Friday, May 4, 2018

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Employees work hard to make sure that they provide the best financial assistance for their families. But it is not unusual for employees to experience an accident in the work area which can lead to serious injuries. And when this happens, employees count on medical benefits to help them get through the monetary needs for medication and hospitalization.

According to the United States Department of Labor, a slightly more than 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported in 2013. Out of these injuries, 4,405 workers were killed on the job. The average deaths from accident per week is 85.

Medical benefits are a part of employee rights from day one or being hired. Medical benefits attorney provides help for employees who are not treated well or paid enough monetary assistance when accidents in the job area caused them injuries. It is important for employees to know their medical benefits for their own protection.

When employees are not happy about their company doctor’s evaluation of their injury, they can always seek help and second opinion from their own doctors. Bobe and Snell Atlanta medical benefits attorney provide their utmost service for employees who seek assistance in claiming their medical benefits. We make sure we take care of your needs.

We make certain that employees are aware of what they can demand for with the correct information of their rights and privileges as employees. Employees are provided with help only from medical specialists as the injury or illness requires. And of course, it does not stop there.

Costs for medication and travel for medical appointments can be reimbursed. If you are not able to work after the accident, our medical benefits attorneys will make sure you’ll be compensated with at least two-thirds of employees’ salary prior to the injury. When worse comes to worst, employees are entitled for a lump-sum payment if the injury is permanent and have cause impairment of the body.

Employees’ psychological health can also be at risk when injury is sustained in the workplace. It may not be a big deal for some, but depression, anxiety or other mental issues can cause yet another accident in the workplace. Bobe and Snell medical benefits attorney can help employees in getting professional help if they think they suffer from these mental illnesses after an injury.

If you think you were not given the proper attention after an accident you can always ask for help from Bobe and Snell medical benefits attorney. The number you should keep in mind when an accident happen is 470-268-5802. We’ll be more than happy to assist and answer your questions so you’ll know what to do when you get injured at work.

Always keep in mind that your health is the best asset that you can have to keep you working. Although there are medical benefits, it is still best to keep safe and be careful in the workplace. After all, your safety comes first above others.

free attorney consultations Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney

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