Thursday, May 26, 2016

Slip And Fall Injuries

Common Causes Of On The Job Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries are some of the most common injuries to workers in their workplace. According to the statistics given by the National Safety Council, these types of injury contributes about 20% of all workplace injuries. The most common causes of such injuries include, poor lighting, holes on the floor, spilled liquids, inadequate warning signs and broken/ uneven stairs among others. On the job slip and fall injuries may either incur a serious or a minor injury. Some of the serious injuries include; fractures, deep gashes, head trauma and disc herniations. These types of injuries are also known as hard injuries. The minor injuries also known as soft tissue injuries include; abrasions, minor burns, small gashes, minor contusions and sprained tendons, muscles and ligaments.

All employers should be bound by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) except in a few cases. The employees are not expected to violate the OSHA regulations as this may lead to substantial fines and even imprisonment in serious cases. The OSHA regulations are meant to ensure the safety measures at every workplace.

Terms Of Compensation For On The Job Slip And Fall Injuries

Each and every employee that may succumb to injuries in the workplace, has got the right to benefit from worker’s compensation. For an employee to file the workers’ compensation claim, he/she doesn’t need the employer’s negligence. This is because the injury alone is enough to claim the compensation. For an employee to begin the claim, you are required to file a first report of injury. This should be done by your employer. For emergency cases, that is when the case is a very serious one should seek medical attention first and fill the form later. When filling the form, you should fill in specific information about your slip and fall accident. You should also include the date and time of accident.

To get the treatment, you are expected to select a physician of your choice from the list of company’s approved physicians. In most cases, the employees are left with no choice when it comes to potential conflicts of interest. This is only because they expected to choose one of the physicians provided as their primary treating physician. After an examination by the physician, you can be referred to a specialist depending on the slip and fall injuries one succumbs. Such specialist may include; chiropractors, podiatrists and orthopedists.

The above are some of the common causes and procedures one should follow to be compensated. In case an employee contributes to the cause of the accident, he/she is entitled to the compensation benefits. This is because it is not necessary to prove that the employer was negligent. The workers’ compensation law also does not hinder the employee from the coverage, despite the injury being his/her fault.

Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip And Fall Injuries

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