Friday, December 23, 2016

Death Claims Attorney In Georgia Bobe & Snell According to the studies carried out by Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the U.S, over 4,600 employees are killed while doing their jobs in a typical year. On-the-job deaths are devastating, especially for the loved ones left behind. Also, the breadwinner`s death can have a significant financial effect on the stability of the affected family. That is when you need to hire an experienced death claims attorney.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Workplace Injuries

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace.

Workplace Injuries

Lost Income Benefits Lawyer

Our compensation lawyers work as legal teams, handling every part of your claim with expertise and experience. This is very important when working against the huge resources at the disposal of insurance companies. A lost income benefits lawyer is therefore your best chance at getting the just compensation you deserve.

Lost Income Benefits Lawyer

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Wrongful Death Attorney

We make sure that you are well compensated for the damage done by the wrongful death of your loved one. Call our offices today

Wrongful Death Attorney

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

It is important that anyone who have suffered catastrophic injuries get all of the workers` compensation benefits that they are entitled. Indeed, this is one of the hard times for an individual or their loved ones, and they need the experience and knowledge of a lawyer to help. It is good if the energy of the victim is fully focused on recovery from the injuries without any worries of legal issues. The victim should concentrate on healing and let us focus on their legal case. At our catastrophic injury law firm, our workers` compensation lawyers protect the interests of our clients and strive to maximize the benefits that they get.

We are a compassionate and knowledgeable team of lawyers that understands catastrophic injury law. We competently take care of any legal issues that our clients are facing. For sure, our clients are not just names on files at our catastrophic injury law firm. We believe that the well-being of our clients is important, and we work hard to ensure that they receive all the compensation benefits that are available to them or their loved ones.

Professional Legal Help For All Injured Workers

Workplace injuries are categorized as non-catastrophic or catastrophic injury depending on the injury`s nature. Whether the on-the-work injury is a non-catastrophic or catastrophic is determined by the physician who is treating the victim, and the designated injuries that are provided by the law. The catastrophic injuries involve:

• Amputations

• Paralysis

• Blindness

• Severe burns

• Severe head injuries

Many other serious injuries aren’t specifically designated, but may be considered as catastrophic. These include the injuries that can prevent one from being able to do their prior work or any other work for any employers in the national economy.

Normally, insurance companies fight against the claims of victims being designated as catastrophic if possible. Such claims are among the most expensive of all workers` compensation cases for insurers.

One of the first considerations of any insurance company is saving the money for the company, with little regard for the requirements of an injured worker. We are experienced in such cases. We aggressively seek the benefits due to a catastrophically injured worker.

We Advocate For Our Clients

Workers` compensation insurers will look for all possible ways to avoid compensating claims for catastrophic injuries. Sadly, this comes at a time when one cannot clearly make the best decisions regarding their claim. Moreover, the insurance adjusters are highly educated and trained in the techniques that can result in a victim unknowingly giving up their benefits. That is why it is paramount for a victim to have a competent lawyer on their side. Hire Bobe & Snell today.

We always help our clients to file their compensation claim and obtain appropriate rehabilitation and medical treatment. Insurers can dispute whether an individual`s injury is really catastrophic or whether he or she is truly unable to return to work. As leaders in the legal industry, we will get expert opinions from some of the respected medical professionals so that we support the eligibility of our client for workers` compensation benefits.

Whether through litigation or negotiation, our workers` compensation attorneys are highly skilled and experienced at resolving catastrophic injuries claims in favor of our clients. CALL US NOW for a reliable catastrophic injury law firm.

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta GA

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Death Claims Atlanta GA

On-The-Job Death Claims Law Firm

According to the studies carried out by Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the U.S, over 4,600 employees are killed while doing their jobs in a typical year. On-the-job deaths are devastating, especially for the loved ones left behind. Also, the breadwinner`s death can have a significant financial effect on the stability of the affected family. That is when you need to hire an experienced death claims attorney.

In most instances, the workers’ compensation systems in some regions provide some limited death benefits to all survivors of employees killed in accidents that occur on-the-job.

At our law firm, we know that workers` compensation typically covers just a smaller percentage of the entire losses after a deadly on-the-job accident. That is why we are here to thoroughly investigate any workplace accidents with the aim of finding the responsible parties, and potential compensation sources.

Indeed, all survivors of the workers who die as a result of on-the-job accidents have a right to recover any damages from negligent property owners, manufacturers, insurance firms, and any other company that contributed to the accidents. The workers` compensation laws don`t protect these businesses and individuals, and many other non-employers. Therefore, it means that they can be required to pay some compensation in wrongful death lawsuits in case their carelessness contributed to the accident.

As the top professionals in the legal industry, we are devoted to examining all cases of our clients and identify the potential recovery sources. Our experienced lawyers have been helping all injured workers & their loved ones for many years. Give Bobe & Snell a call now, and be sure to get the best legal services.

Compensation Types Available For Death Claims

After a job-related wrongful death, two approaches which can provide compensation and benefits to the family members who survived are available. The options include filing wrongful death lawsuits or making workers` compensation death claims.

The workers` compensation benefits need to be available for all work-related deaths. In case an employee was killed while carrying out his or her job responsibilities, then the surviving family members can get death benefits from workers` compensation insurance company with just narrow exceptions. The compensation benefits can include ongoing income payments to their dependents, and coverage of all funeral expenses.

Pursuing Compensation After An On-The-Job Fatality

The process of getting the compensation benefits should be simple. However, insurance firms and employers sometimes can fail to follow the laws that protect their workers. In such as situation, obtaining the compensation benefits for death claims will become more complicated, particularly if one is denied the first claim. Because of that, an individual should make sure that he or she has a legal expert who is representing him or her to get the benefits that they deserve.

We are the best legal professionals in this field. Contact us now for quality legal services.

Death Claims

Death Claims Atlanta GA

Monday, November 7, 2016

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

No one expects to have an injury at work. We’d love to believe that our workplace is perfectly safe, but the reality is, work accidents do happen. Work injuries can devastate finances and cause emotional distress. Sometimes there’s no issue with getting money and getting medical bills paid, but sometimes your rights are violated as an injured worker, and you must use the law to get what you need to return to work and get properly compensated for your claim. Often insurance companies will deny a claim, refuse certain treatment, or issue checks late or not at all. When these things happen, it’s best to consult with an attorney in order to ensure the protection of your rights as an injured worker. Workers Compensation rules vary from state to state, so it’s important that you retain an attorney that has expertise in your state. For example, Atlanta is a big city, and you want to make sure you have the absolute best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney out there.

Why hire an attorney?

As your best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney, we make sure that you have a better chance of getting what you need and deserve from your claim. We’ll ensure that you’re getting all of your temporary total disability and that you’re getting it on time. They will collect your medical records and confirm that you’re receiving the proper care and that all the medical records are being paid. This ensures that you will not have any medical debt as a result of your injury, which can add up quickly! We also file all necessary litigation paperwork for you and communicate with your claims adjuster on your behalf. When an injured worker reaches the end of medical care, typically an Independent Medical Examination (or IME) is called for. In most cases, the doctor is agreed upon by both the attorney and the claims adjuster. This doctor reviews residual impairment and determines what is called Permanent Disability. Permanent disability is awarded based on each individual state – some have their own system while others adhere to the AMA Guidelines as a standard. The attorney typically takes fees from a part of the permanent disability award.

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

The process of filing a claim can be stressful. You want the best Atlanta Workers Compensation attorney in your corner. Contact Bobe and Snell now for a free consultation.

free attorney consultations

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Workplace Injuries

If you are injured at work, you should consider having your case evaluated by an attorney to make sure that you are receiving all of the workers’ compensation benefits that you are entitled to obtain, and to see if you have a claim against a third party for the injuries you suffered.

Workplace Injuries

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day

Repetitive Trauma Injury Atlanta

Experienced Repetitive Trauma/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Workers Compensation

If an individual`s work needs repetitive tasks that use the arms and hands, he or she might be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, also called median neuropathy. Or he or she might be suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome, also known as ulnar neuropathy. These will prevent him or her from working, seriously affect his or her grip strength or capability to carry out fine manipulation tasks or cause tingling and numbness in his or her fingers. Though the company representatives might tell such a person that he or she is not entitled to any workers` compensation benefits for that condition, we are here to help. We are professional lawyers in the repetitive trauma field, and we help all our clients to know and understand their rights.

Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We have extensive knowledge, skills, and expertise in dealing with workers` compensation claims in the industry. We strive always to level the playing field for our esteemed clients and ensure that they get full benefits they are entitled to. Give us a call today. We have a team of knowledgeable and skilled Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and workers compensation lawyers who are devoted to serving our clients.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is actually a condition that involves placing of pressure on the median nerve. This median nerve is a nerve in the wrist that supply movement and feeling to other parts of the hand. Some of the symptoms of this condition (carpal tunnel syndrome) in hand and fingers (the thumb, index & index side of middle fingers) are:

• Tingling

• Numbness

• Muscle damage

• Weakness

Experienced Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Attorneys

Indeed, the employers are not likely to be upfront with their employees about their ability to get workers` compensation benefits as a result of carpal tunnel syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, or any similar cumulative or repetitive injuries. Instead of just accepting the ideas of the company, it is always important to seek the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

Our legal company is one of the leading experienced and professional legal firms in the industry. We are always prepared and committed to helping our clients. Contact us today. We offer confidential and free consultation services. Evening and weekend appointments are available. As experts, we always work with all our clients on a contingency fee basis—we will not ask any of the clients to pay us until they have received what they are entitled to. Choose us now and be sure to get quality legal representation from the repetitive trauma injury experts.

Repetitive Trauma


Repetitive Trauma Injury Atlanta

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Workers and employees in Atlanta who were injured on the job often depend on assistance from the business while they recuperate. Long-term consequences of your injury including permanent disability also means reduced ability to work. Sadly, don’t assume all workers who deserve compensation have it from other bosses without delay. We can help. Call us today

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

10 Questions to Ask a Workers" Compensation Attorney

10 Questions to Ask a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you’ve filed a Workers’ Compensation claim, sometimes the insurance company doesn’t treat you as you should be treated. Sometimes the insurance company might unexpectedly deny your claim, withhold benefits, or delay your medical treatment. In this event, you need to consult with a Workers’ Compensation attorney.

However, there’s a lot of Workers’ Compensation attorneys in Georgia, so how do you choose one that you can connect with and that will handle your claim properly?  Do research online and see reviews that people have given attorneys. Reviews can go a long way. Also ask your family or friends if they have any recommendations for attorneys.  Don’t just go with the first attorney that you see in the yellow pages. Make sure you do your due diligence, as finding the right attorney is important. After you’ve narrowed it down to just a few attorneys, develop a list of questions to ask them.

10 Questions to Ask a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Here’s 10 questions that we recommend that you ask your prospective Workers’ Compensation attorney before signing an agreement with them.

1. Are you a Board Certified workers’ compensation specialist?  What states are your board licensed in?

You want to make sure that you get an attorney who has a specialization in Workers’ Compensation.  If not, then you’re just wasting your time and money because they won’t be qualified to help you.

2. How many years of experience do you have?

If it’s a complex claim, you want an attorney that has 10 or more years of experience. Don’t go with an attorney that is fresh out of law school.

3. Do you a free telephone or office consultation?

Prioritize attorneys that offer a free telephone or office consultation. You don’t want them to give free advice all of the time, but you certainly don’t want to pay money to attorney that will wind up not being able to help you.

4. Do you take your cases to hearing?

You want an attorney that will take your case to hearing if required to get the benefits you deserve.

5. What about litigation costs?

You want an attorney who will try to keep  the litigation costs low – it’s expensive to go to court!

6. Will you meet with me at home or on evenings or weekends?

If your spouse works and you want them to be there when your attorney comes over, then it’s really beneficial to have an attorney that will meet with you outside of traditional office hours.

7. How much does it cost to hire your law firm?

Many Workers’ Compensation attorneys handle workers’ compensation cases on a contingency fee basis.  That means that receive a percentage of what you win only if the attorney wins your case.

8. How quickly do you return telephone calls?

You want an attorney who is responsive and will return calls within 24 hours.

9. Do I need a GA workers’ compensation lawyer?  

If you have been seriously injured, are not receiving the benefits you deserve, are considering a settlement, or have questions about your claim, you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Georgia.

10. How do I get started with my Georgia Workers’ Compensation case?

Call Bobe and Snell law office at 470-268-5802 for a consultation today!

alpharetta workers compensation law

10 Questions to Ask a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

10 Questions to Ask a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Slip And Fall Attorneys

If you have experienced a slip or fall at work and would like further information on how workers compensation attorneys help contact us today

Slip And Fall Attorneys

Monday, October 17, 2016

Why You Need Us

A workers’ compensation lawyer can guide clients through the often complicated process of filing a case for workers’ compensation, especially when the claim has been denied by the insurance company.

Why You Need Us

Friday, October 14, 2016

Filing A Workers" Comp Claim

Having an Atlanta workers’ comp claim can be a stressful experience. Contact our office today to ensure your rights are protected. 407.268.5802

Filing A Workers" Comp Claim

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Workplace Injuries

Employees injured on the job or in a work-related accident should take steps to protect their rights. The first step is to receive medical attention and begin the Workers’ Compensation process by filing a claim. The claim will enable you to seek compensation through medical benefits and wage loss benefits.

Workplace Injuries

Monday, October 10, 2016

Lost Income Benefits Atlanta

Lost Income Benefits Attorney

The fundamental aspect of the workers` compensation law lost income benefits program is the financial help that is provided by employers when their employees are hurt on the work. Therefore, if an individual is injured, and due to the injuries sustained, he or she cannot work for a particular period or permanently, an experienced legal team should help to ensure that that person is compensated for the period he or she is out of work. This is where our experienced and skilled legal team come in.

In many instances, employers try to make one feel like he or she was at fault or he or she is likely to lose the job if they file a compensation claim against the company or employer. The truth is that if one is hurt and his or her employer is the one at fault, that particular person has the right to file a compensation claim. This should be done without the fear of losing the job position with the employer. Furthermore, such as a person has the right to get compensation, especially for the time in which he or she was not able to work because of the injuries sustained.

Filing Lost Income Benefits Compensation Claim

Allow our law firm to step in and assist in the process of filing the claim. Our legal team has years of knowledge, skills, and expertise in filing work compensation claims. Besides, we specialize in such cases. Therefore, we are fully ready to help our clients when they are hurt on the work. If our clients are owed some compensation, if they should get lost income benefits, and in case there are other damages that should be included in their settlements, we always work hard to ensure that they are included.

Moreover, we always ensure that our clients are given a higher amount of compensation when filing their cases. We also inform them about their rights, particularly if the employer has threatened any of them with the likelihood of losing his or her job position if the employee files a compensation claim.

Receiving The Lost Income Benefits

If a person is out of the job, and cannot earn a living because of the injuries that were sustained by the work, he or she has a right of receiving compensation in case the negligence of the employer or a co-worker is the reason behind the injuries.

Choose our professional legal team for guidance, and assistance in the process of filing a compensation claim. We are specialists in this area. Call us today for more information and legal advice.

Lost Income Benefits

Lost Income Benefits

Lost Income Benefits Atlanta

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Medical Treatment For Workers Comp

One of the issues that every injured worker faces in their Georgia Workers’ Compensation claim revolves around medical treatment. After an authorized treating physician has been assigned to the claim, it is very import for the injured worker to be involved in their treatment and to follow the advice of their medical providers.

Medical Treatment For Workers Comp

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

No one expects to have an injury at work. We’d love to believe that our workplace is perfectly safe, but the reality is, work accidents do happen. Work injuries can devastate finances and cause emotional distress. Sometimes there’s no issue with getting money and getting medical bills paid, but sometimes your rights are violated as an injured worker, and you must use the law to get what you need to return to work and get properly compensated for your claim. Often insurance companies will deny a claim, refuse certain treatment, or issue checks late or not at all. When these things happen, it’s best to consult with an attorney in order to ensure the protection of your rights as an injured worker. Workers Compensation rules vary from state to state, so it’s important that you retain an attorney that has expertise in your state. For example, Atlanta is a big city, and you want to make sure you have the absolute best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney out there.

Why hire an attorney?

As your best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney, we make sure that you have a better chance of getting what you need and deserve from your claim. We’ll ensure that you’re getting all of your temporary total disability and that you’re getting it on time. They will collect your medical records and confirm that you’re receiving the proper care and that all the medical records are being paid. This ensures that you will not have any medical debt as a result of your injury, which can add up quickly! We also file all necessary litigation paperwork for you and communicate with your claims adjuster on your behalf. When an injured worker reaches the end of medical care, typically an Independent Medical Examination (or IME) is called for. In most cases, the doctor is agreed upon by both the attorney and the claims adjuster. This doctor reviews residual impairment and determines what is called Permanent Disability. Permanent disability is awarded based on each individual state – some have their own system while others adhere to the AMA Guidelines as a standard. The attorney typically takes fees from a part of the permanent disability award.

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

The process of filing a claim can be stressful. You want the best Atlanta Workers Compensation attorney in your corner. Contact Bobe and Snell now for a free consultation.

free attorney consultations

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Workers Compensation Laws GA

The Purpose Of Workers Compensation Laws GA

Do you wonder about the purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA? There are two primary purposes for workers compensation. The first is to provide help to those who have been hurt at work or have gotten sick on the job, medical coverage.

Workers compensation provides medical coverage to those who have been hurt at their job or have gotten sick as a result of their work. For instance, if you develop a lung disease from working in a freezer day in and day out, workers compensation is supposed to pay for your medical care.

The other purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA is to protect employers. Employees are not permitted to sue their employer for injury or sickness unless the employer tried to injure the employee or make the worker ill on purpose. If you are injured on the job, you are required to inform your employer immediately. Your supervisor needs to fill out the paperwork and submit his or her report to the insurance company.

The insurance company will assign you to a medical doctor. You have to visit this doctor for the first thirty days of your injury or sickness. If you still need medical care after this time, you are free to choose your doctor. Most people will complain that the insurance company doctor tries to compel the worker to return to work too soon.

The doctor, however, is compensated by the insurance company and is instructed to try to compel the worker back to the job as soon as possible. The doctor might even warn the patient again and again that it is unlawful to report a false claim. But do not be intimidated. If you are injured or if sick, wait until you are well before returning to work.

If you are injured on the job, worry about getting well and not about the pressure from people in the workers compensation system. If you want help with your case, you have the option of consulting with a workers compensation lawyer. The law says that the workers compensation lawyer must offer you a free initial consultation. The attorney will examine the facts of your case and suggest options is dealing with the claims system.

If you do hire him or her to represent you, your attorney can charge you up to fifteen percent of your award. This is a bargain compared to other legal claim awards. Personal injury lawyers will take up to forty percent of their client’s award. But Workers Compensation Laws GA  limits what attorneys can earn. The system is to protect workers, not to make lawyers rich.

Many workers involved in a claim do not go to a lawyer because they do not realize that the first meeting is free. They do not consider of hiring a lawyer because they believe they will have to part with a large part of their settlement. This is not the case. If you need assistance with your worker’s compensation claim, you need to contact a lawyer.

Some think this holds insurance business back. Some think that without this coverage, workers would be at the mercy of employers. No matter your stance, if you have been hurt at work, you should seek a lawyer to help you throughout the claims process.

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Our Firm Philosophy

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Our Firm Philosophy

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

It is important that anyone who have suffered catastrophic injuries get all of the workers` compensation benefits that they are entitled. Indeed, this is one of the hard times for an individual or their loved ones, and they need the experience and knowledge of a lawyer to help. It is good if the energy of the victim is fully focused on recovery from the injuries without any worries of legal issues. The victim should concentrate on healing and let us focus on their legal case. At our catastrophic injury law firm, our workers` compensation lawyers protect the interests of our clients and strive to maximize the benefits that they get.

We are a compassionate and knowledgeable team of lawyers that understands catastrophic injury law. We competently take care of any legal issues that our clients are facing. For sure, our clients are not just names on files at our catastrophic injury law firm. We believe that the well-being of our clients is important, and we work hard to ensure that they receive all the compensation benefits that are available to them or their loved ones.

Professional Legal Help For All Injured Workers

Workplace injuries are categorized as non-catastrophic or catastrophic injury depending on the injury`s nature. Whether the on-the-work injury is a non-catastrophic or catastrophic is determined by the physician who is treating the victim, and the designated injuries that are provided by the law. The catastrophic injuries involve:

• Amputations

• Paralysis

• Blindness

• Severe burns

• Severe head injuries

Many other serious injuries aren’t specifically designated, but may be considered as catastrophic. These include the injuries that can prevent one from being able to do their prior work or any other work for any employers in the national economy.

Normally, insurance companies fight against the claims of victims being designated as catastrophic if possible. Such claims are among the most expensive of all workers` compensation cases for insurers.

One of the first considerations of any insurance company is saving the money for the company, with little regard for the requirements of an injured worker. We are experienced in such cases. We aggressively seek the benefits due to a catastrophically injured worker.

We Advocate For Our Clients

Workers` compensation insurers will look for all possible ways to avoid compensating claims for catastrophic injuries. Sadly, this comes at a time when one cannot clearly make the best decisions regarding their claim. Moreover, the insurance adjusters are highly educated and trained in the techniques that can result in a victim unknowingly giving up their benefits. That is why it is paramount for a victim to have a competent lawyer on their side. Hire Bobe & Snell today.

We always help our clients to file their compensation claim and obtain appropriate rehabilitation and medical treatment. Insurers can dispute whether an individual`s injury is really catastrophic or whether he or she is truly unable to return to work. As leaders in the legal industry, we will get expert opinions from some of the respected medical professionals so that we support the eligibility of our client for workers` compensation benefits.

Whether through litigation or negotiation, our workers` compensation attorneys are highly skilled and experienced at resolving catastrophic injuries claims in favor of our clients. CALL US NOW for a reliable catastrophic injury law firm.

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta GA

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Monday, September 26, 2016

Workers Compensation And Employers

Most employers could be paying less in workers compensation premiums if they participated more. Effective participation is essential.

Workers Compensation And Employers

Friday, September 23, 2016

Workers Compensation Rights

Different states have different laws regarding worker’s compensation rights. There may be some similarities in the laws of each state, it is still best to consult laws from an Atlanta workers compensation attorney who specialize in the state. An employee who has recently been injured or having problems with worker’s compensation claim would need compensation attorney to represent and interpret employee’s compensation laws.

Workers Compensation Rights

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney more than 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported in 2014. – Call BS get your medical benefits 470.268.5802

Medical Benefits Attorney

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Licensed Mediator

Did you know that Glenn Bobe is a licensed mediator and available for dispute and/or settlement resolution of your Workers’ Compensation claim? Contact Bobe & Snell to inquire or retain his mediator services.

Licensed Mediator

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Not Covered By Workers Comp

If you’re not covered by workers’ comp insurance, you may have to file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. Talk to a workers’ compensation attorney or personal injury lawyer for help understanding whether you’re entitled to compensation and how you can obtain it.

Not Covered By Workers Comp

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Head And Brain Injuries

On The Job Head And Brain Injuries

When an individual sustains physical and mental health damage as a result of the negligence of a particular person or machine in a company, they’ll normally hire a workers compensation attorney to advocate on their behalf to obtain fair compensation for their sustained injuries. There are many common injuries resulting from negligence where the victim files a personal injury lawsuit. One type of injury that can occur due to the negligence of another is head and brain injuries.

Most head and brain injuries are consequences resulting from a heavy impact to the head region. The head trauma could be the result of the following: vehicle and motorbike accidents, assault, slips and fall, sports activities accidents, aneurysms, and seizures and strokes. The effects of a brain injury will vary and may be the following: inability to walk or speak, paralysis, loss of voluntary and involuntary motor functions. Other causes may include loss of memory, lack of ability to process information, lack of sight, nervousness, depression, traumatic stress, in addition to the lack of ability to perform simple everyday tasks. Head and brain injuries can heal over time, or they can be permanent injuries. In lots of cases, brain damage symptoms may take days or even weeks to appear.

When one suffers brain damage from an accident, malpractice, slip and fall, product defect, or by other negligent means, it’s important to seek advice from a workers compensation lawyer skilled in brain injury claims. In a brain injury claim, the issues may be complex, and workers compensation lawyers concentrate their work on brain injury cases, so they have the skills, experience, and resources to represent their clients in a brain injury claim. The attorney will seek damages for present and future medical costs, present and future earnings loss, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and punitive damages. If you are injured as the result of the negligence of another person or machines in a certain company, it is important to consult with a lawyer to discuss the facts of the events that resulted in the head and brain injuries.

The lawyer will assess the case to determine who must be sued for negligence. Additionally, when you’ve got a brain injury lawyer representing you, the lawyer will be capable of assessing if a settlement is possible or if the case should go to trial. It’s especially necessary to be represented by a workers compensation lawyer when countering the strategies employed by insurance lawyers as they often attempt to get the case dismissed, or they could try to offer low unjust compensation.

Recovering from brain injury is a slow-moving and time-consuming process. Rehabilitation treatments can be physiotherapy, neurology, occupational therapy, psychiatry, medications, orthopedics, physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation, speech and hearing treatment, etc. Over time, therapy costs can accumulate for brain damage victims and their families. A workers compensation lawyer will seek recovery compensation from those deemed liable for the injury so the victim can focus on rehabilitation. If you have suffered head and brain injuries, it is a good idea to meet with a lawyer specializing in brain injury. Having a lawyer on your side will increase the chances of the best possible outcome.

Head And Brain Injuries

Head And Brain Injuries

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Workers Compensation Laws

Understanding Workers Compensation Laws

Most people do not feel the need to understand workers compensation laws until they have suffered a serious work related injury . These laws can be quite complex and they vary from state to state. It is important for every worker to be aware of what workers compensation entails so they will be prepared in the event of a serious accident.

Worker’s Compensation, also known as ‘Workman’s Compensationandquot; or ‘Worker’s Comp’, is a set of laws designed to protect injured workers. The purpose is to ensure that if a worker is injured at work, they will receive medical care, lost wages associated with the injury, rehabilitation, and retraining so they can return to work once they have recovered. If a worker is killed while at work, their families will usually receive death benefits. This systems permits injured employees to receive benefits without having to prove that the employer was negligent

While most injured workers usually qualify for benefits, there are situations where an employee may be denied benefits. This type of situation can become very complicated. Workers who are denied benefits usually consult with an attorney. An attorney who specializes in worker’s comp claims are Worker’s Compensation Attorneys. An attorney can advise a worker on how to protect their benefits and will defend them if they are denied benefits, denied extended or permanent disability, or had their benefits terminated early.

Employers tend to know more about worker’s comp law than the workers. Sometimes an employer may attempt to deny benefits. They may also send an injured employee to a doctor who may not have much experience in the area of the injury, or is working more for the employer than the patient. . An attorney will help protect a worker’s rights if an employer attempts an underhanded method of denying benefits or forces an employee back to work too soon after an accident. An attorney will also help a worker who returns to work for a period of time following an injury and suddenly finds himself laid off and no longer eligible to collect benefits.

Using the services of a worker’s compensation attorney will increases the chances of a worker receiving benefits. An attorney understands all aspects of the worker compensation laws and is familiar with the process, the officers and judges who preside over the process, and how the process works. Worker’s compensation proceedings are much different than other law proceedings. The setting and rules are more relaxed. Most personal injury lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis. This means that the attorney does not receive compensation unless the case is successful. Most states limit the amount an attorney can receive in fees for worker compensation claims so it can be difficult securing a personal injury lawyer. You should try to hire a personal injury lawyer that has experience with worker’s compensation claims

A worker who receives worker’s comp benefits usually cannot file a personal injury claim against an employer. A worker can file lawsuit if an employer intentionally causes an injury. The employer must have committed a precise act that intended to cause injury to the employee. For instance, if an employer pushes an employee down a flight of stairs, you can sue. A worker may also sue if an employer is required to provide compensation coverage and fails to do so.

If you find yourself facing obstacles to securing worker compensation benefits, you should consult with an attorney. Workers compensation laws can be very complex for someone who does not have a legal background. A personal injury lawyer will have the expertise in handling a worker’s compensation claim.

Workers Compensation Laws

Workers Compensation Laws

Workers Compensation Laws

Psychological Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Experienced Psychological Injury Law Firm

When a person thinks of workers’ compensation claims, he or she believe that it just applies to workers who sustained physical injuries or illnesses while at a workplace. However, compensation laws also recognize mental, psychiatric, and emotional conditions that happen on the job. That’s when you need a experienced psychological injury law firm such as Bobe & Snell.

But, proving a mental or psychiatric injury might be difficult since they typically don`t present any visible signs. So, most of the workers` compensation claims that are based on purely psychological injuries are mostly denied.

Therefore, compassionate and highly experienced psychological injury law firm attorney can be a valuable asset to have when pursuing workers` compensation benefits for mental, psychiatric, and emotional injuries. We are the leading experts in this field. Our legal professionals have assisted many clients to obtain great settlements for work-related psychological injuries. We are always committed to making sure that all our clients receive the help that they need to recover from and cope with permanent or temporary disabilities. Contact us now for a free in-home consultation or evaluation.

Types Of Psychological Claims

Mostly, the law recognizes 2 types of psychological claims basing on whether a worker has suffered physical injuries or other conditions apart from the alleged mental or emotional injury. The two claims are:

1. Mental-Physical Claims

These are psychiatric injuries that happen as a result of diminished functional ability, physical pain, or losing a profession that relates to a work-related injury. Some of the examples of this types of claim include depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and panic attacks.

2. Mental-Mental Claims

This type of claim don`t involve physical injuries and might be caused by a violent or traumatic event, like experiencing or witnessing crime, violence, and threats of sexual or physical abuse at the workplace.

What To Consider Before Filing Psychiatric Workers` Compensation Claim

As with many workers` compensation claims, it is always crucial to know well the compensation claims process, and whether an individual has a good chance of succeeding. Because of that, it is always wise to hire the services of a competent, experienced, and knowledgeable attorney to help. Indeed, a skilled lawyer can evaluate a person`s situation and offer valuable insights to assist him or her in making informed decisions.

All psychological injury cases are deeply scrutinized, and an insurance firm can investigate any aspect of the worker’s life. The insurance company will inquire about the victim`s mental medical treatment history, parents, marriage, children, litigation history, criminal history, bankruptcies, and many other things. In case one is not comfortable with the need to disclose such personal details, he or she may want to reconsider filing a stress or psychological claim.

If one has just worked at the employer for not more than two years, he or she might also have a difficult time proving his or her claim unless it is because of a sudden violent event.

If an individual`s stress originates from conflict with a manager or supervisor, and that conflict is about his or her attendance, job assignment, job evaluation, job performance, or any other actions that one considers unfair, there are higher chances that the claim will be defeated under the good faith personnel action defense.

Finding The Right Experienced Law Firm

Anyone who believes they have suffered a psychological injury while on the work should CONTACT US NOW. We are an experienced psychological injury law firm.

Psychological injury Law Firm

 Psychological Injury Law Firm Atlanta


Psychological Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Monday, September 5, 2016

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Workers and employees in Atlanta who were injured on the job often depend on assistance from the business while they recuperate. Long-term consequences of your injury including permanent disability also means reduced ability to work. Sadly, don’t assume all workers who deserve compensation have it from other bosses without delay. We can help. Call us today

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Understanding Workers" Compensation

If you suffer a work-related injury or illness, you are probably entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The types of injuries covered by workers’ compensation include physical injuries, illnesses, and some psychological or stress-related injuries. These injuries or illnesses can occur at any time, so long as they are work-related.

Understanding Workers" Compensation

Friday, September 2, 2016

Starting the Workers" Compensation Process

Starting the Workers’ Compensation Process

If you’ve been injured at work or are suffering from a work-related illness, you may qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits. There are specific procedures that you must go through in order to be considered for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

The first step to receiving benefits is to file your claim. The process for filing varies from state to state, so it’s important to know the process in your home state.

At least in the state of Georgina, if you do not file a claim within 30 days of the initial injury, then it could result in a denial of your claim.

When to File for Workers’ Comp

In a perfect world, your claim would be filed immediately after your injury, but not all injuries are not that obvious. Sometimes you may not know what happened and you have pain a few days later. In these situations, it can sometimes be difficult to prove your case. This is when some people are forced to get an attorney.

Providing Notice of an Injury or Illness

You must notify your employer that you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, as it is the first step to initiating a Workers’ Compensation claim. The employer will have you fill out forms to be submitted to the insurance company. Some state define a clear time-frame for notifying your employer, while others state that it should be done as soon as possible.

If you live in a state where the Workers’ Compensation claims are handled by a state agency, you must provide notice to the state agency that you intend to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Next Steps in Workers’ Compensation Process

Once you’ve notified your employer and completed the necessary insurance paperwork, the insurance company will conduct an investigation. You may be asked to provide witness statements and wage verification at some point. It’s important that you get the information to them as soon as possible to prevent a delay in your benefits.

You may also need to go to arranged doctor’s appointments and have different tests completed as part of the investigation. Even if you’ve already sought medical treatment on your own, the insurance carrier may require an independent assessment of your condition from another doctor.

If you need help understanding Workers’ Compensation process in Georgia, contact Bobe and Snell Workers’ Compensation Attorneys.


Starting the Workers Compensation Process

Starting the Workers" Compensation Process

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Psychological Injury Lawyers

Psychological injuries are stress-related emotional conditions resulting from real or imagined threats or injuries that may become the subjects of personal injury litigation, workers compensation claims, criminal injury compensation and other disability claims.

Psychological Injury Lawyers

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Experts

Whether you are the injured worker or the employer/insurer, the experts at Bobe & Snell workers’ compensation lawyers are here to assist your needs.

The Experts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Construction Injuries Atlanta

Construction Injuries

We are the leaders in the legal industry. With many years of expertise and knowledge in the legal profession, we are the best experts to defend the rights of all people, and help them to get the justice that they deserve. Whether a person needs help with a workers` compensation claim procedure because he or she suffered construction injuries on a particular construction site, or not sure of his or her rights as one of the injured union members, we are here to provide the necessary help.

These are only a few of the areas that we practice. Indeed, we are extensively trained workers` compensation and personal injury lawyers who are always fully committed to assisting people who are facing various difficult situations. Anyone who is in need of help to pursue a civil service disability pension or struggling with Social Security Disability should contact our experienced and professional legal experts now for a free consultation.

We advise everyone not to underestimate the seriousness of construction injuries. Even cases that appear like straightforward cases can quickly become complicated legal problems. Because of that, it is important for a person to contact us, the experts in the legal industry, to discuss his or her case details.

What To Do If You Were Injured

Here are essential tips needed when feeling workers compensation claims in case you are involved in a an accident and received construction injuries.

1. Report the accident/injury to the employer

If possible, one should report the injuries in writing, and be sure to keep a copy of that report for his or her records.

2. Fill out a claim form

Irrespective of how an employer will learn about the construction injury or accident, it is a must that they provide the injured person with a claim form immediately. If an individual fail to complete this claim form, the employer will have no obligation to provide the benefits. Therefore, one should ensure that the form is filled out correctly and entirely. Also, be sure to keep a copy of the claim. After that, it will be the responsibility of the client to notify the workers’ compensation insurance firm quickly and get medical assistance.

3. File the claim immediately

Anyone who wants to claim the workers’ compensation benefits should file the claim as soon as possible. If the injury person delays, that can result in potential delays or snags. Reporting the injuries and filing the claim immediately will increase the possibility that the benefits will be processed quickly. For sure, delays in reporting an injury just mean delays in the benefits.

Contact Bobe & Snell now for the best legal advise and services.

Construction Injuries

Construction Injuries Atlanta

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Our Practice

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace.

Our Practice

Monday, August 22, 2016

Head & Brain Injuries On The Job? Call Bobe & Snell When an individual sustains physical and mental health damage as a result of the negligence of a particular person or machine in a company, they’ll normally hire a workers compensation attorney to advocate on their behalf to obtain fair compensation for their sustained injuries.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Workers Comp Claim

An injured worker has 30 days to initially report their injury, so if the injured worker waits, the claim has already been delayed. It’s important to file your claim as soon as you’re injured to get the process started. The sooner your file your claim, the sooner it can be settled.

Workers Comp Claim

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Disability Insurance Bobe Snell

Disability Insurance Explained

It is not surprising that many consumers believe that long term disability insurance is the only type of disability insurance available. Long term is by far the most common type purchased by consumers as well as the most common type offered by employers and membership organizations. However, there are short term disability insurance polices on the market and they can be useful when needed. This article examines some of the more common aspects between the two types of disability insurance.

As mentioned above, long term disability insurance is the more commonly used type and it protects you should you become disabled through illness or injury. These policies usually begin to take effect once any short term disability policies end. The phrase “long term” can be misleading as some of these policies may only last 5 or 10 years. If you have the option, you want one that covers you until age 65.

Short term disability insurance, on the other hand, will cover a certain percentage of your lost salary if you are injured or become too ill to work. These benefit payments usually begin once your sick leave pay runs out.

Short term benefits often vary as time passes. Early on you will probably receive a large percentage of your usual pay, but as time goes on this amount may decrease. In many cases, short term policies last for six months or so before they are terminated.

It should be noted that short term disability insurance can come to you in many ways. For example, sick leave from work can be considered short term in nature. Worker’s compensation is also another form of short term disability insurance. In fact, worker’s compensation may be the most well-known type of short term disability insurance. Most employers are required to provide worker’s compensation benefits that replace a portion of your income if you are unable to work, due to an accident that occurs in the workplace or while on company time doing company work.

Your automobile insurance may also be a type of short term disability if they pay you for injuries sustained in an accident. Of course, if the other driver is at fault, you may be able to recover damages from them or their insurance company.

Long term disability is quite another type of insurance altogether. Long term policies may not begin until you have exhausted all other shorter term services, but once it does begin it is truly for the long haul, meaning years. While short term policies are used to help you get through a rough patch, long term is used to help you keep your home, your automobile, and your lifestyle.

Short term disability insurance is usually provided to you through secondary means, such as through your employer’s participation with worker’s compensation or through your automobile insurance. Long term disability insurance, on the other hand, is bought as its own entity. This purchase can be through your employer or it can be purchased by an individual in which case it is known as private long term disability insurance.

Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance Bobe Snell

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Our Firm Philosophy

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Our Firm Philosophy

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Workers Compensation Programs

The Department of Labor’s OWCP administers four major disability compensation programs which provides to federal workers (or their dependents) who are injured at work or acquire an occupational disease: Wage replacement benefits  – Medical treatment – Vocational rehabilitation – Other benefits

Workers Compensation Programs

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Our Firm

Glenn Bobe and Jeff Snell have over 25 years experience in handling Georgia Workers’ Compensation claims.

Our Firm

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Meeting With A New Attorney

During your first meeting with an attorney, don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as possible. This includes inquiries about what you should expect, how much it will cost and anything else you are wondering about. You’ll want to be as comfortable in this process as you can be, and asking questions can help.

Meeting With A New Attorney

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Workers Compensation Attorney

In case you are being affected by your workers’ compensation or are unsure concerning how to proceed with the entire process of building a claim, give us a call now, With years of experience in helping clients claim the benefits they deserve, we can easily give you sound legal advice and assistance when you elect to launch an insurance claim for the compensation that is due to you. Call Bobe & Snell today.

Workers Compensation Attorney

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Workers Compensation Laws GA

The Purpose Of Workers Compensation Laws GA

Do you wonder about the purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA? There are two primary purposes for workers compensation. The first is to provide help to those who have been hurt at work or have gotten sick on the job, medical coverage.

Workers compensation provides medical coverage to those who have been hurt at their job or have gotten sick as a result of their work. For instance, if you develop a lung disease from working in a freezer day in and day out, workers compensation is supposed to pay for your medical care.

The other purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA is to protect employers. Employees are not permitted to sue their employer for injury or sickness unless the employer tried to injure the employee or make the worker ill on purpose. If you are injured on the job, you are required to inform your employer immediately. Your supervisor needs to fill out the paperwork and submit his or her report to the insurance company.

The insurance company will assign you to a medical doctor. You have to visit this doctor for the first thirty days of your injury or sickness. If you still need medical care after this time, you are free to choose your doctor. Most people will complain that the insurance company doctor tries to compel the worker to return to work too soon.

The doctor, however, is compensated by the insurance company and is instructed to try to compel the worker back to the job as soon as possible. The doctor might even warn the patient again and again that it is unlawful to report a false claim. But do not be intimidated. If you are injured or if sick, wait until you are well before returning to work.

If you are injured on the job, worry about getting well and not about the pressure from people in the workers compensation system. If you want help with your case, you have the option of consulting with a workers compensation lawyer. The law says that the workers compensation lawyer must offer you a free initial consultation. The attorney will examine the facts of your case and suggest options is dealing with the claims system.

If you do hire him or her to represent you, your attorney can charge you up to fifteen percent of your award. This is a bargain compared to other legal claim awards. Personal injury lawyers will take up to forty percent of their client’s award. But Workers Compensation Laws GA  limits what attorneys can earn. The system is to protect workers, not to make lawyers rich.

Many workers involved in a claim do not go to a lawyer because they do not realize that the first meeting is free. They do not consider of hiring a lawyer because they believe they will have to part with a large part of their settlement. This is not the case. If you need assistance with your worker’s compensation claim, you need to contact a lawyer.

Some think this holds insurance business back. Some think that without this coverage, workers would be at the mercy of employers. No matter your stance, if you have been hurt at work, you should seek a lawyer to help you throughout the claims process.

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Monday, July 25, 2016

Statute Of Limitations & Workers Comp

Occasionally there are extenuating circumstances under which exceptions or extensions can be made regarding statutes of limitations for workers compensation cases. But if you have been hurt or injured on the job, time obviously is of the essence. A great first step is to consult with an attorney who is knowledgeable about the workers compensation laws in your state.

Statute Of Limitations & Workers Comp

Friday, July 22, 2016

Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Attorneys

We are a reputable personal injury claim attorneys dedicated to making your claiming compensation for your injury easy. We work on contingency basis, so your peace of mind is guaranteed. If you have been injured due to negligence, omission or commission by another person, it’s natural that you seek compensation. However, the insurance company of the responsible party will not just agree to pay you, or if it does, it will try to reduce the amount that you will receive to the minimal. This is why we ask you to work with us and benefit from our many years of experience, knowledge and expertise.

Our team of courteous and friendly staff is able to provide you with a high quality legal consultation. When you make contact with us for the first time, there are a few questions which we will ask you. This is important because it helps us know more about you and how you got injured. Most interestingly, we don’t charge our customers for this first consultation. By choosing to work with us from the time you get injured, you will have made the best decision and you will definitely be on the right track to getting fairly compensated.

Compensation For Your Personal Injury

We know how much you are entitled to as compensation. There are several factors that we take into account to arrive at a fair amount for a personal injury claim and among them are the extent of the injuries suffered, loss of current and future income, expected medical expenses and the amount of pain and suffering that you underwent among others. We work with specialists from other fields to ensure that our clients receive a fair compensation for the injuries that they suffered. We can advice you on what’s possible and what is not, therefore helping you make informed decisions much earlier.

Filing Your Personal Injury Claim

We comprehend that filing a personal injury claim is never an easy task. There are strict procedures and time frames that should be followed. By working with us, you can have the assurance that your claim will be filed correctly. Our teams also ensure that our application is not expunged because of technical errors. Moreover, we have the tools and networks to access important documents, forms and police reports which can help us obtain positive results for our clients. Even when you are still undergoing treatment, we can help you handle your personal injury compensation claims while you concentrate with recuperating.


Personal Injury Claims

Your Personal Injury Claim

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bobe & Snell 25 Years Experience

The Law Office of Bobe & Snell is dedicated to providing superior representation with skilled and experienced attorneys to either pursue your rights under the Workers’ Compensation Act or defend your interests as an uninsured or insured employer. With over 25 years experience, Bobe & Snell are ready, willing, and able to provide you with the best representation possible.

Bobe & Snell 25 Years Experience

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lawsuits & Tramatic Brain Injury

If you or someone you know has a traumatic brain injury, the successful outcome of a lawsuit may help compensate for expenses involving permanent disability, income loss and mental distress. Traumatic brain injuries that result in a fatality may be grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit.

Lawsuits & Tramatic Brain Injury

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alpharetta Catastrophic Accidents Lawyer

Our lawyers are very experienced with compensation claims. They understand the law, insurance practices, and tactics. That is how workers compensation attorneys help with catastrophic accidents in the best possible way.

Alpharetta Catastrophic Accidents Lawyer

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Head And Brain Injuries

On The Job Head And Brain Injuries

When an individual sustains physical and mental health damage as a result of the negligence of a particular person or machine in a company, they’ll normally hire a workers compensation attorney to advocate on their behalf to obtain fair compensation for their sustained injuries. There are many common injuries resulting from negligence where the victim files a personal injury lawsuit. One type of injury that can occur due to the negligence of another is head and brain injuries.

Most head and brain injuries are consequences resulting from a heavy impact to the head region. The head trauma could be the result of the following: vehicle and motorbike accidents, assault, slips and fall, sports activities accidents, aneurysms, and seizures and strokes. The effects of a brain injury will vary and may be the following: inability to walk or speak, paralysis, loss of voluntary and involuntary motor functions. Other causes may include loss of memory, lack of ability to process information, lack of sight, nervousness, depression, traumatic stress, in addition to the lack of ability to perform simple everyday tasks. Head and brain injuries can heal over time, or they can be permanent injuries. In lots of cases, brain damage symptoms may take days or even weeks to appear.

When one suffers brain damage from an accident, malpractice, slip and fall, product defect, or by other negligent means, it’s important to seek advice from a workers compensation lawyer skilled in brain injury claims. In a brain injury claim, the issues may be complex, and workers compensation lawyers concentrate their work on brain injury cases, so they have the skills, experience, and resources to represent their clients in a brain injury claim. The attorney will seek damages for present and future medical costs, present and future earnings loss, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and punitive damages. If you are injured as the result of the negligence of another person or machines in a certain company, it is important to consult with a lawyer to discuss the facts of the events that resulted in the head and brain injuries.

The lawyer will assess the case to determine who must be sued for negligence. Additionally, when you’ve got a brain injury lawyer representing you, the lawyer will be capable of assessing if a settlement is possible or if the case should go to trial. It’s especially necessary to be represented by a workers compensation lawyer when countering the strategies employed by insurance lawyers as they often attempt to get the case dismissed, or they could try to offer low unjust compensation.

Recovering from brain injury is a slow-moving and time-consuming process. Rehabilitation treatments can be physiotherapy, neurology, occupational therapy, psychiatry, medications, orthopedics, physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation, speech and hearing treatment, etc. Over time, therapy costs can accumulate for brain damage victims and their families. A workers compensation lawyer will seek recovery compensation from those deemed liable for the injury so the victim can focus on rehabilitation. If you have suffered head and brain injuries, it is a good idea to meet with a lawyer specializing in brain injury. Having a lawyer on your side will increase the chances of the best possible outcome.

Head And Brain Injuries

Head And Brain Injuries

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Workers Compensation Attorney

In case you are being affected by your workers’ compensation or are unsure concerning how to proceed with the entire process of building a claim, give us a call now, With years of experience in helping clients claim the benefits they deserve, we can easily give you sound legal advice and assistance when you elect to launch an insurance claim for the compensation that is due to you. Call Bobe & Snell today.

Workers Compensation Attorney

Friday, July 8, 2016

Back & Neck Injuries

For more information about the compensation benefits you could receive after experiencing a neck or back injury at work, contact us today for more information. We will be able to help you get back on your feet, and fight for your entitlement to wage benefits, financial assistance, and medical treatment as a result of your injury or accident.

Back & Neck Injuries

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Head Injuries

If you or a loved one has experienced a head or brain injury at work, contact us today for more information about how workers compensation attorneys help with head & brain injuries.

Head Injuries

Friday, July 1, 2016

Our Practice

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace.

Our Practice

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Our Firm Philosophy

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Our Firm Philosophy

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance Explained

Workers compensation insurance, commonly called workers’ or workmen’s comp, is a form of insurance designed to provide compensation to workers who have been injured while on the job.

While the details can vary significantly from one plan to the next, insurance plans in this category typically provide for some form of wage replacement, payment and/or reimbursement of medical costs, compensation for economic losses, possibly damages for pain and suffering, and settlements to the insured’s dependents in the case of a fatal work-related accident.

Given this broad range of covered areas – essentially combining the key features of disability insurance, health insurance, and life insurance, among others – workers’ comp is certainly one of the more critical forms of insurance an individual can obtain. By knowing all you can about workers comp you can ensure that if an accident happens on the job you are covered. If you are not you could find yourself and your family in trouble down the road. We all need money to pay the rent and buy food and getting compensation for an injury at work can help you to pay for these necessities.

Workers’ compensation insurance is typically associated historically with labor or professional unions, and is often the result of coordinated campaigns to obtain the coverage for the union members. Proponents of workers’ comp cite improved working conditions, economic support for employees, and the safety net provided by the insurance, as key benefits of workers’ comp. Critics of this type of insurance cite increased costs to employers and potential infringement on workers’ rights to seek recompense on their own. Another concern that is frequently raised is the possibility of American companies moving parts of their operations or even their entire companies to areas with looser workers’ comp law. In the United States, however, workers’ comp laws are nearly universal, and almost all employers must carry the insurance in some form for their employees.

The body of laws governing workers’ compensation insurance has become extremely complex and varies from state to state. For example, in many states it is illegal to terminate an employee for filing a claim or for reporting an injury incurred at the workplace. This isn’t illegal in all states, however. And while most states don’t allow employers to deny employment based on previous workers’ comp claims, employers are able to check a commercially maintained database of claims, a system that could potentially be abused by unethical employers.

Because abuse of the system has occurred on the part of employees as well, stiff fines and other legal penalties are in place for persons who file false claims for workers’ compensation benefits. While stories of supposedly injured employees engaging in physically demanding activities are commonplace, little hard data exists to indicate what percentage, if any, of the claims filed every year are actually fraudulent.

Vigorous investigation by employers, including tactics such as secretly video taping claimants engaged in physical activity, have also undoubtedly helped reduce the number of false claims. Certainly the vast majority of claims filed are the result of legitimate, unavoidable workplace injuries.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

Monday, June 27, 2016

Our Commitment

Should you retain Bobe & Snell, you will receive our 100% commitment to cooperation, competency and caring representation. With over 25 years experience both pursuing and defending workers’ compensation claims, Bobe & Snell is the industry leader and just a call away.

Our Commitment

Friday, June 24, 2016

Work Injury

Because workplace injuries are so common, workers’ compensation was created to compensate employees for their injuries, and provide benefits if they are not able to return to work.

Work Injury

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Know Your Options

While on-the-job workplace injuries are generally covered directly through workers compensation between the employee and the employer, there are certain circumstances where the injured employee has additional options.

Know Your Options

Monday, June 20, 2016

Personal Injuries

Many kinds of workplace injuries are possible, including traumatic personal injuries such as those sustained in construction accidents; repetitive injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome; and conditions such as mesothelioma caused by exposure to hazardous workplace materials.

Personal Injuries

Friday, June 17, 2016


Beyond practicing law, Glenn Bobe is a licensed mediator and specializes in mediating workers’ compensation claims


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Georgia Workers Compensation Lawyers | Bobe & Snell Call B.S. on unfair workers' compensation claims in Georgia. 470.268.5802 #Georgia #Lawyer

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who Receives Death Benefits

In most cases, the benefits are always given to the dependents of the deceased. For example, the children and the wife may be compensated when a husband and dad dies from workplace related fatality. Sometimes, parents are given the death benefits when a sibling passes on from a workplace accident. These cases differ from one another; it is therefore advisable to consult our lawyers to understand your specific case.

Who Receives Death Benefits

Friday, June 10, 2016

Repetitive Trauma Lawyers

Repetitive trauma injuries or CTS can occur when carrying out the same tasks at work over a prolonged period of time. Although you may not have experienced an accident or injury at work, you could still be entitled to workers compensation benefits.

Repetitive Trauma Lawyers