Sunday, December 31, 2017

Information to Bring to a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Be Prepared to win | Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you have a Workers’ Compensation claim, you are often under a lot of stress.  You must not only deal with healing from an injury, but you must also deal with a loss of income. It’s important to know your legal rights when you’re filing a Workers’ Compensation claim. This is why you want to consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney as soon as you are injured.

Meeting with your Workers’ Compensation Attorney for the first time can be very anxiety-provoking if you aren’t fully organized and prepared. Neither you nor your attorney wants to waste time or money, so it’s best to know what you should bring to your Workers’ Compensation Attorney when you see them for the first time.

Things to Have Before Meeting with Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney

  • Your contact information: Make sure that you provide your attorney with your home and work addresses. Also provide your Workers’ Compensation Attorney with all your phone and fax numbers where you can be reached both in the day and in the evening. Finally, provide the best email address at which to reach you.

  • The exact name of your employer

  • Your date of hire

  • A written statement of how your injury occurred. Be as thorough and specific as possible.

  • The location of the injury, whether it was in a vehicle, in the workstation, etc.

  • Your manager that you reported the injury to and their contact information.

  • Witness statements.

  • A list of medical providers that your visited for your injury. Include them in chronological order. Also make sure that you include their name, contact information, dates of treatment, diagnosis, types of treatment, test and lab results and information on future medical appointments.

  • Complete information on the Workers’ Compensation insurer. Make sure you include names of adjustors and contact information, as well as the case number for your file. Bring any other information from the insurer that you might think of as important, including determination of claim letters and other correspondence.

  • If light duty is available and you returned to work, include the return-to-work date.

  • Documentation on past injuries, regardless of work-relatedness.

  • Paystubs or other documentation supporting your wages.

  • Your employee handbook

  • A list of expenses that you’ve incurred as a result of your claim.

If you have these things when you go to your first meeting with your Georgia Workers’ Compensation attorney, you’ll be well-prepared and set up for success!


Information to Bring to a Workers

Information to Bring to a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Information to Bring to a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Attorneys

We are a reputable personal injury claim attorneys dedicated to making your claiming compensation for your injury easy. We work on contingency basis, so your peace of mind is guaranteed. If you have been injured due to negligence, omission or commission by another person, it’s natural that you seek compensation. However, the insurance company of the responsible party will not just agree to pay you, or if it does, it will try to reduce the amount that you will receive to the minimal. This is why we ask you to work with us and benefit from our many years of experience, knowledge and expertise.

Our team of courteous and friendly staff is able to provide you with a high quality legal consultation. When you make contact with us for the first time, there are a few questions which we will ask you. This is important because it helps us know more about you and how you got injured. Most interestingly, we don’t charge our customers for this first consultation. By choosing to work with us from the time you get injured, you will have made the best decision and you will definitely be on the right track to getting fairly compensated.

Compensation For Your Personal Injury

We know how much you are entitled to as compensation. There are several factors that we take into account to arrive at a fair amount for a personal injury claim and among them are the extent of the injuries suffered, loss of current and future income, expected medical expenses and the amount of pain and suffering that you underwent among others. We work with specialists from other fields to ensure that our clients receive a fair compensation for the injuries that they suffered. We can advice you on what’s possible and what is not, therefore helping you make informed decisions much earlier.

Filing Your Personal Injury Claim

We comprehend that filing a personal injury claim is never an easy task. There are strict procedures and time frames that should be followed. By working with us, you can have the assurance that your claim will be filed correctly. Our teams also ensure that our application is not expunged because of technical errors. Moreover, we have the tools and networks to access important documents, forms and police reports which can help us obtain positive results for our clients. Even when you are still undergoing treatment, we can help you handle your personal injury compensation claims while you concentrate with recuperating.


Personal Injury Claims

Your Personal Injury Claim

Catastrophic Accident Lawyer - Alpharetta, GA

Catastrophic Accident Lawyer

Are you looking for a catastrophic accident lawyer to represent you in a catastrophic injury case in Alpharetta, GA? A catastrophic injury is one that involves permanent or long-term incapacity or disability for the victim. It can be a severe injury to the brain, spinal cord, or spine, and may include the spinal or skull fractures, loss of sight, hearing or limb and fatalities.

Whatever the case, you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury if you’ve sustained injuries that caused you a deformity or serious enough to be debilitating and long-term.

After suffering from a severe spinal cord, brain, or any other disabling injury—commonly known as catastrophic injuries—you can expect to deal with it for the rest of your life.

Many times after a catastrophic injury, a victim requires constant support and care. As a result, his or her relatives and loved ones will also have to alter their lives. The physical, financial, and emotional strain that catastrophic injuries cause puts stress on the family members and even those close to the victim. Therefore, the victims of catastrophic accident injuries not only suffer indefinitely but those close to them also suffer.

A catastrophic accident injury may affect your family and social life, not to mention the pain and suffering that you’ll experience that’ll detract from the quality of your life. In most catastrophic injury cases, you’ll also suffer from a long-term loss of income, and you may not be able to resume work.

So, it’s not just the immediate medical costs that you’ll need to worry about with the catastrophic injury. Also, some medical expenses can be lifelong.

With the help of Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC and our catastrophic accident lawyers, you can pursue an injury claim and settlement for any accident or act of negligence that results in a catastrophic injury to you or your loved one. You can be compensated legally for the wrongful and life-altering harm that has been done to you.

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries

If you’ve suffered any of the following catastrophic injuries, our Alpharetta catastrophic accident lawyers are more than prepared to help you pursue your catastrophic injury claims:

  • Wrongful Death and Fatal Accident

  • Spinal, Back and Vertebrae Injury

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Broken or Fracture Bone Injury

  • Amputation and Disfigurement Injury

  • Paralysis and Quadriplegic Injury

  • Burns and Scar Injury

  • Injury to Infants and Children

Damages for Catastrophic Injury Cases/Claims

  • Loss of Income – You may be entitled to receive compensation for the lost wages if an injury puts you out of work.

  • Medical Expenses – You may need a permanent use of a particular medication or medical device, or you may have had to go through rehabilitation or undergo surgeries because of your injury.

  • Emotional Damage/Loss of Quality of Life – You may be entitled to compensation due to the emotional damage you suffered from the catastrophic accident.

Catastrophic Injury Compensation

After suffering a catastrophic injury, it is imperative to receive the benefits that will help you to deal with the ongoing complications and recover from your accident. To get the benefits after a catastrophic injury, it is crucial that you have an experienced catastrophic accident lawyer who can fight for the compensation you deserve.

Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC has a track record of securing the maximum number of benefits that a catastrophic injury victim can receive.

Call Catastrophic Accident Attorneys at Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC

Our lawyers are equipped to handle complex legal and insurance issues arising from your accident. If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury, let the catastrophic accident lawyer at Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC, Alpharetta, GA help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Keep in mind that a catastrophic injury can change your life. However, receiving the compensation that you’re entitled will help you manage and cope with your injury.

We want to help you gain some peace of mind after this devastating incident. We’ll stop at nothing to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. To arrange a Free Consultation with one of our catastrophic accident attorneys in Alpharetta, GA, call us today at 470-268-5802.

Catastrophic Accident Lawyer 

Catastrophic Accident Lawyer - Alpharetta, GA

Monday, December 25, 2017

Workplace Safety & The Law

Workers across the country may be exposed to both visible and invisible hazards in their workplace. This is true whether they work at a construction site or in a relatively safe office. Fortunately, workers are protected by a group of laws requiring employers to provide their employees with a safe workplace and protective gear, if necessary.

Workplace Safety & The Law

Friday, December 22, 2017

Workers" Compensation Eligibility

In order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you must be an “employee,” with two limited exceptions. Crewmembers on vessels and interstate railroad workers are ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits. If those types of employees get injured on the job, federal law requires them to sue their employers instead of receiving workers’ compensation benefits. For most other workers, their eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits is based on whether they are employees or independent contractors.

Workers" Compensation Eligibility

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Medical Treatment in a Georgia Workers" Compensation Claim

In Georgia, employees who are injured on the job are entitled to Workers’ Compensation medical benefits. These benefits include medical treatment that is necessary to cure you, provide pain relief, or restore your health so that you can return to suitable employment.

One of the issues that every injured worker faces in their Georgia Workers’ Compensation claim revolves around medical treatment. After an authorized treating physician has been assigned to the claim, it is very import for the injured worker to be involved in their treatment and to follow the advice of their medical providers.

Georgia law requires that an injured worker cooperate with their doctors and therapists when at all possible. While recommended surgery may be rejected without fear of compromising the claim, failing to follow the doctor’s advice can have a negative effect on the claim. It is especially important to keep appointments and to follow up with medical providers on the schedule that they recommend. But, what happens when the injured worker is not satisfied with their medical treatment?

Medical Treatment in a Georgia Workers" Compensation Claim

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Workman"s Comp Attorney Atlanta

What A Good Workman’s Comp Attorney Can Do for You

You may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if you are an employee who has suffered a work-related illness or injury. Hiring a dependable and dedicated workman’s comp attorney in Alpharetta, GA will give you a much better chance of getting the benefits you deserve.

It’s unfortunate that employers or their insurance carriers routinely deny legitimate workers’ compensation claims, leaving workers’ compensation applicants to face a complex system of appeals. At that point, most applicants give up, while others try their best to navigate the system themselves.

At Bobe & Snell, LLC, you will find an experienced workman’s comp attorney who will gather and develop medical evidence, represent you at your workers’ comp hearing, communicate with the workers’ comp insurer on your behalf, and negotiate a good settlement.

The attorneys and claims adjusters working for the insurance company aren’t looking out for you, and they’ll not hesitate to deny your bona fide claim for dubious reasons. Here are some of the crucial things a knowledgeable and experienced Alpharetta workman’s comp lawyer to get you the worker’s comp benefits that you deserve.

Developing Vocational, Medical, and Other Evidence

An accurately-developed medical record is more likely to lead to a permanent disability rating, which reflects the true extent of any permanent impairments you have.

Your attorney in Atlanta, GA will gather medical records, recommend or arrange treatment with certain doctors, conduct depositions of medical experts and obtain medical opinions to help develop proper medical evidence.

The insufficient medical evidence is probably the most common reason employers, and their insurance carriers deny workers’ comp claims. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of your case, an experienced workers’ comp lawyer will understand what evidence is required to increase your chances of recovery.

Negotiating and Structuring Settlement Agreements

Workers’ compensation lawyers often have a much better idea of the value of a claim than workers they represent. An attorney will understand how the following factors affect the merit of your case:

  • your disability rating

  • the extent of your injuries and the resulting functional limitations

  • whether the disability is temporary or permanent

  • whether the disability is total or partial

  • the costs of future and past medical treatment, and

  • your previous wages.

With few exceptions, workman’s comp lawyers are more likely to engage in productive negotiations with the insurers than the applicants acting alone. Furthermore, attorneys understand the negotiating tactics and tricks that insurance companies use, from low-ball offers to bogus “final offers” that aren’t.

If you are applying for or receiving for Social Security disability benefits, an improperly-drafted settlement agreement can cost you hundreds of dollars each month in benefits because of workers’ compensation offset. Your lawyer can ensure that your settlement agreement is structured well.

An attorney can also help you decide on a reasonable estimate of your future medical expenses. Your settlement should take into account the medical bills you have already incurred and those you expect to incur in the future.

In settlement negotiations, an attorney is essential. While it is true that a workers’ comp judge must approve settlements, unrepresented claimants would be unwise to depend on the judge to safeguard their interests adequately.

Representing You in a Workers’ Comp Trial or Hearing

If you can’t reach a settlement, your case proceeds to an administrative trial or hearing before a workers’ comp judge. At the hearing, your workman’s comp attorney will present his “theory of the case” (why you should get benefits) to the judge, examine witnesses, offer objections, and make opening and closing arguments.

During the discovery process, your lawyer may take perform legal research, prepare pleadings and motions,  request your medical records, and depositions of witnesses.

Advising You on Third-Party Claims and Any Other Potential Benefits

Manufacturers and drivers of faulty equipment are frequent targets of third-party suits. On top of a workers’ comp claim, an injured worker may also have a personal injury claim against the third party whose negligence contributed to or caused the injury.

A personal injury claim may be much more valuable than a workers’ compensation claim because damages can include loss of potential earnings and pain and suffering.

Lawyers can also advise claimants on their potential eligibility for other benefits, including wage reimbursement, vocational rehabilitation assistance, Social Security disability, state short-term disability, and long-term disability insurance benefits.

If you are in any doubt about your ability to handle your workers’ compensation claim yourself, do not hesitate to contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today at 470.268.5802 for a free consultation with our experienced Atlanta workers’ comp attorneys.


Workman"s Comp Attorney Atlanta

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Interview Questions To Help You Choose The Best Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

You should interview your potential spinal cord injury lawyer, Alpharetta, GA to determine whether your case or claim has merit, whether the lawyer is qualified to handle it, and whether you’re comfortable with the lawyer and his or her law firm.

You must have the right interview questions to help you achieve your goals. Also, you or someone accompanying you to the interview should prepare to take good notes. At Bobe & Snell, LLC, we would like to share with you some critical questions to ask any Alpharetta spinal cord injury you’re considering to work with:

  • How many SCI cases have you handled before and what’s your track record with winning trials? When did you personally tried the last SCI case to a jury and got a successful verdict?

  • Do you handle other types of personal injury? If yes, what types of other cases do you handle? What percentage involve other types of injury claims?

  • Will you advance all the necessary costs to bring the case or lawsuit to trial if that is a perfect option for maximum recovery? Will you ever ask me to advance any costs in the lawsuit?

  • How long have you been practicing?

  • What percentage of your cases over those years of practice have involved spinal cord injuries?

  • Will you be handling my case personally or you will ask someone else under you to handle the majority of the work? Who’s this person?  A paralegal or an attorney?  How many years of experience do they’ve regarding spinal cord injury litigations?

Contingent fee arrangements are attractive since they do not require you to pay any cash up front. Luckily, they’re the norm for plaintiffs in spinal cord injury litigations.

The Alpharetta spinal cord injury lawyer shares in the recovery risks and agrees that you only pay him or her if your case is ultimately successful by virtue of a judgment or settlement. Under this arrangement, your spinal cord injury lawyer, Alpharetta, GA receives a percentage of the final amount recovered –usually 40% for the cases resolved after an appeal, or one-third for the cases resolved before an appeal.

Your attorney should be willing to itemize all out-of-pocket expenses in your lawsuits (such as court filing fees, expert witness expenses, transcripts, and photocopying). It’s imperative to ask whether the lawyer will deduct these costs before or after a contingent percentage is applied.

The likely expert witnesses of your spinal cord injury may include a vocational rehabilitation consultant, physicians, an economist, a life care planner, and separate liability experts.

So, another crucial question to ask is who’ll be responsible for paying the litigation expenses if you lose your case. This question is imperative, especially in spinal cord injury litigation because expenses are usually high.

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Monday, October 30, 2017

Wrongful Death Claim Atlanta

Wrongful Death Claim Atlanta – What You Need To Know

You may have a cause for a “wrongful death” claim if your loved one dies in an accident or due to injury he or she sustained. Any misconduct or negligence of another person, entity or company that leads to the death of an individual will give rise to a wrongful death claim Atlanta.

The representative of the deceased person’s estate is the one responsible for bringing the claim for wrongful death. He or she will be making the wrongful death claim Atlanta on behalf of the statutory beneficiaries that usually including the children, surviving spouses and other immediate family members including the parents.

Children under the age of 18 must find an adult guardian to file a wrongful death lawsuit in court.

What Are Some Typical Wrongful Death Claims Atlanta?

  • The following are some of the grounds for a potential wrongful death lawsuit:

  • A careless act or negligent, such as a drunk driver or speeding.

  • A defective vehicle caused a truck or auto accident.

  • Negligence of a company in the use of faulty vehicles or the enforcement of the safety regulations.

Can I File Both A Wrongful Death And A Personal Injury Claim?

Apart from the damages for wrongful death, you may seek compensation for the damages due to personal injury your loved one suffered. These claims are referred to as “survival actions.” They cover the conscious suffering, pain, and apprehension of the decedent before death. The damages for a survival action belong to the estate of the decedent.

What Damages Can I Recover In A Wrongful Death Claim Atlanta?

  • The damages, which you can recover in a wrongful death lawsuit include:

  • The immediate expenses related to the death, such as funeral and medical costs.

  • Lost victim’s wages and expected earnings in future until the time of death or retirement.

  • Lost benefits as a result of victim’s death, including medical coverage, retirement plans or pension, and other savings.

  • Lost affection, love, emotional support and companionship to the survivors.

How Do I File A Personal Injury Or Wrongful Death Claim?

You should contact a wrongful death attorney and get the following information:

  • Medical Costs –Ensure that you document all the medical expenses related to the injury that leads to the death of your loved one, including all hospital expenses.

  • Wrongful Death Claim Atlanta

Wrongful Death Claim Atlanta

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Psychological Injury GA

Psychological Injury

Are you suffering emotional impairment or trauma from injuries, accidents, or other incidents? Our psychological injury lawyers are available to help you to secure the insurance benefits and financial compensation you are entitled to. Negligent behavior, injuries, and accidents can cause disability and physical harm. When someone has suffered a physical injury, he or she is usually entitled to compensation to cover emotional suffering, medical expenses, and loss of income.

Likewise, psychological injuries can be as damaging as the physical ones. People who’ve suffered from psychological injury, impairment, or trauma can also experience medical expenses, loss of income, and difficulties supporting themselves. And their families Many people usually don’t take psychological injuries as seriously as physical injuries even though the effects are often similar. Insurance companies may downplay the critical link between the accident or injuries and the resulting trauma or deny coverage. Psychological injury attorneys can assist clients to secure the insurance benefits and compensation which they deserve to move on with life.

What’s a Psychological Injury? 

A psychological injury refers to an impairment of mind. Psychological injuries include a broad range of impairments and psychiatric conditions, which can result from accidents or traumatic incidents. Although these injuries may not be as visible as physical injuries, they can be just as debilitating. Those suffering from psychological injuries can face difficulties looking for income to support themselves and their families or dealing with various aspects of daily life. There’s still a stigma surrounding the psychological injuries. Insurance companies usually deny claims or downplay the effects of these injuries. Individuals suffering from these injuries are at risk of insurers taking advantage of them. Psychological injury attorneys can assist to ensure that insurance companies and other relevant bodies review the compensation, benefits, and entitlements properly.

Psychological Injury – Painful and Hurting 

For many years, philosophers, scientists, scholars and curious individuals have been studying and researching about human psychological injuries. As the public becomes enlightened about how mental health affects financial and physical well-being, the magnitude of psychological injuries in a legal context is growing significantly. The psychological injury lawyers at our law firm have almost 30 years of experience in personal injury litigation’s and representing different victims in psychological injury cases. A psychological injury refers to an injury to a victim’s mind or psyche. Unlike traumatic brain injuries, where there’s an injury to a particular brain tissue, psychological injuries can develop without any physical trauma. For instance, witnessing a motor vehicle accident or motorcycle accident in which your loved one dies or seriously injured can cause psychological injuries. If you’re involved in a serious accident, sometimes the trauma triggers psychological damage- suffering severe burn injuries, losing a limb, becoming paralyzed or even just fearing for your life can cause psychological damage which could take several years to heal.

Psychological Injury

Psychological Injury GA

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Slip Fall Injuries Atlanta

Slip Fall Injuries

Accidents can occur anytime, and they most often result in slip fall injuries. But when something or someone outside of your control caused an accident that left you injured, you may have to use the available options for legal recourse.

A slip and fall accident refers to the unfortunate situations when an individual falls, trips or slips due to a dangerous condition on the property of someone else. It includes falls due to water, snow or ice, and the sudden changes in a bad lighting, flooring, or a hidden danger, such as a gap or hard-to-see hole in the ground. The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control estimates that over eight million people suffered from slip fall injuries.

Key Theories of Liability in Slip Fall Injuries

An injured person must prove one of the following claims to hold another party responsible for the injuries he or she suffered due to a slip and fall accident:

• A property owner (or their employee) caused the hazardous condition resulting in a slip and fall accident -by leaving a dangerous obstacle in the walking path, for instance — and it was quite predictable that someone would fall and trip because of the condition. OR

• A property owner (or their employee) should’ve identified a hazardous condition (i.e. an uneven walking surface or a pothole) and repaired or removed the potential hazard, but didn’t. The crucial question here is whether a reasonable individual would’ve recognized the condition as dangerous and whether the defendant had ample time to remedy the situation before the accident happened.

Slip Fall Accident Claims

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to get compensation for the costs and damages associated with your injuries. While every slip and fall claim is different, here are the common legal considerations to consider in each case:

· Slip and Fall Accident Claims -If you’re pursuing compensation for your injuries, you will have to file a slip and fall accident lawsuit or claim. When filing a lawsuit or claim in a slip and fall case, you’ll have to be prepared to submit evidence from a scene which shows the property owner knew about or should’ve known about, a dangerous condition which caused your injury.

· Slip and Fall Responsibility -Usually, the property owner could be responsible for your injuries if the person knew about the hazardous conditions OR should’ve known about the danger. Property owners must keep their premises safe, but won’t be responsible for slip and fall accidents that they couldn’t realistically prevent.

· Preventing Slip and Fall Responsibility -If you’re a small business owner or homeowner, getting an insurance can protect you from covering the costs of slip and fall accidents which happen on your property. While avoiding slip and fall accidents is ideal, an excellent business or home insurance plancan be a life saver if the guest slips or falls and injures themselves.

· Slip and Fall Attorneys -An experienced slip and fall lawyer in Alpharetta can be imperative to recovering the compensation you’re owed. Filing a slip and fall lawsuit or claim can be a difficult and frustrating process that’s made easier by the help of a highly qualified attorney.

Slip Fall Injuries

Slip Fall Injuries Atlanta

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why Hire A Workers' Compensation Lawyer in Georgia The actual procedure for filing a workers’ compensation claim is straightforward and can be done by the injured party. However, the system has definite filing requirements and depending upon circumstances and documentation requirements, preparing the claim can become a complicated process and should not be attempted without a worker’s compensation attorney. Bobe & Snell LLC 1095 Powers Pl Alpharetta GA 30009

Why Do I need a Workers' Compensation Attorney

When it comes to workers' compensation claims Bobe and Snell LLC in #Atlanta #GA can help. Learn why with this video

Monday, August 14, 2017

Construction Accident Attorney

Construction Accident Attorney Atlanta

When some people think of construction accidents, the last place that comes to mind is their place of work. That’s because some people work in nice, quiet offices. Others work in fast-paced, yet clean and safe restaurants. Then, there are those who work in occupations that are less safe, like construction workers. This particular group of people is known to work around large, heavy and dangerous machinery. This is one reason that those who work in this particular profession have a higher chance of suffering serious injuries or even death. The good news is that when bad injuries do occur, the victims can always call on a construction accident attorney to come to their rescue. The lawyer doesn’t necessarily rescue them regarding getting them out of danger; however, he or she does help the victims get the compensation they are due.

Hiring a construction accident attorney may seem like a no-brainer to some people. Little do they know, there are others who will overlook this important task all in the name of trying to save money. In their eyes, their injuries alone, along with a few eye witnesses, are enough to convince a judge, jury or insurance company that they should be compensated for their suffering. What they do not realize is that when going up against big businesses and corporations, proving that they are guilty in the court of law is not always an easy task. That’s because many of these companies have a team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers who have been working for years in the profession. These experienced attorneys are tough to go up against, especially if the person going up against them is an amateur who doesn’t know what he or she is doing.

That is why a construction accident attorney is so important. These lawyers are just as trained and skilled as the ones who are hired by businesses and corporations. Therefore, they can represent their clients with diligence and integrity. They can advocate for them in the midst of the complicated legal system and give their clients the best opportunity to come out on top.

In some people’s eyes, it may seem unfair that a corporation would have the opportunity to escape any due consequences all because it employs a great lawyer. Unfortunately, that is just the way the legal system works, and sometimes fire must be fought with fire. So, if any workers are involved in an accident at their construction jobs, it is best that they hire a construction accident attorney. This will assist to secure that they get all of the damages that they are due.

Construction Accident Attorney


Construction Accident Attorney

Monday, July 31, 2017

Back Injuries Atlanta GA

Back Injuries

The back is one of the most crucial parts of our body. It helps to support our stature and maintain movement. Though, there is always a constant potential for an injury that could hurt and impair your back. These hazards are everywhere including work; as our jobs are not safe havens that project immunity from back injuries. Yet, it is important to know that back injuries received at work in comparison to your home or even a store store, can be compensated for by your job through a worker’s compensation lawyer.

Back Injuries & Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation is a form of insurance that one pays into that provides coverage for work related activities. Worker’s compensation is very broad and is set up to provide for a number of different injuries or circumstances done to one in the workplace.

Employees that are injured, in most cases receive their compensation, and yet some are rejected. A number of claims for worker’s compensation are rejected because the legal processes and paperwork  are very confusing to the uninitiated. This makes it all the more important to reach out to a worker’s compensation lawyer if one possess a work place related back injury.

Back Injuries in the Workplace

According to Business and Legal Resources website, back injuries account for over 20 percent of workplace injuries. This shows that back injuries occur at a very high frequency, and produces the second highest amount of lost work days after the common cold. Common back injuries include a fractured vertebrate, pinched nerves, a damaged spinal cord, slipped discs, and a hernia.  Back injuries also tend to be very agonizing and painful. Because of this, it goes without saying, that those with back injuries spend a significant more time receiving medical treatment. The more medical treatment that received in turn increases the amount of time that one has to stay home and go through rehabilitation.   If one receives a back injury as a result of work it is imperative they reach out to a worker’s compensation lawyer to be fairly compensated for what they have gone through.

What to Look for in a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer

 As aforementioned, the steps needed to receive worker’s compensation are long and very confusing. Most people and a number of lawyers don’t possess the know how needed to get a claim for worker’s compensation. This is why it is important to specifically find a worker’s compensation lawyer that is knowledgeable and has been in involved in a number of claims for those with back injuries.  One should thoroughly research the lawyer  and find out how many back injury claims they’ve won and lost, as you want to ensure you have a good chance at receiving your claim.

Back InjuriesThe Importance of a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer


Back Injuries Atlanta GA

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Georgia Wrongful Death Claims Attorney Though taking serious legal actions might not be a priority for individuals who have lost their loved ones, it is always important that the survivors of a decedent hire the services of a wrongful death claims attorney immediately. Apart from emotional upheaval of having a family member pass away, most families also face significant financial burdens without the help of the deceased. Therefore, the compensation benefits offered by a wrongful death lawsuit might help in easing such financial problems. Bobe & Snell LLC 1095 Powers Pl, Alpharetta, GA 30009 470-268-5802

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Medical Benefits Lawyer

Workers’ Compensation Medical Benefits Lawyer

As a resident of Georgia, you will probably agree with us that workers’ compensation laws in this state are complicated. One might require a legal mind to understand them. You should seek guidance from a medical benefits lawyer who can help understand these laws.

Remember, if you fail to comply with them, then you risk losing medical benefits or your coverage for medical bills. If you were injured at work, you’ve legal rights. Reach out to a Bobe & Snell Alpharetta Medical Benefits Lawyer dedicated to protecting your rights.

In Georgia, many workers have workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Injured workers are compensated through this insurance, which pays income and medical benefits while they recover from the injury and can’t offer accomplish their job responsibilities.

Medical benefits are an essential component of workers’ compensation, particularly for severe injuries. While the insurance covers medical expenses, workers must ensure that they follow all regulations for getting treatment that stipulated under Georgia workers’ compensation Act, or they risk losing the benefits totally.

For a successful recovery, it is imperative to know your medical benefits rights if you’re got injured at your workplace. A skilled workers’ compensation medical benefits attorney in Alpharetta, GA can protect your rights and help you achieve your recovery.

At the Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC, we will guide you through the appropriate steps for getting compensation and the treatment you deserve to move on with your life.

What About Emergency Cases?

If an injured employee fails to follow the rules regarding recommended doctors, the employer is no longer held liable for medical costs. The exception is for emergency treatment. During real emergency cases, an injured worker may get medical care from the nearest emergency clinic. But, once the injured worker is out of the emergency, he or she should continue treatment with one of the physicians from the list given by his or her employer.

If injuries need surgery, the physician will be in contact with the Workers’ Compensation provider or employer. They’ll make the necessary referrals and arrangements to make sure that the medical team performing the surgery comply with the workers’ compensation rules.

Receiving Medical Benefits Under Workers’ Compensation

If you were injured at the workplace, workers’ compensation laws would cover your medical treatment. Exception for emergency care situations, you should seek treatment from a physician on your employer’s authorized panel of doctors.

The law lets a one-time change to another doctor on the panel of your employer if you’re not satisfied with the physician you chose initially. If the insurance agency or employer fails to comply with the rules concerning your claim, you may have a right to choose your physician.

With over 20 years of experience handling workers’ compensation claims, Bobe & Snell, LLC medical benefits lawyer can explain your rights and guide you on the right course of action for getting proper compensation and medical care for your workplace injury.

Medical Benefits Lawyer

Medical Benefits Lawyer

Friday, June 30, 2017

GA Construction AccidentNeed a Workers Compensation Lawyer

Construction workers are among the hardest working people in a country. They have helped in building our homes, cities, and country in general into what is now. Unfortunately, construction workers are among the frequently injured employees in the workplace. Due to the naturally risk tasks that they do, the surroundings that they work, and the conditions that they work in daily, it isn’t uncommon at all for such workers to experience some serious construction injuries or even be killed in the line of work.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Workers Compensation Atlanta GA

Workers Compensation Lawyers Atlanta GA

In the U.S., one of the most widely accessed entitlement programs is Workers’ Compensation. Workers compensation is a series of benefits that are paid to employees that are injured or become ill during and as a result of the performance of their jobs. Employers are required by law to provide this benefit to their employees and typically do so through a workers compensation insurance policy provided by a private carrier. Virtually every employee is covered by the Workers Compensation Act, and benefits are paid to the employee regardless of who is at fault for the accident and injury.

The actual procedure for filing a workers’ compensation claim is straightforward and can be done by the injured party. However, the system has definite filing requirements and depending upon circumstances and documentation requirements, preparing the claim can become a complicated process and should not be attempted without a worker’s compensation attorney. States and cities may also have individual requirements regarding workers’ compensation, so it is important when choosing a worker’s compensation attorney to have representation from the proper state or jurisdiction. Attorneys who do not specialize in workers’ compensation law and are from outside the jurisdiction likely will not be able to properly represent your claim.

A workers’ compensation claim is similar to a claim against an auto or homeowner’s insurance company. It is a claim filed against the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier and is not a law suit directed at the employer. In fact, the law provides that: (1) injured workers cannot sue employers for accidents occurring on the job and, (2) it is also illegal for employers to terminate workers for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

Under workers’ compensation, the main benefit categories are, but not limited to:

Payment of Related Medical Bills:

Benefits paid when the worker temporarily cannot work due to the injury or illness. This is titled Temporary Total Disability (TTD) and is likely a series of ongoing payments until the worker can return to work.

Benefits paid when the worker is injured to the point that he/she cannot return to work at all. This is called Permanent Disability (PD). Based on the nature and extent of the injury, PD benefits are, very often, a lump sum settlement.

It must be understood that all insurance companies are actively reviewing cases for legitimacy and to minimize fraudulent claims and their cost of claims. Depending on circumstances and for any number of reasons, a worker’s compensation insurance carrier may deny benefit payments at the beginning of the claim or may be terminate compensation after initial benefits have been paid. Questions and positions regarding TTD and PD also are often contested as are charges of illegal firing due to the injury. Since the insurance company will employ experts in the workers’ compensation arena, in these situations, it is crucial to have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who will advocate for you to get your legal benefits restored and the settlements to which you are entitled.

Navigating through the workers’ compensation benefit system can be a difficult task, especially if there are contested issues and special circumstances. It is a wise decision to engage the services of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyers such as Bobe & Snell Lae Office early in the claim to guide you and represent you through the process.

Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation Atlanta GA

Monday, June 12, 2017

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel & Workers Compensation

Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to carpal tunnel space that the nerves & tendons pass through in the wrist. This happens when the nerves with carpal tunnel are compressed or become irritated due to repetitive movement or even injuries to the nerves. Often, symptoms occur in the index finger, thumb, half of the ring finger, and middle finger. They are manifested through pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. It is important to know that workers` compensation is actually available for individuals who are facing the limiting effect of carpal tunnel syndrome due to occupational activity. Bobe & Snell has teams of workers compensation lawyers who are always devoted to ensuring that their clients get the maximum compensation benefits that they deserve.

Speak with Bobe & Snell workers compensation today and be sure to get the best help needed during such a challenging time. Our lawyers have resenting many clients for decades, and they are always prepared to help their clients to pursue the fair support that they deserve through compensation programs.  Our workers have decades of competence, knowledge, and skills. In addition, our company provides our clients with award-winning legal services.

Why Choose Bobe & Snell Workers Compensation Lawyers

There is an extensive range of reasons why one should consider using the legal services of our law firm. Some of these reasons include the following.

• We Are Knowledgeable And Experienced

Bobe & Snell worker compensation lawyers have accumulated many years of competence, knowledge, skills, and experience. We have supplied the best legal services in the Atlanta area for years. In addition, our teams of competent lawyers have served thousands of clients since we entered into legal community. Furthermore, all our workers compensation attorneys are highly trained, certified, and experienced. Therefore, our legal services are of premium quality. In fact, we strive to supply award-winning legal services in the legal industry consistently.

• We Offer High Quality Legal Services

The aim of our lawyers is always to ensure that all our clients are supplied with reliable and quality legal representation. We ensure that our legal services always exceed our clients expectation. So, choose us and be sure to rely on our services.

• Affordable Legal Services

Though our legal services are competitively priced, we do not compromise our quality. Our attorneys always ensure that all our clients get the best legal representation possible. That way, we ensure that they get maximum compensation benefits and affordable legal fees.


Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Workplace Injury Types

Workplace injury types

Once we get hired by a company, we make sure that our rights as employees are covered well by the job offer. This is to make sure that whatever happens to us, we are sure to claim assistance from the company we work for. And when accidents happen in a workplace, it is best to have a worker’s compensation lawyer by your side.

Our lawyers at Bobe and Snell can help you in every step of the way, no matter what type of injury you suffer in the workplace. We have the best lawyers that can handle all injury related cases in the workplace.

Workplace injury checklist together with their basic things you should know:

These types of accidents in our workplace injury checklist may involve large and heavy machinery and equipment or simple accidents that cause major injuries. It is a must that employers make sure that employees are safest when at work. However, when disastrous accidents happen in the workplace, employers face high costs of compensation claims, medical expenses and loss or earnings. It is hard to make claims during and after these types of accident happen. And when this happens to you, our compensation attorneys can make sure your claim get to be acknowledged by your employer.

Our lawyers have the most experience in handling workplace related injuries. We know the each step to be taken for each claim. We make sure that we investigate well on when and where the accidents happened and what were the consequences of the accidents. We will ask assistance only from medical experts to make sure that we can determine the correct diagnoses of your injuries. And because we know how hard it is to file a complaint while injured, we can visit you at your home and even in the hospital. Once all evidences are gathered, we will advise you of the actions we can take for your claims.

Of course, these injuries may only be a few of which you may experience. If you think that your injuries fall under our workplace injury checklist, do not hesitate to call us. We are here to listen and aid you the best way we can for your claims to be won.

free attorney consultations

Workplace injury Types

Workplace Injury Types

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Workers Compensation Law Mediation Bobe & Snell Licensed Mediator Specializing In Mediating Workers’ Compensation Claims Today, mediation has become the best way to resolve legal claims, especially in personal injuries and workers` compensations claims. For sure, mediation is a type of “Alternative Dispute Resolution” which gives the injured individual a chance to resolve his/her claims against the insurer or insurance firm without the need to go to a jury trial or hearing in front of judges. Therefore, the injured individual and the insurer can decide to sue mediation as the best means of reaching a fair settlement. Licensed Mediator provides the victim and the insurer a chance to settle a claim in a less expensive, less stressful, and much faster way than going to hearing or trial. Bobe & Snell, LLC 470.268.5802 1095 Powers Pl, Alpharetta, GA 30009

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney At our law firm, we have been dealing with workers compensation claims for decades. Whether a client wants to take his or her claim to a full hearing or want to settle it and move on with life you should rest assured that we are legal experts in this area. #Atlanta #workerscompensation #attorney

Monday, March 13, 2017

Licensed Mediator Atlanta

Licensed Mediator Specializing In Mediating Workers’ Compensation Claims

Today, mediation has become the best way to resolve legal claims, especially in personal injuries and workers` compensations claims. For sure, mediation is a type of “Alternative Dispute Resolution” which gives the injured individual a chance to resolve his/her claims against the insurer or insurance firm without the need to go to a jury trial or hearing in front of judges. Therefore, the injured individual and the insurer can decide to sue mediation as the best means of reaching a fair settlement. Licensed Mediator provides the victim and the insurer a chance to settle a claim in a less expensive, less stressful, and much faster way than going to hearing or trial.

Understanding Mediation

Mediation can be held at the office of the mediator. Besides, mediation can be held at the State Board of workers` comp in workers` compensation cases. However, medication can also be held at the office of a lawyer who is representing the parties involved in that particular case.

The mediator must be a lawyer who has several years of skills, competency, and expertise in personal injury cases and also workers` compensation claims. The mediator must have gone through special training in order to be certified and licensed.

Also, the mediator should not be an advocate for any of the parties involved in the claim. Indeed, the mediator should be licensed and neutral. His or her work is to ensure that the parties involved have reached the resolution of the claim. Mediations always begin when both parties involve are present in the same room or office. The two parties must be given equal chances to present their cases. Then, the parties will separate into different rooms. The mediator will then go to each room and present the settlement offers to each party with the aim of resolving the issue.

Hire Our Expert Mediation Services

Every personal injury lawyer in our lawyer firm is a licensed mediator. Therefore, we are the premier providers of the highest quality mediation services in the Atlanta area. Admittedly, mediation offers the best opportunity of resolving claims in a low stress and comfortable process, with no stress, expenses, and time of going to hearing or trial.

At Bobe & Snell, we have decades of skills, experiences, knowledge, and competence in the mediation of both personal injury and workers` compensation claims. Our licensed mediators always ensure that they deliver the highest level of representation & services to all our clients.

Contact Bobe & Snell for quality mediation services.

Licensed Mediator

Licensed Mediator Atlanta

Monday, February 27, 2017

Workers Compensation Lawyers Atlanta

Workers Compensation Lawyers Bobe & Snell

Anyone who is injured in a workplace has rights. He or she has a right to medical care which will enable him or her to recover from the injuries. The medical care services should be provided by an experienced physician who is well-trained and qualified to offer treatments for such injuries. In addition, the victim has legal right to get disability compensation benefits in case he or she earns less amount of money or unable to work because of the injuries. If you have been a victim of a workplace injury you need to contact workers compensation lawyers at Bobe & Snell Law Office.

Furthermore, one has a legal right to payment for all permanent disabilities caused by the injury. For detailed information regarding Workers Compensation Claims after severe injurious, contact Bobe & Snell Workers Compensation Lawyers. For decades, our lawyers have been enforcing employees` rights all over Georgia.

Protection Of Workers Rights: Workers Compensation Benefits

At our law firm, we have been dealing with workers compensation claims for decades. Whether a client wants to take his or her claim to a full hearing or want to settle it and move on with life you should rest assured that we are legal experts in this area.

Competent Attorneys

Without a doubt, how lawyers handle a client`s work compensation claims will really make a lot of difference in the benefits that he or she will receive. Bobe & Snell has a terrific track record of attaining favorable results for individuals all over Georgia.

Types Of Workers Compensation Claims

As the most preferred law firm, we handle the following compensation claims:

• Death on the place of work

• Injuries that might end an individual`s career

• Injuries that involve loss of sight

• Injuries that involve carpal tunnel, arms/hands, and cubital tunnel

• Injuries that are suffered by nursing assistants, nurses, and CNAs

• Injuries that occur on the road or construction sites

• Injuries that occur on a production line, warehouses, factories, or plants

• Amputations of an individual`s body part

• Any neck, back, or spinal injuries

We Protect Your Rights

In case a wage earner is killed, the spouse and children have a legal right of recovering dependency benefits for the financial help that was lost. Whether our client is a divorced spouse or a surviving spouse that support the kids of an employee who was killed at the place of work, our attorneys will ensure that they are given the benefits that they deserve. Our lawyers fully understand that it is hard for an individual to move on with life after losing their loved one. For sure, financial and emotional struggles are hard to deal with. We are devoted to helping our clients go through such situations. Call us now for legal help.

Workers Compensation Lawyers

Workers Compensation Lawyers Atlanta

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Legal Information That Will Help You

Workers Compensation Lawyers Georgia

Dealing with lawyers isn’t an easy task. Luckily, it’s not that difficult to get a good lawyer that can help you if you know what to do to locate services that can benefit you. We offer workers compensation legal information and settlements.

If you are facing serious work related discrimination or you feel you have a case, you need to hire an attorney straight away. Don’t try to do this alone or you may get into a worse mess. Lawyers are qualified to handle such matters on your behalf.

If you are approached by a lawyer:

Lawyers who have to reach out to potential clients usually lack the qualifications needed or might even run scams. Hire someone you find on your own.

Understand that anything you discuss with a lawyer is confidential. For instance, if you speak with your lawyer about something dealing with your company, nothing can be discussed with your competition.

Do not hire any lawyer that makes you feel uncomfortable. This also includes how comfortable you feel with their fees. Do not sign over a blank retainer check. Get an estimate so you can keep costs low and they don’t get out of control.

When you search for workers compensation lawyers, get business recommendations. Workers compensation attorneys provide services to some top legal players as well as their employees, so that may help you locate some good lawyers. If you know someone who works at a construction facility, for example, they into have some insight into lawyers like Bobe & Snell that have helped coworkers. These people talk to lawyers on a frequent basis; therefore, they can provide great recommendations.

Only use lawyers you can trust. This is the most important thing, especially if it is a long-term lawyer. They may ask for retaining fees and blank checks. Your financial fate is literally in their hands, then. Safeguard your future the best way you can.

Find out as much as you you can about a lawyer’s reputation when you are making a selection. Online reviews, coupled with bar association reports, will give you an accurate idea of whether a certain lawyer is right for you. This can save you a ton of time, aggravation and money later on.

Chances are that you are not excited about needing a lawyer. However, if you understand and know how to choose a competitive compensation lawyer, you will be prepared to face any eventuality which may occur. Ideally, the advice will help you through your toughest times.

Medical Benefits

free attorney consultations

Legal Information That Will Help You

The Purpose Of Workers Compensation | Bobe & Snell LLC GA #GA #Lawyer #workerscompensation Do you wonder about the purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA? There are two primary purposes for workers compensation. The first is to provide help to those who have been hurt at work or have gotten sick on the job, medical coverage. Workers compensation provides medical coverage to those who have been hurt at their job or have gotten sick as a result of their work. For instance, if you develop a lung disease from working in a freezer day in and day out, workers compensation is supposed to pay for your medical care. The other purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA is to protect employers. Employees are not permitted to sue their employer for injury or sickness unless the employer tried to injure the employee or make the worker ill on purpose. If you are injured on the job, you are required to inform your employer immediately. Your supervisor needs to fill out the paperwork and submit his or her report to the insurance company.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Brain Injuries Atlanta GA

Head And Brain Injuries

Head and brain injuries that have resulted because of workplace accidents might a have major impact on an individual’s career and can change his or her life forever. We are the best workers` compensation attorneys in the legal community. We help our clients who have suffered brain damage, head injuries, or concussion to pursue their claims. Our Alpharetta head & brain injuries attorneys have really helped injured employees in Georgia to get compensation benefits they deserve.

The Leading Head And Brain Injuries Lawyers In Alpharetta, GA

Bobe & Snell Alpharetta head & brain injury attorneys are the best in the legal industry. Our lawyers assure our clients full compensation benefits. Indeed, hiring the services of expert workers` compensation lawyers can result in many benefits especially if one has suffered a brain or head injuries at a workplace, and he or she is unable to work again. We always arrange to meet our clients at their homes or hospital rooms to discuss their issues further.

We offer hassle-free consultations where we discuss the details of our clients` cases. Some injuries can occur as a result of driving  a company vehicle, a slip or fall at a workplace, or on construction sites. Other head and brain injuries such as concussion can be delicate, and some physicians might not realize that serious damages have happened to the head.

Mostly, symptoms normally develop over time; long after the worker has gone back to the job. Using our experts` extensive skills and knowledge and as the top brain and head injuries attorneys in the region, we help our clients to get back on their feet in case they have suffered any injuries at workplaces. We treat our clients equally. In fact, we treat them the way we would like other firms to treat us.

We Are Legal Experts

Bobe & Snell, LLC has legal experts in head and brain injuries. We always ensure that all our clients have received compensation benefits that they deserve after brain or head injuries. Without a doubt, proving brain or head injuries can be a daunting task, particularly if symptoms are not visible until long after an accident has happened. We are experts in proving head and brain injuries. We help our clients in securing home care payments, or even financial help for their spouses in case they are their primary caregivers. For 25 years, our attorneys have represented unsecured employers, injured workers, and insurance companies. Choose our legal services today.

Contact us today  for expert legal services. Free consultation services are available.

Brain Injuries

Brain Injuries Atlanta GA

Monday, January 30, 2017

Medical Benefits Lawyer Atlanta GA

Workers Compensation Law Firm: Medical Benefits Lawyer

The Workers Compensation Act has a system of disability & medical benefits that are offered to employees who are hurt or injured at workplaces or develop occupational diseases due to their jobs. The system is meant to offer protection to all workers from any financial hardships that are related to any on-the-job injuries, such as medical expenses and inability to earn salaries as result of injuries. If you have suffered a workplace injury then you need to contact a medical benefits lawyer. Below is some helpful information that you need to know.

Workers compensation offers the following two main benefits to injured workers. These include:

• Disability Benefits

These are cash benefits that are made to any injured employee as compensation, especially for permanent injuries or lost wages.

• Medical Compensation

Medical Compensation includes payment for medications, hospitalization, doctor visits, and surgeries. Also, medical compensation includes mileage reimbursement for vocational rehabilitation service, doctor`s visits, and attendant & nursing care in case of serious injuries.

A medical benefits lawyer at Bobe and Snell Law Office know that workers compensation cases can become complex. Our experienced attorneys also understand the importance of the outcome, particularly to the injured employees as far as protection of their living standards is concerned. Indeed, we help our clients throughout the region navigate the complicated workers` compensation systems, and ensure that they get the benefits that they deserve.

Our Medical Benefits Lawyers Protect The Rights Of Our Clients

Insurance firms are eager to convince their employees to settle compensation claims with lump sum payouts so that they clear their books & prevent workers from hiring the services of expert attorneys. This kind of settlement is referred to as clincher. If one signs this type of settlement without the help of an experienced medical benefits lawyer, it can lead to serious problems later that can`t be fixed.

We have teams of highly respected medical benefits attorneys and other medical experts who can provide the necessary documentations on the medical treatments that will be necessary in future, and the actual costs of those treatments. We advocate seriously on our clients’ behalf in order to secure their full compensation benefits.

Clincher settlements stipulate that workers can`t pursue extra benefits or even reopen their cases in case the conditions worsen. Because of that, it is vital to hire the legal services of an experienced and competent workers` compensations lawyer before signing any agreement.

Our expert medical benefits attorneys at Bobe and Snell Law Office are always committed to doing anything that is necessary to protect the rights of our clients. We take workers compensation claim cases on contingency fees basis. In case we fail to recover payment for a client, either through court decisions or negotiations, our client will not be required to pay any legal fees.

Call Bobe and Snell Law Office today for professional legal services.

Medical Benefits Lawyer



Medical Benefits Lawyer Atlanta GA

Monday, January 23, 2017

Medical Benefits Lawyer GA | Bobe & Snell LLC Illnesses or injuries that qualify to be compensated according to the applicable workers` compensation laws need prescribed medical benefits that should be paid to all injured workers. The benefit limits & duration actually differ by jurisdiction. However, every state in the U.S offers essentially the same 3 categories or classes of benefits. These classes include: • Death Benefits • Disability or Indemnity Benefits • Medical Benefits

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Slip And Fall Injuries Atlanta GA

Slip and Fall Injuries: Worker’s Compensation Law Firm

Over twenty percent (20%) of workers’ injuries in the United States are as a result of slip and fall accidents. These injuries add up to more than one million compensation cases every year. Slip and fall injuries can occur in all work surroundings, right from construction sites to hospitals or even office jobs among many other workplaces.

However, the good news is that there are worker’s compensation laws that protect victims who suffer from slip and fall injuries. In addition, the compensation laws recognize the fact that such injuries can occur easily in the workplace. As a result, that person may be owed compensation benefits for lost wages, medical bills, and many others.

Slip And Fall Injuries: Common Accidents

• Falls from heights

These include falls from staircases, machinery, or ladders.

• Falls on a slippery surface

These include falls from icy patches or spilled liquids (both outdoors and indoors)

• Same-level trips & falls

These include accidents that occur on uneven surfaces, and quick movements.

Though falls from heights might seem dangerous, any of the above accidents may result in severe injuries that might have a lasting effect. Therefore, anybody who has been hurt should not take the injury lightly.

Accident Causes

All employers have responsibilities of keeping their employees safe. This means they must always fix know issues and any safety risks. Though companies or employers and workers try their best possible to prevent accidents from occurring, it is not possible to prevent all accidents. Slip and fall injuries are mainly caused by:

• Damaged floors

• Spilled liquids

• Broken or even missing guardrails

• Broken or cracked stairs

• Unsecured mats

• Unmarked hazards

• Broken or poor lighting

• Exposed cords & wires

Anyone who is injured in the workplace and any of these issues is responsible for the accident, he or she has a right of filing a worker’s compensation benefits claim.

Common Slip And Fall Injuries

The common slip & fall accidents usually range from severe to minor problems. The kinds of injuries resulting from such accidents include broken bones, sprains, neck injuries, strained muscles, back injuries, cuts & burns, herniated discs, spinal injuries, joint injuries (shoulders, and knees among many others), and head trauma.

We are here to help: Call Bobe and Snell Law Office we are the most competent slip and fall worker’s compensation law firm in the Atlanta area.

We are the right law firm to represent clients who have suffered from slip & fall accidents.

Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip And Fall Injuries Atlanta GA