Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Interview Questions To Help You Choose The Best Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

You should interview your potential spinal cord injury lawyer, Alpharetta, GA to determine whether your case or claim has merit, whether the lawyer is qualified to handle it, and whether you’re comfortable with the lawyer and his or her law firm.

You must have the right interview questions to help you achieve your goals. Also, you or someone accompanying you to the interview should prepare to take good notes. At Bobe & Snell, LLC, we would like to share with you some critical questions to ask any Alpharetta spinal cord injury you’re considering to work with:

  • How many SCI cases have you handled before and what’s your track record with winning trials? When did you personally tried the last SCI case to a jury and got a successful verdict?

  • Do you handle other types of personal injury? If yes, what types of other cases do you handle? What percentage involve other types of injury claims?

  • Will you advance all the necessary costs to bring the case or lawsuit to trial if that is a perfect option for maximum recovery? Will you ever ask me to advance any costs in the lawsuit?

  • How long have you been practicing?

  • What percentage of your cases over those years of practice have involved spinal cord injuries?

  • Will you be handling my case personally or you will ask someone else under you to handle the majority of the work? Who’s this person?  A paralegal or an attorney?  How many years of experience do they’ve regarding spinal cord injury litigations?

Contingent fee arrangements are attractive since they do not require you to pay any cash up front. Luckily, they’re the norm for plaintiffs in spinal cord injury litigations.

The Alpharetta spinal cord injury lawyer shares in the recovery risks and agrees that you only pay him or her if your case is ultimately successful by virtue of a judgment or settlement. Under this arrangement, your spinal cord injury lawyer, Alpharetta, GA receives a percentage of the final amount recovered –usually 40% for the cases resolved after an appeal, or one-third for the cases resolved before an appeal.

Your attorney should be willing to itemize all out-of-pocket expenses in your lawsuits (such as court filing fees, expert witness expenses, transcripts, and photocopying). It’s imperative to ask whether the lawyer will deduct these costs before or after a contingent percentage is applied.

The likely expert witnesses of your spinal cord injury may include a vocational rehabilitation consultant, physicians, an economist, a life care planner, and separate liability experts.

So, another crucial question to ask is who’ll be responsible for paying the litigation expenses if you lose your case. This question is imperative, especially in spinal cord injury litigation because expenses are usually high.

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

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