Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Workers Compensation Law & Lost Income Benefits

Lost Income Benefits Program

A basic aspect of any workers compensation law lost income benefits program, is the financial assistance offered by an employer, when you are hurt on the job. So, if you are injured, and because of such injuries on the job, are not able to work for a period of time, the top legal team is going to work to ensure you are still being compensated for the time you are out of work. This is where we can step in. In many cases, employers are going to try to make you feel as if you were at fault, or as if you are to file a claim against them, that you can possibly lose your job. This is the furthest thing from the truth; in fact, if you are hurt, and your employer is at fault, you have the right to file a claim, without the threat of losing your position with your employer. Further, you have the right to receive some form of compensation for the time period in which you are not able to work, due to the injuries which you have sustained.

Filing Your Lost Income Benefits Claim

Allow us to step in and help you in the claim filing process. Not only do our team of attorneys have years of experience in filing worker comp claims, we specialize in these cases so we are fully prepared to assist you when you are hurt on the job. If you are owed any compensation, if you should receive lost income benefits, and if there are any other damages which should be included in your settlement, we are going to make sure they are all included. And, we are going to work to ensure you receive the highest amount of compensation, when filing your case. We are also going to inform you of your rights, in the event your employer has threatened the possibility of job loss in the event you choose to file a claim.

Receiving Your Lost Income Benefits

When you are out of work, and can’t earn a living due to injuries sustained on the job, you still have the right to receive compensation if your employer’s negligence (or that of a co-worker), is the reason behind such injuries. Choose our team of legal professionals to guide you, assist you in the claim filing process, and to inform you of all your rights, when the time comes for us to file the worker compensation claim on your behalf so you may receive your lost benefits income.


Lost Income Benefits

Workers Compensation Law & Lost Income Benefits

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