law firm provides excellent representation to clients who want to get paid for physical or medical damage that occurred at the office. We have been in business for a long time helping clients claim their rights in form of money that will allow them to return to their lives with some semblance of normalcy.

Our Law Firm

Friday, October 9, 2015

Workers" Compensation Eligibility

In order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you must be an “employee,” with two limited exceptions. Crewmembers on vessels and interstate railroad workers are ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits. If those types of employees get injured on the job, federal law requires them to sue their employers instead of receiving workers’ compensation benefits. For most other workers, their eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits is based on whether they are employees or independent contractors.

Workers" Compensation Eligibility

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Let Us Handle Your Workplace Injury Claim

Workplace Injury

Everybody looks forward to smooth sailing at work but sometimes the ideal situation is blurred by unprecedented workplace injuries. Workplace injury can be minor like a cut to the finger but things can be as serious as broken limbs or decapitation. Usually, your employer should compensate you for any injury that occurs at work but that doesn’t always happen. Some employers do not cooperate with workers who file injury claims and this lack of compassion often leads to loss of many people’s livelihoods. Some employees who dare file claims for workplace injury are usually threatened with termination contrary to the labor laws of many countries. If you have been hurt during work it would be nice to hire a good lawyer to help with the claims for compensation.

Medical Costs For Your Workplace Injury

Our law firm provides excellent representation to clients who want to get paid for physical or medical damage that occurred at the office. We have been in business for a long time helping clients claim their rights in form of money that will allow them to return to their lives with some semblance of normalcy. Besides physical injuries we also represent people who might have acquired diseases due to their working environment. People often fall sick on the job due to exposure to dust, chemicals and pathogens, calling for several visits to the hospital. We help such clients make claims that will cover medical costs and lost pay due to hospitalization or immobilization.

All our lawyers receive superior training on labor laws to ensure that all clients who come to us are properly represented. We also enlist private investigators to help us uncover more information about your workplace injuries in order to prepare a strong case that will turn things in your favor. We advise our clients to report any injuries to their employers as soon as they happen and follow that by filing claim form which a lawyer assigned to your case will review before filing.

We Can Help With Your Workplace Injury

Do not wallow in sadness over denied claims any longer but instead contact us for guidance on how to get paid for your workplace injury We will certainly package your claim in a way that you will get compensated as fast as possible so that you can go back to building your life. Our lawyers will compassionately listen to you and make necessary recommendations to help you get the best retribution for your suffering in the hands of unscrupulous employers.

Workplace Injury

Let Us Handle Your Workplace Injury Claim

Protecting Your Claim

If you receive a work-related injury or illness, immediately report it to your supervisor. If the injury or illness has gradually worsened over time (such as carpal tunnel syndrome), report it as soon as you think it was caused by your job. If you do not report your injury within a certain amount of time — usually within 30 days — you may lose your right to collect the workers’ compensation benefits to which you would otherwise have been entitled.

Protecting Your Claim

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Injuries Not Covered By Workers" Comp

An injury that occurs while you are traveling to and from your regular place of employment is not generally covered under workers’ compensation. Also, not all injuries that occur during work-related business travel will be covered under workers’ compensation. If, for example, you get injured while sightseeing or doing other non-business related activities during a business trip, that injury will generally not be covered.

Injuries Not Covered By Workers" Comp

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Workers" Compensation State Laws

The amount of benefits that you are entitled to receive to compensate you for your work-related injury or illness may be limited by the laws of your state. Each state has its own rules for how an injury should be compensated. Some states have a list that affixes a dollar amount for the type of injury. Other states mandate that compensation is based on a scale or rating of injuries or disabilities.

Workers" Compensation State Laws

Monday, October 5, 2015

Understanding Workers" Compensation

If you suffer a work-related injury or illness, you are probably entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The types of injuries covered by workers’ compensation include physical injuries, illnesses, and some psychological or stress-related injuries. These injuries or illnesses can occur at any time, so long as they are work-related.

Understanding Workers" Compensation

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Repetitive Strain Injuries

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), repetitive strain injuries are the nation’s most common and costly occupational health problem, affecting hundreds of thousands of American workers and costing more than $20 billion a year in workers’ compensation costs. In the past, if an injury didn’t result from an accident, there was no workers’ compensation claim. Those days are gone and now it is understood that cumulative trauma injuries and occupational injuries that develop over time are eligible for workers’ compensation. Even if an injury cannot be tied to a single event, workers’ compensation benefits can be claimed.

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Find the Right Workers" Compensation Attorney

How to Find the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you’re injured in a Workers’ Compensation accident in Georgia, it can be a very stressful situation. You’re in so much pain, yet there’s all this paperwork to fill out and medical appointments to attend. Worse yet, your claim might get denied or your benefit payments might be late. If this happens, you need to seek out a Workers’ Compensation attorney that will acknowledge and fight for your rights.

How to Find the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Many people don’t even know where to begin in terms of engaging a lawyer. With so many Workers’ Compensation attorneys out there, it’s hard to sort the bad from the good lawyers. Check out some insights here about how to find and hire the best Workers’ Compensation attorney for your case.

When looking through the Yellow Pages, you should never go with the first Workers’ Compensation attorney you see. In the case of the Yellow Pages, the first one you see might only be the one with the most money to throw at advertising, and not necessarily the best fit for you. If you want the best Workers’ Compensation attorney, you need to do your research. There are stories of people hiring attorneys that have actually has their licenses revoked for malpractice.

Talk to others about finding a good Workers’ Compensation attorney. When speaking with neighbors and loved ones, you may get great suggestions on lawyers that have succeeded with their cases. This can pay a lot of benefits down the road for you and it reduces your work.

Your local bar association, along with online reviews, can help your determine if a certain Workers’ Compensation attorney is the best choice. In the long run, the right lawyer can cut your costs significantly and give you a greater chance of success with your claim.

Never hire the very first Workers’ Compensation attorney that you interview. Ensure you thoroughly research all your options. Not doing so can be disastrous! Always ask a lot of questions about the attorney’s background and availability. You want to make sure that the attorney has a strong background in the case law of the state in which your injury occurred. You also want to make sure that the attorney is available at most times of the day to take your calls. After all, you’re not going to pay for an inaccessible attorney.

Before you hire your lawyer, check their record for complaints. One or two small complaints should not influence your opinion; however, if they have multiple complaints, you need to find another lawyer.

For the right Workers’ Compensation attorney that understands your rights and fights to get you the best result, look no further than Bobe and Snell Law Office.

Workers Compensation attorney

How to Find the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney

How to Find the Right Workers" Compensation Attorney

Workers Compensation Claim

If you were injured on the job and believe you are entitled to workers’ compensation, a workers’ compensation lawyer can help. Workers’ compensation lawyers can assist with matters arising out of workplace injuries — including back and spine injuries and construction-related accidents.

Workers Compensation Claim

Monday, September 28, 2015

What We Do

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace. Contact us today for your consultation.

What We Do

Brain Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know has a traumatic brain injury, the successful outcome of a lawsuit may help compensate for expenses involving permanent disability, income loss and mental distress. Traumatic brain injuries that result in a fatality may be grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit.

Brain Injury Attorney

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Test Link from

Friday, September 25, 2015

Fired After Workplace Injury

You cannot be fired for getting injured on the job and filing a workers’ compensation claim But you can be fired for other reasons. All the boss has to do is present that termination in legal terms. Your employer may say your dismissal is based on poor performance or financial difficulties, and that is technically permissible. Your employer simply cannot blame the firing on the injury. At-will employees can be terminated at any time as long as it is not a discriminatory or retaliatory act. Still, if you are fired and it smells fishy, you should contact us today.

Fired After Workplace Injury

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Injured On The Job

Workers’ compensation is an injured worker’s “exclusive remedy” with respect to a work-related injury, unless he or she can point to a third party who contributed to his or her injuries. For example, because workers are often injured by products or machinery they use at work, they may, and often do, seek compensation from the manufacturers of such products.

Injured On The Job

Back & Neck Injuries

Of all the types of soft tissue injuries caused by car accidents, whiplash is by far the most common. The proper medical terms for whiplash are cervical strain/sprain or hyperextension injury. Whiplash occurs when the impact from a rear end collision forces your head and neck to move back and forth violently. If you were involved in an auto accident call us today.

Back & Neck Injuries

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Not Covered By Workers Comp

If you’re not covered by workers’ comp insurance, you may have to file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. Talk to a workers’ compensation attorney or personal injury lawyer for help understanding whether you’re entitled to compensation and how you can obtain it.

Not Covered By Workers Comp

Monday, September 21, 2015

Type Of Workers Comp Injuries

The types of injuries compensable under workers’ comp are those which can be connected in some way to an employment requirement or condition. Examples might include lung cancer resulting from second-hand smoke at a restaurant that permits smoking, carpal tunnel syndrome caused by too many consecutive hours at the computer, or a sprained ankle after falling from a telephone pole.

Type Of Workers Comp Injuries

Friday, September 18, 2015

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Workers and employees in Atlanta who were injured on the job often depend on assistance from the business while they recuperate. Long-term consequences of your injury including permanent disability also means reduced ability to work. Sadly, don’t assume all workers who deserve compensation have it from other bosses without delay. We can help. Call us today

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Workplace Injury Attorney

A lot can go wrong at work. Luckily most of these incidents do not lead to serious injury. In many other cases, workers sustain life threatening injuries from an accident at work. This can lead to a lot of pain and suffering, or even permanent disability and death. Let us help you get what you deserve.

Workplace Injury Attorney

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Medical Benefits Attorney

It’s no secret that medical care can be expensive at the best of times. However, when you are unable to work because of an accident, fall, or slip on the job, you might not have the income to pay for your medical bills. That’s where we can help. We specialize in Medical Benefits Law in the Georgia area, and have helped clients get back on their feet after they have experienced an accident or injury at work.

Medical Benefits Attorney

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Charlotte Computer Repair Technician | Computer Doc

Workers" Compensation Lawyer

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace. Find out how we can help you. Contact our offices today.

Workers" Compensation Lawyer

Monday, September 14, 2015

Workers Compensation Attorney

In case you are being affected by your workers’ compensation or are unsure concerning how to proceed with the entire process of building a claim, give us a call now, With years of experience in helping clients claim the benefits they deserve, we can easily give you sound legal advice and assistance when you elect to launch an insurance claim for the compensation that is due to you. Call Bobe & Snell today.

Workers Compensation Attorney

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disability

All workers whatever your line of work, you are entitled for work compensation and benefits. There are a lot of perks when you can perform and do your job properly, but in order for you to do that, your safety is also a priority. Every workers are entitled for a compensation and benefits, and that includes the Permanent Total Disability benefits.

Permanent Total Disability

There are a lot of victims of workplace injuries, that may cause immobility issues for a long period of time, or may completely never go away. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide and cover the injured workers’ needs. However, there are certain qualifications and policies that you must know to make sure that you are covered and protected with this certain benefit.

If you are permanently, totally disabled as a result due to work-related injury, you will likely be entitled for a certain benefit that your employer or employer’s insurance has contracted. Before that, you have to present a document or evidence, proving that you are permanently disabled and not fit to work due to the injury you got at work. You are covered with medical benefits, to aid your expenses with the medication, hospitalization, and treatments, but if this injury resulted to permanent disability, the physician who attended you will give a notice advising your employer regarding with your impairment. Your employer will then assigned an impairment rating, the benefit for this case varies on what part of your body has been injured, then you will be provided with your total benefit. An injured worker have to receive a 100% rating to be qualified for a Permanent Total Disability, 1 to 99 % disability rating is considered as Permanent Partial Disability which has a different benefit qualification or procedure. There are cases such as the employer’s insurer may conduct a settlement with the injured worker’s claim through lump sum payment, when the lump sump is considered, depending on the rating and occupation involved.

If you are having difficulty collecting your Permanent Total Disability, contact Bobe and Snell – we’ll fight for your rights and ensure that you get the benefits you deserve.


Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disability

Friday, September 11, 2015

Personal Injury Compensation

You deserve to receive compensation for your personal injury, no matter its severity. There are many things involved in a personal injury case that you may be unaware of. Set up your consultation today.

Personal Injury Compensation

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Suffering From A Workplace Injury

Our lawyers at Bobe & Snell can help you every step of the way, no matter what type of injury you suffer in the workplace. Contact us today.

Suffering From A Workplace Injury

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Filing A Workers" Comp Claim

Having an Atlanta workers’ comp claim can be a stressful experience. Contact our office today to ensure your rights are protected. 407.268.5802

Filing A Workers" Comp Claim

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Lost Income Benefits Attorney

Securing expert legal services is highly advisable if you are facing a contentious lost benefits claim. Representing yourself in such matters may leave you at a major disadvantage. We can help. Contact our offices today.

Lost Income Benefits Attorney

Friday, September 4, 2015

Workplace Injuries

Employees injured on the job or in a work-related accident should take steps to protect their rights. The first step is to receive medical attention and begin the Workers’ Compensation process by filing a claim. The claim will enable you to seek compensation through medical benefits and wage loss benefits.

Workplace Injuries

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wrongful Death Lawsuit

When a person dies as the result of someone else’s negligence, recklessness or deliberate action, surviving family members can file a civil wrongful death claim or lawsuit. For instance, wrongful death may occur as a result of negligence or intent when a victim dies in a traffic accident, a slip-and-fall accident or due to medical negligence, etc.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hiring An Attorney

If you’ve been injured in an accident, one of the most important steps that you can take following the accident is to have an experienced, respected attorney represent you. A good lawyer will deal with the present while preparing for the future. From investigating a claim to filing a lawsuit, they will answer your questions and fight for a settlement that will help you heal and rebuild your life. Also, many attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis, so they only get paid if you get paid.

Hiring An Attorney

Monday, August 31, 2015

Construction Workers Injuries

More than half of annual construction worker deaths are caused by falling, being struck by an object, electrocution, or being caught in or in between objects. While falls are by far the most deadly injury in construction work (34.6%), electrocution deaths and injuries are not a statistic to be ignored.

Construction Workers Injuries

Saturday, August 29, 2015

What Does Workers" Compensation Provide For?

What Does Workers’ Compensation Provide For?

Workers in Georgia are ensured and are entitled with workers’ compensation when they are hurt while at work. Aside from the cash benefit they would get for assistance, there are other different types of benefits an injured worker or employee.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Provide For?

An employee’s benefits refers to the compensation to supplement the wages or salaries. Some of these includes life insurance, sick and paid leave, housing, profit sharing, child care benefits, bonuses, life insurance, medical and dental insurance, retirement plan, and short-term and long-term disability insurance.

An injured worker is covered by workers’ compensation which includes medical treatment with the expenses shouldered by the employer or the company’s insurance. The types of cash benefits one could get are Total Temporary Disability (TTD), Total Partial Disability (TPD), and Permanent Partial Disability (PPD), these are effective when the employee misses work due to injury or permanently injured. The cash benefit one could get depending on what type of disability the worker has, and the amount may vary on the average weekly wage, and other figures including salary, hourly pay, tips, meal allowances, lodging allowances, clothing allowances, and year-end bonuses. But still depending on how much the employee have worked in the 13 weeks before the injury, then all of the figures will be calculated.

Furthermore, medical/health insurance will provide you medical care and rehabilitation to help you get return to work. An employee may choose with the list of certified doctors that their employer has posted, that is to ensure the effectiveness of the doctor who will attend and provide you the right treatment for your injury. And your accredited doctor bills, hospital bills, prescriptions, therapy, and necessary travel expenses will be shouldered if the injury was caused by an accident while the employee is on the job or on duty.

An employee is also entitled for a weekly income benefits if the employee has missed work for more than seven days due to an injury, and the first check should be mailed within twenty-one (21) days after the first day the employee missed work. This is to assist the injured employee’s financial needs while he is recovering the accident or injury.

If you’ve been denied any Workers’ Compensation benefits or you have questions about your entitlement to benefits, call Bobe and Snell law offices at 470-268-5802.


What Does Workers Compensation Provide For?

What Does Workers" Compensation Provide For?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Workers" Compensation Process

If you’ve been injured at work or are suffering from a work-related illness, you may qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits. There are specific procedures that you must go through in order to be considered for Workers’ Compensation benefits. The first step to receiving benefits is to file your claim. The process for filing varies from state to state, so it’s important to know the process in your home state. At least in the state of Georgia, if you do not file a claim within 30 days of the initial injury, then it could result in a denial of your claim.

Workers" Compensation Process

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Personal Injury Lawyer

Being injured and out of work is extremely frustrating. It is more frustrating when someone else is the cause of this. We can help you through the process of filing your claim. Call us today 470.268.5802

Personal Injury Lawyer

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Workers" Compensation Attorney

Bobe & Snell offer workers compensation legal advice and representation in Atlanta, Alpharetta and surrounding areas. Call 470.268.5802

Workers" Compensation Attorney

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Medical Benefits Attorney

We can help. We specialize as Alpharetta Medical Benefits Lawyers in the Georgia area, and have helped clients get back on their feet after they have experienced an accident or injury at work. Call us today

Medical Benefits Attorney

Monday, August 24, 2015

Work Related Injury

You must notify your employer that you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, as it is the first step to initiating a Workers’ Compensation claim. The employer will have you fill out forms to be submitted to the insurance company. Some state define a clear time-frame for notifying your employer, while others state that it should be done as soon as possible. If you live in a state where the Workers’ Compensation claims are handled by a state agency, you must provide notice to the state agency that you intend to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Work Related Injury

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Mental conditions can sometimes be covered by workers’ comp if you can prove the mental or psychiatric problem was primarily caused by your work.

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Friday, August 21, 2015

Licensed Mediator

Did you know that Glenn Bobe is a licensed mediator and available for dispute and/or settlement resolution of your Workers’ Compensation claim? Contact Bobe & Snell to inquire or retain his mediator services.

Licensed Mediator

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Workers Compensation

Workers’ compensation laws protect people who are injured on the job. They are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards, eliminating the need for litigation.

Workers Compensation

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What We Do

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace. Contact us today for your consultation.

What We Do

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Auto Accident Attorney

With years of experience in assisting clients claim the benefits they deserve, we can offer you sound legal advice and assistance.

Auto Accident Attorney

Monday, August 17, 2015

Catastrophic Accident Lawyer‬

The safety of workers is by law a duty of the employer. Any injury, disability, or death, should therefore be compensated by the employer’s insurer. However, there are instances where the worker may face a much lower compensation award

Catastrophic Accident Lawyer‬

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Head And Brain Injury Attorney

Whether you have suffered damaged to the brain, a head injury, or concussion, we can help you to pursue a claim. Contact us today

Head And Brain Injury Attorney

Friday, August 14, 2015

Wrongful Death Attorney

We make sure that you are well compensated for the damage done by the wrongful death of your loved one. Call our offices today

Wrongful Death Attorney

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Involved In A Legal Dispute

Surely you want to select the best attorney you can. Many times, people believe that great lawyers are impossible to find, or they simply cost too much. While in some cases this is true, you don’t have to be made of money to find a quality lawyer. Call us today

Involved In A Legal Dispute

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Starting the Workers" Compensation Process

Starting the Workers’ Compensation Process

If you’ve been injured at work or are suffering from a work-related illness, you may qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits. There are specific procedures that you must go through in order to be considered for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

The first step to receiving benefits is to file your claim. The process for filing varies from state to state, so it’s important to know the process in your home state.

At least in the state of Georgina, if you do not file a claim within 30 days of the initial injury, then it could result in a denial of your claim.

When to File for Workers’ Comp

In a perfect world, your claim would be filed immediately after your injury, but not all injuries are not that obvious. Sometimes you may not know what happened and you have pain a few days later. In these situations, it can sometimes be difficult to prove your case. This is when some people are forced to get an attorney.

Providing Notice of an Injury or Illness

You must notify your employer that you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, as it is the first step to initiating a Workers’ Compensation claim. The employer will have you fill out forms to be submitted to the insurance company. Some state define a clear time-frame for notifying your employer, while others state that it should be done as soon as possible.

If you live in a state where the Workers’ Compensation claims are handled by a state agency, you must provide notice to the state agency that you intend to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Next Steps in Workers’ Compensation Process

Once you’ve notified your employer and completed the necessary insurance paperwork, the insurance company will conduct an investigation. You may be asked to provide witness statements and wage verification at some point. It’s important that you get the information to them as soon as possible to prevent a delay in your benefits.

You may also need to go to arranged doctor’s appointments and have different tests completed as part of the investigation. Even if you’ve already sought medical treatment on your own, the insurance carrier may require an independent assessment of your condition from another doctor.

If you need help understanding Workers’ Compensation process in Georgia, contact Bobe and Snell Workers’ Compensation Attorneys.


Starting the Workers Compensation Process

Starting the Workers" Compensation Process

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lost Income Benefits

Workers compensation laws throughout the country ensure that any worker injured in the course of employment is adequately compensated.

Lost Income Benefits

Monday, August 10, 2015

Construction Accident Attorney

After treatment of your construction related injury or illness, your compensation lawyer will work with a team of doctors to assess the effects of your construction accident on your ability to work effectively and efficiently as before

Construction Accident Attorney

Friday, July 31, 2015

Workers Comp Claim

An injured worker has 30 days to initially report their injury, so if the injured worker waits, the claim has already been delayed. It’s important to file your claim as soon as you’re injured to get the process started. The sooner your file your claim, the sooner it can be settled.

Workers Comp Claim

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Workers Compensation Rights

Different states have different laws regarding worker’s compensation rights. There may be some similarities in the laws of each state, it is still best to consult laws from an Atlanta workers compensation attorney who specialize in the state. An employee who has recently been injured or having problems with worker’s compensation claim would need compensation attorney to represent and interpret employee’s compensation laws.

Workers Compensation Rights

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Meeting Your Attorney

During your first meeting with an attorney, don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as possible. This includes inquiries about what you should expect, how much it will cost and anything else you are wondering about. You’ll want to be as comfortable in this process as you can be, and asking questions can help.

Meeting Your Attorney

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Statute of Limitations in Georgia Workers" Compensation

Statute of Limitations in Georgia Workers’ Compensation

The term, “statute of limitations” refers to the amount of time in which you have to file something, whether it be a police report or a lawsuit. It’s easy to remember by it’s abbreviation…SOL….because once the statute of limitations runs out, that’s exactly what you are.

Workers’ Compensation is no different. There’s a statute of limitations for almost everything related to the claim. There are two different types of statutes of limitations in Georgia Workers’ Compensation: the all issues SOL and the change in condition SOL.

All Issues Statute of Limitations

When you first get injured at work, the all issues statute of limitations applies. The all issues statute only applies if the employer isn’t currently paying weekly income benefits. Even if the employer is paying for medical treatment currently, if they are not paying income benefits, the all issues statute still applies.

Three measuring periods encompass the all issues statute of limitations:

1) One year from the date of injury. This is not the same as one year from the date of accident. This means the clock for the statute of limitations starts ticking once the injury manifests itself.

2) One year from the last medical treatment paid for by the employer. Every time you go to the doctor to receive treatment, the statute restarts.

3) Two years from the last payment of weekly income benefits.  If you received weekly income benefits from the employer, you have two years from that last payment to file your claim. Every time you receive a payment, the statute restarts.

In the event of an occupational disease, you have one year from the date you became aware you had the disease to file a claim. You have a maximum of seven years from the last time you were exposed to this material to file a claim. So if your symptoms manifest more than seven years after the exposure, you cannot file a claim.

Change in Condition Statute of Limitations

Under Georgia law, a change of condition is defined as ” “a change in the wage-earning capacity, physical condition, or status of an employee or other beneficiary covered by this chapter, which change must have occurred after the date on which the wage-earning capacity, physical condition or status of the employee or other beneficiary was last established by award or otherwise.” The injured worker has two years from the date of the last income benefit payment or four years from the last PPD payment to file a claim for change in condition.

Have a question about statute of limitations that hasn’t been answered in this article? Call Bobe and Snell Law Office for a free consultation!

 statute of limitations

Statute of Limitations in Georgia Workers’ Compensation

Statute of Limitations in Georgia Workers" Compensation

Medical Treatment For Workers Comp

One of the issues that every injured worker faces in their Georgia Workers’ Compensation claim revolves around medical treatment. After an authorized treating physician has been assigned to the claim, it is very import for the injured worker to be involved in their treatment and to follow the advice of their medical providers.

Medical Treatment For Workers Comp

Monday, July 27, 2015

Personal Injury Lawyer

Filing a personal injury suit is a challenging, often prolonged experience. So, your attorney must be experienced in this field. Find someone that has won several personal injury cases to ensure that your case is properly handled.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Statute Of Limitations & Workers Comp

Occasionally there are extenuating circumstances under which exceptions or extensions can be made regarding statutes of limitations for workers compensation cases. But if you have been hurt or injured on the job, time obviously is of the essence. A great first step is to consult with an attorney who is knowledgeable about the workers compensation laws in your state.

Statute Of Limitations & Workers Comp

Friday, July 24, 2015

Bobe & Snell 25 Years Experience

The Law Office of Bobe & Snell is dedicated to providing superior representation with skilled and experienced attorneys to either pursue your rights under the Workers’ Compensation Act or defend your interests as an uninsured or insured employer. With over 25 years experience, Bobe & Snell are ready, willing, and able to provide you with the best representation possible.

Bobe & Snell 25 Years Experience

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Death Claim Lawyers

The main aim of the workers’ compensation death claims is to compensate the people who have suffered a loss.  Do not hold back, get the help of experienced lawyers and have peace of mind. This is how workers compensation attorneys help with death claims. 470.268.5802.

Death Claim Lawyers

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lawsuits & Tramatic Brain Injury

If you or someone you know has a traumatic brain injury, the successful outcome of a lawsuit may help compensate for expenses involving permanent disability, income loss and mental distress. Traumatic brain injuries that result in a fatality may be grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit.

Lawsuits & Tramatic Brain Injury

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Slip & Fall Injury Lawyer

We can help you receive the compensation benefits that you are entitled to after an accident occurred.  If you would like more information on how workers compensation attorneys help with on the job, slip & fall, don’t hesitate to contact us today.470.268.5802

Slip & Fall Injury Lawyer

Monday, July 20, 2015

Construction Accident Lawyer

In case you are involved in a moderate to serious injury or fall sick as a result of your work call 470.268.5802. With several Atlanta construction accident lawyer available, it is important to select one who is reputable and has a good history of winning compensation claims.

Construction Accident Lawyer

Friday, July 17, 2015

Your Worker"s Compensation Attorneys

Atlanta Workers Compensation Lawyer Getting the compensation you deserve in Atlanta Attorney Over 25 years experience We get the results you deserve 470.268.5802

Your Worker"s Compensation Attorneys

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Not Covered By Workers Compensation

If you’re not covered by workers’ comp insurance, you may have to file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. Talk to a workers’ compensation attorney or personal injury lawyer for help understanding whether you’re entitled to compensation and how you can obtain it.

Not Covered By Workers Compensation

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Appealing Your Workers Comp Claim

Some states have review boards that review your claim; in others the appeal is heard before an administrative law judge. If the review is denied, the next step is an appeal to the Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals or other appeals board, depending on your state. Call us today to learn more 470.268.5802

Appealing Your Workers Comp Claim

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Federal Employees & Workers Comp

Federal government employees, those who worked on nuclear weapons, maritime workers, and coal miners would be covered under one of several federal workers’ compensation programs. Call us today to find out more 470.268.5802

Federal Employees & Workers Comp

Sunday, July 12, 2015

How Long Does a Workers" Compensation Claim Take?

How Long Does a Workers’ Compensation Claim Take?

It’s important that when you do something, that you do it right the first time.  This is why you don’t want to rush your Workers’ Compensation claim.

The amount of time that it takes to go through a Workers’ Compensation depends on the nature of the case. For example, a claim for a finger laceration can be a lot less time than a low back injury.

An injured worker has 30 days to initially report their injury, so if the injured worker waits, the claim has already been delayed. It’s important to file your claim as soon as you’re injured to get the process started. The sooner your file your claim, the sooner it can be settled.

How long will my claim take to get accepted?

According to the law of the state of Georgia, the insurance company has 21 days to investigate your claim. They will accept or deny your claim at that point. This is the norm, but there are exceptions to every norm. Sometimes the insurance company can take up to six months or more to investigate and accept or deny the claim. If the insurance company takes longer than three weeks to investigate and make a decision on your claim, it’s advised that you seek a consultation with a Georgia Workers’ Compensation attorney to protect your rights.

How long it takes for a non-litigated case depends on the injury and whether or not light duty is available. If it’s a minor injury and light duty is available, then the claim may only take several weeks from beginning to end. If it’s a more complicated injury like a fracture or a herniated disc and light duty isn’t available, then the claim could take several months or more.

If a claim is contested or litigated, then it could extend the shelf life of the claim by anywhere from a few months. If an Independent Medical Examination is warranted, then it could be a few month’s wait until the injured worker is able to see the doctor.  The ligation could take anywhere from 8 to 12 months. The trial itself is spread out over the course of several months, and can be quite exhaustive.

After the claim is settled, it can be a few months before you receive your settlement benefits. The attorney should constantly be reminding about payment if 14 days have gone by since the settlement award has been issued and no payment has been made.

There are cases when an injured worker is permanently and totally disabled. In this case, their claim never really ends because they will always have some sort of medical treatment. Especially in these cases, it’s important to have an attorney that you can trust like Bobe and Snell.


How Long Does a Workers’ Compensation Claim Take?

How Long Does a Workers" Compensation Claim Take?

Friday, July 10, 2015

Injured On The Job

If you’re injured while at work or develop a job-related occupational disease, you should notify your employer as quickly as possible. You should promptly seek medical treatment for your injury. Make sure to tell the doctor that your injury occurred on the job or in connection with your job. Once you’ve sought medical treatment for your injury or disease, you should consider contacting a workers’ comp lawyer to help guide you through the process of applying for workers’ compensation.

Injured On The Job

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Workers Compensation Lawyer

Georgia Workers Compensation lawyer If you are facing serious work related discrimination or you feel you have a case, you need to hire an attorney. Contact our office now.



Workers Compensation Lawyer

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Psychological Injury Attorney

Psychological stress after an injury can lead to behavioral changes, insomnia, mental illness, and disability. Unfortunately, they can also be easily contested by an insurer, leading to inadequate, or no compensation. Let our experienced attorneys to help you today

Psychological Injury Attorney

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Workplace Injuries

Most injuries that can be classified as work-related are those that occur at the workplace, but also may occur in company-owned trucks and other locations as long as the employee was doing something connected to his or her job. This includes company parties and other social events sponsored by an employer, but not necessarily on company-owned property.

Workplace Injuries

Friday, July 3, 2015

Workmans Comp Attorneys

Georgia Workers Compensation lawyer If you are facing serious work related discrimination or you feel you have a case, you need to hire an attorney. Call us today 470.268.5802

Workmans Comp Attorneys

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Workers" Comp: Employers" Responsibilities

In most states, employers are required to purchase insurance for their employees from a workers’ compensation insurance carrier. In some states, larger employers who are clearly solvent are allowed to self-insure, or act as their own insurance companies, while smaller companies (with fewer than three or four employees) are not required to carry workers’ compensation insurance at all. When a worker is injured, his or her claim is filed with the insurance company, or self-insuring employer, who pays medical and disability benefits according to a state-approved formula. Unless they fall within limited, exempt categories, employers without workers’ compensation insurance are subject to fines, criminal prosecution, and civil liability

Workers" Comp: Employers" Responsibilities

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Medical Benefits Attorney

A common misconception is that states pay out workers’ compensation benefits when, in fact, it is private insurance companies. Employers are required by law to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover employees in case they are injured on the job. Much like personal auto or fire insurance claims, workers’ compensation claims are handled by an adjuster from the insurance company and the company pays out any benefits.

Medical Benefits Attorney

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Workplace Safety & The Law

Workers across the country may be exposed to both visible and invisible hazards in their workplace. This is true whether they work at a construction site or in a relatively safe office. Fortunately, workers are protected by a group of laws requiring employers to provide their employees with a safe workplace and protective gear, if necessary.

Workplace Safety & The Law

Monday, June 29, 2015

Read These Tips To Find The Right Lawyer For You.

There are many instances when a lawyer might be necessary. If you have not hired a lawyer before, things can quickly become overwhelming. There are quite a few items to keep in mind, including payment structures, communication, and more. The following tips will help you learn what sorts of things to expect with regards to lawyers.

Don’t choose the first lawyer you find. Your research needs to be done well, because you’ll have to pay dearly if you don’t do it. Speak to others and see what you can figure out about lawyers that interest you.

Always request information related to fees when hiring a lawyer. Not all lawyers cost the same and their fees can differ significantly. You want to be aware of how much you are going to spend upfront. You don’t want to hire an attorney who you are not going to be able to afford.

Why not have a lawyer ready to go in case something happens by putting one on retainer? By having a lawyer on retainer, you will not have to spend time finding an attorney should an issue arise. If you have an attorney on retainer, you’ll have someone to turn to for expert advice.

Before looking for a lawyer, define your question. The first step is to figure out if you actually require a lawyer. You will need an attorney if you’re going through a divorce, are being sued, or you are charged with criminal activity. Even though one of these subjects may not apply to you, it is still good to have a lawyer you can speak with regarding financial or business problems.

While it may seem like hiring a lawyer that’s a specialist can be a waste of your money, it may not be after all is said and done. They’ll take less time to complete your case than a general lawyer would, thanks to all the learning he’d have to do at your expense.

You should be prepared for exactly what occurs when you do hire an attorney. Be sure and implement the tips mentioned earlier the next time you need a lawyer. It’s good advice and it will allow you to have a less stressful experience that goes smoothly.

Medical Benefits

free attorney consultations

Read These Tips To Find The Right Lawyer For You.

Information to Bring to a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Information to Bring to a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you have a Workers’ Compensation claim, you are often under a lot of stress.  You must not only deal with healing from an injury, but you must also deal with a loss of income. It’s important to know your legal rights when you’re filing a Workers’ Compensation claim. This is why you want to consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney as soon as you are injured.

Meeting with your Workers’ Compensation Attorney for the first time can be very anxiety-provoking if you aren’t fully organized and prepared. Neither you nor your attorney wants to waste time or money, so it’s best to know what you should bring to your Workers’ Compensation Attorney when you see them for the first time.

Things to Have Before Meeting with Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney

  • Your contact information: Make sure that you provide your attorney with your home and work addresses. Also provide your Workers’ Compensation Attorney with all your phone and fax numbers where you can be reached both in the day and in the evening. Finally, provide the best email address at which to reach you.

  • The exact name of your employer

  • Your date of hire

  • A written statement of how your injury occurred. Be as thorough and specific as possible.

  • The location of the injury, whether it was in a vehicle, in the workstation, etc.

  • Your manager that you reported the injury to and their contact information.

  • Witness statements.

  • A list of medical providers that your visited for your injury. Include them in chronological order. Also make sure that you include their name, contact information, dates of treatment, diagnosis, types of treatment, test and lab results and information on future medical appointments.

  • Complete information on the Workers’ Compensation insurer. Make sure you include names of adjustors and contact information, as well as the case number for your file. Bring any other information from the insurer that you might think of as important, including determination of claim letters and other correspondence.

  • If light duty is available and you returned to work, include the return-to-work date.

  • Documentation on past injuries, regardless of work-relatedness.

  • Paystubs or other documentation supporting your wages.

  • Your employee handbook

  • A list of expenses that you’ve incurred as a result of your claim.

If you have these things when you go to your first meeting with your Georgia Workers’ Compensation attorney, you’ll be well-prepared and set up for success!



Information to Bring to a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Need Help With A Workers Compensation Matter

If you were injured on the job and believe you are entitled to workers’ compensation, a workers’ compensation lawyer can help. Workers’ compensation lawyers can assist with matters arising out of workplace injuries — including back and spine injuries and construction-related accidents.

Need Help With A Workers Compensation Matter

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Spinal cord injury lawsuits and insurance claims require the experienced guidance and support of a personal injury attorney.  There are several risks to taking on the case you own that you likely can’t afford to take given your need for compensation.  Spinal injuries require extensive, and expensive, treatment and rehabilitation, and a lawyer will help you get the compensation you need and deserve.

Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Friday, June 26, 2015

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Every year, approximately 1.8 million workers suffer on-the-job musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, nerve damage, and debilitating shoulder and back pain. Many occur as a result of sitting in front of a computer all day and either not having a well-designed work station or not taking enough rest breaks

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Thursday, June 25, 2015

On The Job Back Or Neck Injuries

If you have suffered a back injury while on the job, you may be able to recover money beyond your worker’s compensation.  Depending on the cause and circumstances of the accident, you can collect worker’s comp from your employer and additional damages from other responsible parties.  Legal action arising from a job-related injury can be complicated so call us today.

On The Job Back Or Neck Injuries

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Construction Accidents

When a construction worker is injured on the job, he or she cannot, in most instances, sue the employer for work-related injuries. A third party, however, could be liable for negligence when an injury occurs on the job site. Even if the worker is injured due to his or her own carelessness, compensation is available in most states through the Workers Compensation Act.

Construction Accidents

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lost Income Benefits Attorney

Financial benefits are important while you are unable to work, but no amount of money is more important than your good health. If you have been injured at work, you will be eligible for medical benefits to cover your doctor bills and rehabilitation costs.

Lost Income Benefits Attorney

Bobe & Snell - Our Philosophy

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Bobe & Snell - Our Philosophy

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Workplace Injuries

If you are injured at work, you should consider having your case evaluated by an attorney to make sure that you are receiving all of the workers’ compensation benefits that you are entitled to obtain, and to see if you have a claim against a third party for the injuries you suffered.

Workplace Injuries

Friday, June 19, 2015

Workers" Compensation - What Is It

By most definition, workers’ compensation is an insurance which provides wage replacement and medical assistance and benefits to employees who are injured or became ill during their employment in a company. In exchange of filing a lawsuit against a company, employees have the right to demand for workers’ compensation.

Workers" Compensation - What Is It

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Questions About Your Claim

If you have been seriously injured, are not receiving the benefits you deserve, are considering a settlement, or have questions about your claim, you should contact Bobe & Snell today.

Questions About Your Claim

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hiring A Workers Comp Attorney

When you’ve filed a Workers’ Compensation claim, sometimes the insurance company doesn’t treat you as you should be treated. Sometimes the insurance company might unexpectedly deny your claim, withhold benefits, or delay your medical treatment. In this event, you need to consult with a Workers’ Compensation attorney.

Hiring A Workers Comp Attorney

Monday, June 15, 2015

Tired Of Dealing With Claim Forms?

If you’re overwhelmed by your claim forms and don’t know where to turn, contact Georgia attorney Bobe and Snell! 470.268.5802

Tired Of Dealing With Claim Forms?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

About Bobe & Snell

Glenn Bobe and Jeff Snell have over 25 years experience in handling Georgia Workers’ Compensation claims. Over those 25 years, Bobe & Snell have represented both insurance companies, uninsured employers, and injured workers.

About Bobe & Snell

Friday, June 12, 2015

Are You Suffering From A Back Injury

Back injuries may involve spinal disc problems or extreme pain in the lower back. We are based in the Georgia area and understand the legal processes in the state – our expertise can help you pursue a claim for workers compensation benefits.

Are You Suffering From A Back Injury

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Personal Injury Victim

Have you become a personal injury victim? It happens to many thousands of Americans each year. On top of that, those who have suffered from these injuries have to go to court to deal with the legal aspects of it. We can make it easier. Contact our offices today.

Personal Injury Victim

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Compensation And Personal Injury

You deserve to receive compensation for your personal injury, no matter its severity. There are many things involved in a personal injury case that you may be unaware of. Set up your consultation today.

Compensation And Personal Injury

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney more than 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported in 2014. – Call BS get your medical benefits 470.268.5802

Medical Benefits Attorney

Monday, June 8, 2015

Legal Problems Have You Down?

Socked With Legal Problems? Get An Attorney To Help You – Bobe and Snell Law Office  – Atlanta’s Best

Legal Problems Have You Down?

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Atlanta Wrongful Death Attorney

Atlanta wrongful death attorney helps you determine whether your case can be successful by making sure all wrongful death elements are present on the claim. Get your consultation today.

Atlanta Wrongful Death Attorney

Friday, June 5, 2015

Workplace Injuries

Our lawyers at Bobe and Snell can help you every step of the way, no matter what type of injury you suffer in the workplace. Contact us today.

Workplace Injuries

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Need To File A Workers Comp Claim?

Having an Atlanta workers’ comp claim can be a stressful experience. Contact our office today to ensure your rights are protected. 407.268.5802

Need To File A Workers Comp Claim?

Monday, June 1, 2015

BackSmart Health Cumming Chiropractor Dr Gregory King

Alpharetta Catastrophic Accidents Lawyer

Our lawyers are very experienced with compensation claims. They understand the law, insurance practices, and tactics. That is how workers compensation attorneys help with catastrophic accidents in the best possible way.

Alpharetta Catastrophic Accidents Lawyer

Alpharetta Psychological Injuries Lawyers

Lawyers can effectively prevent insurers from running rough shod over workers with psychological injury claims. These cases require legal expertise, supported by expert testimonies from psychologists and other medical experts.

Alpharetta Psychological Injuries Lawyers

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Workers Compensation Injured Workers

Injured workers have experienced in the last several years a massive effort to limit workers compensation benefits. This has directly harmed decent hard working people and their families. Improper medical care and attention, and the reduction of benefits have resulted in poverty, depression, and second class status for those whose only crime is that they were injured on the job.

Workers Compensation Injured Workers

Friday, May 29, 2015

Attorneys Help With Lost Income Benefits

Securing expert legal services is highly advisable if you are facing a contentious lost benefits claim. Representing yourself in such matters may leave you at a major disadvantage.

Attorneys Help With Lost Income Benefits

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Why You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

When you or your loved one suffer an injury as the result of somebody else’s action, perhaps it seems natural that the person would offer to compensate you for your injury, or that their insurance company will do the right thing and offer a fair settlement. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.

Why You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Medical Benefits & Choice of Physician In Georgia

Full medical benefits are provided to employees entitled to worker’s compensation benefits, with no time or monetary limits. The employee’s choice of physician is by selection from a list maintained by the employer. Physical and vocational rehabilitation benefits are available.

Medical Benefits & Choice of Physician In Georgia

Monday, May 25, 2015

What Is A "Lien" On An Injury Case?

Sometimes a work-related injury will support both a workers compensation claim and a personal injury action. Within the context of workers’ compensation, when it is said that a workers compensation insurer has placed a “lien” on a file, it means that they have registered a claim to be reimbursed out of the proceeds of the personal injury litigation for certain expenditures they made on behalf of the injured worker.

What Is A "Lien" On An Injury Case?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Workers Compensation Benefit Cuts

Many states have been passing laws in recent years that significantly cut benefits to injured workers, even though the costs of workers’ compensation to businesses are lower than they’ve been in decades.

Workers Compensation Benefit Cuts

Friday, May 22, 2015

Workers Compensation And The Economy

The workers’ compensation industry must contend with a fast-growing on-demand economy where jobs are filled via apps and more employees are temporary contractors. On-demand economy that includes temporary drivers, laborers, property owners-turned-landlords and independent professionals is transforming the American workforce and the insurance industry.

Workers Compensation And The Economy

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Workers Compensation And Employers

Most employers could be paying less in workers compensation premiums if they participated more. Effective participation is essential.

Workers Compensation And Employers

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Workers Compensation Coverage

Take a minute and consider this question:  “If I got hurt at work today and was off work (for a week or year), how much of my financial loss would be covered by workers’ compensation?” In most US states, “temporary disability” compensation rates are based on gross average earnings.

Workers Compensation Coverage

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Workers Compensation Programs

The Department of Labor’s OWCP administers four major disability compensation programs which provides to federal workers (or their dependents) who are injured at work or acquire an occupational disease: Wage replacement benefits  – Medical treatment – Vocational rehabilitation – Other benefits

Workers Compensation Programs

Monday, May 18, 2015

Workers Compensation Attorney

  • Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence.

Workers Compensation Attorney

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Mental conditions can sometimes be covered by workers’ comp if you can prove the mental or psychiatric problem was primarily caused by your work.

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Friday, May 15, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Licensed Mediator Available At Bobe & Snell

Did you know that Glenn Bobe is a licensed mediator and available for dispute and/or settlement resolution of your Workers’ Compensation claim? Contact Bobe & Snell to inquire or retain his mediator services.

Licensed Mediator Available At Bobe & Snell

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hurt On The Job - Call Us Today

Being a construction worker involves working in a risky and accident prone environment. In case you are involved in a moderate to serious injury or fall sick as a result of your work, it is important to seek compensation. 470.268.5802

Hurt On The Job - Call Us Today

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Bobe & Snell Difference

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace. Contact us today for your consultation.

The Bobe & Snell Difference

Monday, May 11, 2015

What Is Workers Compensation

Workers’ compensation laws protect people who are injured on the job. They are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards, eliminating the need for litigation.

What Is Workers Compensation

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Are You Suffering From A Personal Injury?

Being injured and out of work is extremely frustrating. It is more frustrating when someone else is the cause of this. We can help you through the process of filing your claim. Call us today 470.268.5802

Are You Suffering From A Personal Injury?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Atlanta Auto Accident Attorneys

With years of experience in assisting clients claim the benefits they deserve, we can offer you sound legal advice and assistance.

Atlanta Auto Accident Attorneys

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Repetitive Trauma Injuries / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are a number of cases where simply performing your job to the best of your ability could be having an effect on your general health. Repetitive trauma injuries can occur when carrying out the same tasks at work over a prolonged period of time.

Repetitive Trauma Injuries / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Workplace Injury Types

Workplace injury types

Once we get hired by a company, we make sure that our rights as employees are covered well by the job offer. This is to make sure that whatever happens to us, we are sure to claim assistance from the company we work for. And when accidents happen in a workplace, it is best to have a worker’s compensation lawyer by your side.

Our lawyers at Bobe and Snell can help you in every step of the way, no matter what type of injury you suffer in the workplace. We have the best lawyers that can handle all injury related cases in the workplace.

Workplace injury checklist together with their basic things you should know:

These types of accidents in our workplace injury checklist may involve large and heavy machinery and equipment or simple accidents that cause major injuries. It is a must that employers make sure that employees are safest when at work. However, when disastrous accidents happen in the workplace, employers face high costs of compensation claims, medical expenses and loss or earnings. It is hard to make claims during and after these types of accident happen. And when this happens to you, our compensation attorneys can make sure your claim get to be acknowledged by your employer.

Our lawyers have the most experience in handling workplace related injuries. We know the each step to be taken for each claim. We make sure that we investigate well on when and where the accidents happened and what were the consequences of the accidents. We will ask assistance only from medical experts to make sure that we can determine the correct diagnoses of your injuries. And because we know how hard it is to file a complaint while injured, we can visit you at your home and even in the hospital. Once all evidences are gathered, we will advise you of the actions we can take for your claims.

Of course, these injuries may only be a few of which you may experience. If you think that your injuries fall under our workplace injury checklist, do not hesitate to call us. We are here to listen and aid you the best way we can for your claims to be won.

free attorney consultations

Workplace injury Types

Workplace Injury Types