Saturday, September 12, 2015

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disability

All workers whatever your line of work, you are entitled for work compensation and benefits. There are a lot of perks when you can perform and do your job properly, but in order for you to do that, your safety is also a priority. Every workers are entitled for a compensation and benefits, and that includes the Permanent Total Disability benefits.

Permanent Total Disability

There are a lot of victims of workplace injuries, that may cause immobility issues for a long period of time, or may completely never go away. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide and cover the injured workers’ needs. However, there are certain qualifications and policies that you must know to make sure that you are covered and protected with this certain benefit.

If you are permanently, totally disabled as a result due to work-related injury, you will likely be entitled for a certain benefit that your employer or employer’s insurance has contracted. Before that, you have to present a document or evidence, proving that you are permanently disabled and not fit to work due to the injury you got at work. You are covered with medical benefits, to aid your expenses with the medication, hospitalization, and treatments, but if this injury resulted to permanent disability, the physician who attended you will give a notice advising your employer regarding with your impairment. Your employer will then assigned an impairment rating, the benefit for this case varies on what part of your body has been injured, then you will be provided with your total benefit. An injured worker have to receive a 100% rating to be qualified for a Permanent Total Disability, 1 to 99 % disability rating is considered as Permanent Partial Disability which has a different benefit qualification or procedure. There are cases such as the employer’s insurer may conduct a settlement with the injured worker’s claim through lump sum payment, when the lump sump is considered, depending on the rating and occupation involved.

If you are having difficulty collecting your Permanent Total Disability, contact Bobe and Snell – we’ll fight for your rights and ensure that you get the benefits you deserve.


Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disability

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