Monday, June 29, 2015

Information to Bring to a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Information to Bring to a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you have a Workers’ Compensation claim, you are often under a lot of stress.  You must not only deal with healing from an injury, but you must also deal with a loss of income. It’s important to know your legal rights when you’re filing a Workers’ Compensation claim. This is why you want to consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney as soon as you are injured.

Meeting with your Workers’ Compensation Attorney for the first time can be very anxiety-provoking if you aren’t fully organized and prepared. Neither you nor your attorney wants to waste time or money, so it’s best to know what you should bring to your Workers’ Compensation Attorney when you see them for the first time.

Things to Have Before Meeting with Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney

  • Your contact information: Make sure that you provide your attorney with your home and work addresses. Also provide your Workers’ Compensation Attorney with all your phone and fax numbers where you can be reached both in the day and in the evening. Finally, provide the best email address at which to reach you.

  • The exact name of your employer

  • Your date of hire

  • A written statement of how your injury occurred. Be as thorough and specific as possible.

  • The location of the injury, whether it was in a vehicle, in the workstation, etc.

  • Your manager that you reported the injury to and their contact information.

  • Witness statements.

  • A list of medical providers that your visited for your injury. Include them in chronological order. Also make sure that you include their name, contact information, dates of treatment, diagnosis, types of treatment, test and lab results and information on future medical appointments.

  • Complete information on the Workers’ Compensation insurer. Make sure you include names of adjustors and contact information, as well as the case number for your file. Bring any other information from the insurer that you might think of as important, including determination of claim letters and other correspondence.

  • If light duty is available and you returned to work, include the return-to-work date.

  • Documentation on past injuries, regardless of work-relatedness.

  • Paystubs or other documentation supporting your wages.

  • Your employee handbook

  • A list of expenses that you’ve incurred as a result of your claim.

If you have these things when you go to your first meeting with your Georgia Workers’ Compensation attorney, you’ll be well-prepared and set up for success!



Information to Bring to a Workers" Compensation Attorney

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