Friday, May 27, 2016

Our Legal Team

Our compensation lawyers work as legal teams, handling every part of your claim with expertise and experience. This is very important when working against the huge resources at the disposal of insurance companies. A lawyer is therefore your best chance at getting just compensation.

Our Legal Team

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Slip And Fall Injuries

Common Causes Of On The Job Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries are some of the most common injuries to workers in their workplace. According to the statistics given by the National Safety Council, these types of injury contributes about 20% of all workplace injuries. The most common causes of such injuries include, poor lighting, holes on the floor, spilled liquids, inadequate warning signs and broken/ uneven stairs among others. On the job slip and fall injuries may either incur a serious or a minor injury. Some of the serious injuries include; fractures, deep gashes, head trauma and disc herniations. These types of injuries are also known as hard injuries. The minor injuries also known as soft tissue injuries include; abrasions, minor burns, small gashes, minor contusions and sprained tendons, muscles and ligaments.

All employers should be bound by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) except in a few cases. The employees are not expected to violate the OSHA regulations as this may lead to substantial fines and even imprisonment in serious cases. The OSHA regulations are meant to ensure the safety measures at every workplace.

Terms Of Compensation For On The Job Slip And Fall Injuries

Each and every employee that may succumb to injuries in the workplace, has got the right to benefit from worker’s compensation. For an employee to file the workers’ compensation claim, he/she doesn’t need the employer’s negligence. This is because the injury alone is enough to claim the compensation. For an employee to begin the claim, you are required to file a first report of injury. This should be done by your employer. For emergency cases, that is when the case is a very serious one should seek medical attention first and fill the form later. When filling the form, you should fill in specific information about your slip and fall accident. You should also include the date and time of accident.

To get the treatment, you are expected to select a physician of your choice from the list of company’s approved physicians. In most cases, the employees are left with no choice when it comes to potential conflicts of interest. This is only because they expected to choose one of the physicians provided as their primary treating physician. After an examination by the physician, you can be referred to a specialist depending on the slip and fall injuries one succumbs. Such specialist may include; chiropractors, podiatrists and orthopedists.

The above are some of the common causes and procedures one should follow to be compensated. In case an employee contributes to the cause of the accident, he/she is entitled to the compensation benefits. This is because it is not necessary to prove that the employer was negligent. The workers’ compensation law also does not hinder the employee from the coverage, despite the injury being his/her fault.

Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip And Fall Injuries

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Injured Workers

Certain occupations pose high risks of accidental injury or death. Workers compensation laws throughout the country ensure that any worker injured in the course of employment is adequately compensated.

Injured Workers

Monday, May 23, 2016

On The Job Injuries

Daily, workers are exposed to the risk of an on the job injury. On the job injuries can occur in a variety of ways including , unsafe workplace conditions, intentional misconduct or simply by accident without fault.

On The Job Injuries

Friday, May 20, 2016

Our Experts

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace.

Our Experts

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why You Need Us

A workers’ compensation lawyer can guide clients through the often complicated process of filing a case for workers’ compensation, especially when the claim has been denied by the insurance company.

Why You Need Us

Monday, May 16, 2016

Our Firm

Glenn Bobe and Jeff Snell have over 25 years experience in handling Georgia Workers’ Compensation claims.

Our Firm

Ga Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm | Bobe & Snell How Our #Georgia Spinal Cord #Injuries #workerscomp #Lawyers Can Help. Every worker is entitled to worker’s compensation, should an injury occur in the course of his duties. It is a legal requirement that these injuries are the responsibility of the employer. Call B.S. 470.268.5802

Friday, May 13, 2016

Our Practice

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Our Practice

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

GA Lawyers

When it comes to finding competent workers’ compensation lawyers in Georgia trust in Bobe & Snell Attorneys at Law.

GA Lawyers

Georgia Lawyers That Win Cases

Hiring the right Georgia lawyers can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your compensation.

Look for Georgia lawyers that is an expert in your type of case. We specialize in Workers’ Compensation Law. Many lawyers can handle a wide range of cases, but if you want the best outcome possible, you want a lawyer that deals solely with cases of the same nature as yours. The best lawyer for you will have many cases like yours and knows the law the best.

A general practice attorney is not always your best option. You might have a good lawyer you trust, but do not hesitate to hire a specialized lawyer if you need help with an issue your lawyer has no experience with. Do not hesitate to ask your usual lawyer for a referral.

Georgia Lawyers that win cases

Georgia Lawyers That Win Cases

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents and Workers Compensation

If you get an injury while working in a building site any legal claim might be determined by workers compensation laws based on your state and the level to which the company is responsible for injuries. However, while claiming for this your attorney will know the level of your employer’s liability. But what is workers compensation?

Workers Compensation

This is a system of legalities detailing the benefits that an injured worker is entitled to get in case of construction accidents including medical expenses and lost wages. This is very important when an employee gets injured while working. In most states, the law requires that every worker gets workers compensation to take care of the compensation. Filing this claim is like any other claim. Under most states, employees are entitled to

· Temporary Disability- If you must take time off from a job because of construction accidents you will be entitled to payments related to temporary disability. This would give you a partial payment for lost earnings

· Medical Care- You have all the rights to all necessary treatments to relieve or even cure the impacts of construction accidents. Under this compensation prescription, medical bills, and even mileage to hospitals is paid. You may have to involve the company doctor but not for not more than 30 days.

· Permanent disability- If you cannot completely recover, you could be given a monetary reward. This kind of disability means that you have lost the strength to fight in an outdoor labor market. The amount given depends on how much is paid and the extent of the construction injuries that you have.

What to do When Looking for Workers Compensation

The first step is to file for compensation as quickly as you can after your construction accident. Any delay on your side could result in potential delays and snags. By immediately reporting the injury and filing the claim, you are increasing the chances that the claims will start quickly. On the other hand, delays could imply delays in getting the benefits. Try to report the accident to your employer in writing. For personal records, retain personal records copy. However, no matter how your employer comes to know about the injury they should give you a claim form as soon as they can. Remember, until you complete the claim form your employer does not have any obligation to compensate you.

Above everything, do not do this alone always involve an attorney in this process. You may benefit a lot by having a lawyer go through your claim to ensure that you are on the same page.

Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Experts

Whether you are the injured worker or the employer/insurer, the experts at Bobe & Snell workers’ compensation lawyers are here to assist your needs.

The Experts

Friday, May 6, 2016

GA No Fault System

Workers compensation in Georgia is a no fault system meaning you do not have to prove negligence whereas a personal case you would have to prove negligence.

GA No Fault System

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Workers Compensation Law

Workers compensation in Georgia is a complex administrative law legal system and you will be at a distinct disadvantage if you try to grapple with seasoned insurance adjusters or defense counsel.

Workers Compensation Law

Monday, May 2, 2016

GA Workers Comp

The State Board of Workers Compensation is responsible for ensuring that workers compensation in Georgia is fair to businesses and employees and for enforcing the program.

GA Workers Comp