Thursday, May 31, 2018

Atlanta Wrongful Death Attorney

Why You Need A Atlanta Wrongful Death Attorney

Atlanta, just like any other city has people who have lost their loved ones because of the careless, negligent or deliberate actions of another person or a group of persons. If this happens to you, then you will need the services of the Atlanta wrongful death attorney. If you want the best chance of obtaining a just resolution to your case, Bobe & Snell will help you out, here are reasons why you need the services of these attorneys.

Legal Advice

Bobe & Snell has the experience to offer sound legal advice and an aggressive representation for those seeking to file a lawsuit. We also work hard to ensure your rights are preserved.

You could be eligible for financial compensation in the event of the death of a family member especially if the death was wrongful. The attorney will help you receive a restitution from the defendant for loss of income, funeral costs, pain, and suffering for the loss of a loved one.

If the defendant exhibited a willing disregard for the safety of others, it is possible to receive punitive damages to reprimand the defendant for the actions.

To Gather Evidence

Wrongful death cases can be complex and hostile. In most cases, the liable party might never admit their fault. some have even gone to the extent of tampering with the evidence that proves there was some form of negligence on their part. This is where the services of an attorney come in.

Families of the deceased are advised to consult the attorney immediately after the death of the family member. Bobe & Snell have the resources needed to conduct the in-depth research the case requires.

We hope that this article helps you understand why you need to reach out to a wrongful death attorney in Atlanta. For more information on the services offered by Bobe & Snell, call 470-268-5802 or visit the office located in Alpharetta, GA.

Atlanta wrongful death attorney





Atlanta Wrongful Death Attorney

Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Why you need a workers’ compensation attorney? Most employers try to fight your compensation claim and some can go to the extent of denying you the claim. Our attorneys can. Call our offices today for your free consultation.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Experienced Workers Comp Lawyers

Searching for workers’ compensation lawyers? We are experienced, compassionate lawyers. Our services are incredibly affordable. Gives us a call today and get the help you require.

Experienced Workers Comp Lawyers

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance Explained

Workers compensation insurance, commonly called workers’ or workmen’s comp, is a form of insurance designed to provide compensation to workers who have been injured while on the job.

While the details can vary significantly from one plan to the next, insurance plans in this category typically provide for some form of wage replacement, payment and/or reimbursement of medical costs, compensation for economic losses, possibly damages for pain and suffering, and settlements to the insured’s dependents in the case of a fatal work-related accident.

Given this broad range of covered areas – essentially combining the key features of disability insurance, health insurance, and life insurance, among others – workers’ comp is certainly one of the more critical forms of insurance an individual can obtain. By knowing all you can about workers comp you can ensure that if an accident happens on the job you are covered. If you are not you could find yourself and your family in trouble down the road. We all need money to pay the rent and buy food and getting compensation for an injury at work can help you to pay for these necessities.

Workers’ compensation insurance is typically associated historically with labor or professional unions, and is often the result of coordinated campaigns to obtain the coverage for the union members. Proponents of workers’ comp cite improved working conditions, economic support for employees, and the safety net provided by the insurance, as key benefits of workers’ comp. Critics of this type of insurance cite increased costs to employers and potential infringement on workers’ rights to seek recompense on their own. Another concern that is frequently raised is the possibility of American companies moving parts of their operations or even their entire companies to areas with looser workers’ comp law. In the United States, however, workers’ comp laws are nearly universal, and almost all employers must carry the insurance in some form for their employees.

The body of laws governing workers’ compensation insurance has become extremely complex and varies from state to state. For example, in many states it is illegal to terminate an employee for filing a claim or for reporting an injury incurred at the workplace. This isn’t illegal in all states, however. And while most states don’t allow employers to deny employment based on previous workers’ comp claims, employers are able to check a commercially maintained database of claims, a system that could potentially be abused by unethical employers.

Because abuse of the system has occurred on the part of employees as well, stiff fines and other legal penalties are in place for persons who file false claims for workers’ compensation benefits. While stories of supposedly injured employees engaging in physically demanding activities are commonplace, little hard data exists to indicate what percentage, if any, of the claims filed every year are actually fraudulent.

Vigorous investigation by employers, including tactics such as secretly video taping claimants engaged in physical activity, have also undoubtedly helped reduce the number of false claims. Certainly the vast majority of claims filed are the result of legitimate, unavoidable workplace injuries.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Workers Compensation Laws GA

The Purpose Of Workers Compensation Laws GA

Do you wonder about the purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA? There are two primary purposes for workers compensation. The first is to provide help to those who have been hurt at work or have gotten sick on the job, medical coverage.

Workers compensation provides medical coverage to those who have been hurt at their job or have gotten sick as a result of their work. For instance, if you develop a lung disease from working in a freezer day in and day out, workers compensation is supposed to pay for your medical care.

The other purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA is to protect employers. Employees are not permitted to sue their employer for injury or sickness unless the employer tried to injure the employee or make the worker ill on purpose. If you are injured on the job, you are required to inform your employer immediately. Your supervisor needs to fill out the paperwork and submit his or her report to the insurance company.

The insurance company will assign you to a medical doctor. You have to visit this doctor for the first thirty days of your injury or sickness. If you still need medical care after this time, you are free to choose your doctor. Most people will complain that the insurance company doctor tries to compel the worker to return to work too soon.

The doctor, however, is compensated by the insurance company and is instructed to try to compel the worker back to the job as soon as possible. The doctor might even warn the patient again and again that it is unlawful to report a false claim. But do not be intimidated. If you are injured or if sick, wait until you are well before returning to work.

If you are injured on the job, worry about getting well and not about the pressure from people in the workers compensation system. If you want help with your case, you have the option of consulting with a workers compensation lawyer. The law says that the workers compensation lawyer must offer you a free initial consultation. The attorney will examine the facts of your case and suggest options is dealing with the claims system.

If you do hire him or her to represent you, your attorney can charge you up to fifteen percent of your award. This is a bargain compared to other legal claim awards. Personal injury lawyers will take up to forty percent of their client’s award. But Workers Compensation Laws GA  limits what attorneys can earn. The system is to protect workers, not to make lawyers rich.

Many workers involved in a claim do not go to a lawyer because they do not realize that the first meeting is free. They do not consider of hiring a lawyer because they believe they will have to part with a large part of their settlement. This is not the case. If you need assistance with your worker’s compensation claim, you need to contact a lawyer.

Some think this holds insurance business back. Some think that without this coverage, workers would be at the mercy of employers. No matter your stance, if you have been hurt at work, you should seek a lawyer to help you throughout the claims process.

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Workers Compensation Attorneys

The internet is a great place to search for an experienced and result-oriented worker’s compensation attorney for almost every law firm has a website. Are you in need of a worker’s compensation lawyer? Call the Law Offices of Bobe & Snell today and schedule your free consultation.

Workers Compensation Attorneys

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hurt At Work?

Injured or hurt at work? Choose Bobe & Snell Attorneys at Law for competent workers’ compensation lawyers. We fight for your rights and for you. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Hurt At Work?

Workplace Injuries

Get the compensation you deserve from the injury or illness suffered at your workplace We offer impeccable client services that are of unmatched quality.

Workplace Injuries

Saturday, May 19, 2018

What Is A "Lien" On An Injury Case?

Sometimes a work-related injury will support both a workers compensation claim and a personal injury action. Within the context of workers’ compensation, when it is said that a workers compensation insurer has placed a “lien” on a file, it means that they have registered a claim to be reimbursed out of the proceeds of the personal injury litigation for certain expenditures they made on behalf of the injured worker.

What Is A "Lien" On An Injury Case?

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Injured On The Job?

Have you been injured and you need the services of a workers’ compensation lawyer? Ask for recommendations from your family, friends and fellow co-worker. Good lawyers have their reputation proceeding them.

Injured On The Job?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Denied Claims – Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Unless a simple mistake led to the denial of your claim and it was cleared up immediately, it would be prudent to consult the best Atlanta workers compensation attorney as soon as possible.

A lawyer can assist you to determine whether an appeal would be the best course of action for you. Georgia has short and strict timelines for worker’s compensation appeals. You do not want to lose your benefits just because you missed the deadline.

You should talk to the best Atlanta workers’ compensation attorney before you consider filing an appeal. The judge expects you to know the rules of evidence and civil procedure for filing appeals. However, don’t worry because your worker’s comp attorney, Atlanta can handle this complicated legal process.

Winning at the initial levels is a priority because you may not get a chance to present more evidence later in the process. You are likely to lose your appeal if you don’t hire the best Atlanta workers’compensation attorney to help you build a strong case.

At Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC, we charge a contingency fee: a percentage of the benefits you get. Therefore, we will not charge you unless you win.

Appealing a Workers’ Comp Claim Denial

You may find the information on how to appeal the denial of your claim included in the letter you received. If so, read it carefully. The appeals process varies in every state. A hearing before an administrative judge often sets the first level of appeal. At this stage, you will have to present medical records and other evidence to support your claim.

The hearing can be through a state board of workers’ compensation or a state labor department. Beyond the initial administrative levels, there are additional levels of appeal that vary from one state to another.

Reasons for Denial of Workers’ Comp Claims

Sometimes, employers or their insurance companies try to find any possible reason to deny worker’s compensation claims. Of course, the reason must be a valid one under the law. The following are FOUR common reasons for claim denials:

  1. Missed deadlines – You should report your illness or injury to your employer right away to receive workers’ comp benefits.

  2. Disputes about whether the injury is work-related – Your employer may allege that you were not working when you were injured. The employer will claim that you were involved in some misconduct at the time, or your current medical condition is not a result of a workplace exposure or accident

  3. Your condition does not meet state guidelines – The law(s) in your state may have special restrictions on worker’s compensation claims for cumulative psychological conditions or trauma.

  4. You filed the claim after you left your job – Insurance companies usually deny claims that an employee filed after he or she was laid off, fired, or quit. However, you may have a good reason for the delay.

If your worker’s compensation claim was denied, call Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC at 470-268-5802 to discuss your next course of action.

best Atlanta workers compensation attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Atlanta Workers Compensation

Atlanta Workers Compensation – Bobe & Snell

Workers Compensation was established for employees and employers to quickly and easily resolve the issues of job-related injuries. When a system works, and the insurance carrier and employer are fair and forthcoming, there’s no need for legal action. However, if the employer or their insurer denies your claim, or you’re needlessly waiting to get the compensation that’s necessary for you and your family, our Atlanta workers compensation attorneys can ensure the protection of your rights, and assist you to obtain fair compensation.

On-the-job injuries entitle victims to benefits for long-term and short-term expenses. Applicable benefits cover a broad range of disabilities and injuries acquired on the job. Some laws may entitle you to the benefits, often for a lifetime, if you’ve lost a loved one due to a job-related accident.

If you’ve been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers compensation for medical fees, lost wages, medication, rehabilitation, and even travel expenses. Our Atlanta workers compensation attorneys will discuss with you all benefits and do everything to maximize the benefits you can recover.

After a job-related injury, promptly notify your employer, seek proper medical treatment, and then contact one of our reputable, experienced Atlanta workers compensation attorneys to file a claim for you.

Are You Eligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

If you were injured or became ill because of your work, you could be entitled to Atlanta workers compensation benefits, including payments for lost wages and medical bills. As long as you are eligible, you may get compensation irrespective of who was at fault for the accident or injury. You lose the right to file a lawsuit against your employer for the damages (except in some situations when you can sue outside of the workers compensation system) in exchange for this protection.

Generally, there are three basic eligibility requirements for Atlanta workers compensation benefits:

  • You must be an employee

  • Your employer must carry workers compensation insurance

  • You must have a work-related illness or injury

Some categories of employees have special rules, including agricultural and farm workers, domestic workers, seasonal or casual workers, and workers placed with the employer by temp agencies.

Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC have handled thousands of Atlanta workers compensation cases years. Worker’s compensation laws have specific time delays, and requirements for addressing your claim could result due to a denial of benefits. Call us at 470.268.5802 for a free initial consultation or to file a claim.

Atlanta Workers Compensation

Atlanta Workers Compensation

Hurt At Work?

Injured or hurt at work? Choose Bobe & Snell Attorneys at Law for competent workers’ compensation lawyers. We fight for your rights and for you. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Hurt At Work?

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Workplace Injuries

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace.

Workplace Injuries

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Need To File A Workers Comp Claim?

Having an Atlanta workers’ comp claim can be a stressful experience. Contact our office today to ensure your rights are protected. 407.268.5802

Need To File A Workers Comp Claim?

Workers Compensation Claims

Dealing with a workers’ compensation claim can be difficult. You need to find an experienced and knowledgeable worker’s compensation attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injury.

Workers Compensation Claims

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Workers Compensation Lawyers

Looking for a reputable workers’ compensation lawyers? Do not despair, Bobe & Snell Attorneys at Law is dedicated to offering aggressive legal representation for workers’ compensation law. Contact us today.

Workers Compensation Lawyers

Monday, May 7, 2018

Construction Accident Attorneys

Your Claim In The Event Of A Construction Accident

Construction accidents can lead to fatalities that affect workers and non-workers alike. Compensation claims or personal injury suit an affected individual can file is dependent on the nature of the accident.

Naturally, the risks related to construction businesses are on the high side. The work is most times demanding and requiring workers to work at great heights. It is not just workers that are at risk of a construction accident as passersby are also at risk. There are myriads of things that can go wrong. Statistics from 2012 report reveals that construction accidents caused 775 deaths and 183,000 injuries in the United States alone. The number has continually increased over the subsequent years.

However, construction does not need to be dangerous all the time. There are certain safety standards every construction operation has to follow, and such standards are promoted by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an arm of Department of Labor.

Laws that cover personal injury that ensures an affected victim is well compensated. This law empowers an affected victim to take seek legal compensation if he or she suffers any form of injury around a construction site. What you will learn in this post, are different injury lawsuit you can file should you suffer any form of construction accident.

Construction Worker Injury

There are four set of injuries that fall under “fatal” injury category because they are responsible for two third of construction accidents that have resulted in worker’s death. The injuries are: electrocution, falls, “caught in-between” and “struck by an object”. Not until a worker gets fatally injured can a lawsuit be filed. In an event of a non-fatal injury, a worker has the right to file a lawsuit and seek compensation.

Options Available To An Injured Worker

When a worker files a lawsuit, his or her chances of success is dependent on the applicability of compensation rules in the region he or she works

Compensation For Workers

All 50 states in US design different forms of compensation for injured workers. This rule stipulates that a worker who gets injured in the course of work should be awarded some form of compensation whether the accident was as a result of negligence or not. An affected worker will benefit more if standard personal injury lawsuit is what is filed for rather than workers compensation case. Workers’ compensation isn’t so favorable for affected employees, but most employers favor it the more.

Personal Injury Lawsuit

Not all workers’ compensation lawsuits are treated the same when filed. Depending on the particular state, workers’ compensation laws do vary and usually binds between the worker and the employer. Imaging the following scenario; a worker working for a construction contractor suffers an injury while working. If he opts to sue the contractor, he will be entitled to worker’s compensation. But in the case he opts to sue the maker of the equipment that caused his injury, workers’ compensation rule will fail to hold in his case.

Injuries On Non-workers

Both workers and non-workers are at risk of suffering a construction accident. A passerby can easily get struck with debris coming from a building in construction. Road ways under construction with poor markings can lead to an accident. A child can easily get injured should he find him or herself in a construction site.

It is the responsibility of construction contractors to make pedestrian know about a looming danger in a construction site. They are not just required to provide only warnings; they have to make their construction site safe. Every contractor is at least required to observe every construction safety measure.

In some states, a contractor will be sued when they fail to adhere to stipulated safety precautions, while they can only be sued in the event of construction accidents in some other states. This means a worker can only file a lawsuit if there is evidence.

Construction Defect Lawsuit

There are times an accident will occur even after all safety precautions have been observed. For instance, a heavy object may fall off from a roof when not properly secured by a worker. The rail support on the balcony of a building may not meet construction standards thus causing a fall.

Affected persons have the right to file a lawsuit when this happens. Before filing a lawsuit, you have to first know whose negligence led to the accident that affected you. Was the fault from the contractor, architect or the construction engineer?


With the exception of workers’ compensation lawsuit, below are entitlements an injured person can claim in the event of a construction accident

  • Salaries accrued in the course of recovery from an accident

  • Paid medical cost

  • Financial reimbursement due to pain and uneasiness caused as a result of the accident

  • Financial reimbursement due to a compromise in health of the victim

Construction Accident

Construction Accident Attorneys

Friday, May 4, 2018

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Employees work hard to make sure that they provide the best financial assistance for their families. But it is not unusual for employees to experience an accident in the work area which can lead to serious injuries. And when this happens, employees count on medical benefits to help them get through the monetary needs for medication and hospitalization.

According to the United States Department of Labor, a slightly more than 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported in 2013. Out of these injuries, 4,405 workers were killed on the job. The average deaths from accident per week is 85.

Medical benefits are a part of employee rights from day one or being hired. Medical benefits attorney provides help for employees who are not treated well or paid enough monetary assistance when accidents in the job area caused them injuries. It is important for employees to know their medical benefits for their own protection.

When employees are not happy about their company doctor’s evaluation of their injury, they can always seek help and second opinion from their own doctors. Bobe and Snell Atlanta medical benefits attorney provide their utmost service for employees who seek assistance in claiming their medical benefits. We make sure we take care of your needs.

We make certain that employees are aware of what they can demand for with the correct information of their rights and privileges as employees. Employees are provided with help only from medical specialists as the injury or illness requires. And of course, it does not stop there.

Costs for medication and travel for medical appointments can be reimbursed. If you are not able to work after the accident, our medical benefits attorneys will make sure you’ll be compensated with at least two-thirds of employees’ salary prior to the injury. When worse comes to worst, employees are entitled for a lump-sum payment if the injury is permanent and have cause impairment of the body.

Employees’ psychological health can also be at risk when injury is sustained in the workplace. It may not be a big deal for some, but depression, anxiety or other mental issues can cause yet another accident in the workplace. Bobe and Snell medical benefits attorney can help employees in getting professional help if they think they suffer from these mental illnesses after an injury.

If you think you were not given the proper attention after an accident you can always ask for help from Bobe and Snell medical benefits attorney. The number you should keep in mind when an accident happen is 470-268-5802. We’ll be more than happy to assist and answer your questions so you’ll know what to do when you get injured at work.

Always keep in mind that your health is the best asset that you can have to keep you working. Although there are medical benefits, it is still best to keep safe and be careful in the workplace. After all, your safety comes first above others.

free attorney consultations Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Workers Compensation

Workers’ compensation laws protect people who are injured on the job. They are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards, eliminating the need for litigation.

Workers Compensation