Thursday, November 30, 2017

Workman"s Comp Attorney Atlanta

What A Good Workman’s Comp Attorney Can Do for You

You may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits if you are an employee who has suffered a work-related illness or injury. Hiring a dependable and dedicated workman’s comp attorney in Alpharetta, GA will give you a much better chance of getting the benefits you deserve.

It’s unfortunate that employers or their insurance carriers routinely deny legitimate workers’ compensation claims, leaving workers’ compensation applicants to face a complex system of appeals. At that point, most applicants give up, while others try their best to navigate the system themselves.

At Bobe & Snell, LLC, you will find an experienced workman’s comp attorney who will gather and develop medical evidence, represent you at your workers’ comp hearing, communicate with the workers’ comp insurer on your behalf, and negotiate a good settlement.

The attorneys and claims adjusters working for the insurance company aren’t looking out for you, and they’ll not hesitate to deny your bona fide claim for dubious reasons. Here are some of the crucial things a knowledgeable and experienced Alpharetta workman’s comp lawyer to get you the worker’s comp benefits that you deserve.

Developing Vocational, Medical, and Other Evidence

An accurately-developed medical record is more likely to lead to a permanent disability rating, which reflects the true extent of any permanent impairments you have.

Your attorney in Atlanta, GA will gather medical records, recommend or arrange treatment with certain doctors, conduct depositions of medical experts and obtain medical opinions to help develop proper medical evidence.

The insufficient medical evidence is probably the most common reason employers, and their insurance carriers deny workers’ comp claims. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of your case, an experienced workers’ comp lawyer will understand what evidence is required to increase your chances of recovery.

Negotiating and Structuring Settlement Agreements

Workers’ compensation lawyers often have a much better idea of the value of a claim than workers they represent. An attorney will understand how the following factors affect the merit of your case:

  • your disability rating

  • the extent of your injuries and the resulting functional limitations

  • whether the disability is temporary or permanent

  • whether the disability is total or partial

  • the costs of future and past medical treatment, and

  • your previous wages.

With few exceptions, workman’s comp lawyers are more likely to engage in productive negotiations with the insurers than the applicants acting alone. Furthermore, attorneys understand the negotiating tactics and tricks that insurance companies use, from low-ball offers to bogus “final offers” that aren’t.

If you are applying for or receiving for Social Security disability benefits, an improperly-drafted settlement agreement can cost you hundreds of dollars each month in benefits because of workers’ compensation offset. Your lawyer can ensure that your settlement agreement is structured well.

An attorney can also help you decide on a reasonable estimate of your future medical expenses. Your settlement should take into account the medical bills you have already incurred and those you expect to incur in the future.

In settlement negotiations, an attorney is essential. While it is true that a workers’ comp judge must approve settlements, unrepresented claimants would be unwise to depend on the judge to safeguard their interests adequately.

Representing You in a Workers’ Comp Trial or Hearing

If you can’t reach a settlement, your case proceeds to an administrative trial or hearing before a workers’ comp judge. At the hearing, your workman’s comp attorney will present his “theory of the case” (why you should get benefits) to the judge, examine witnesses, offer objections, and make opening and closing arguments.

During the discovery process, your lawyer may take perform legal research, prepare pleadings and motions,  request your medical records, and depositions of witnesses.

Advising You on Third-Party Claims and Any Other Potential Benefits

Manufacturers and drivers of faulty equipment are frequent targets of third-party suits. On top of a workers’ comp claim, an injured worker may also have a personal injury claim against the third party whose negligence contributed to or caused the injury.

A personal injury claim may be much more valuable than a workers’ compensation claim because damages can include loss of potential earnings and pain and suffering.

Lawyers can also advise claimants on their potential eligibility for other benefits, including wage reimbursement, vocational rehabilitation assistance, Social Security disability, state short-term disability, and long-term disability insurance benefits.

If you are in any doubt about your ability to handle your workers’ compensation claim yourself, do not hesitate to contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC today at 470.268.5802 for a free consultation with our experienced Atlanta workers’ comp attorneys.


Workman"s Comp Attorney Atlanta

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