Monday, November 7, 2016

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

No one expects to have an injury at work. We’d love to believe that our workplace is perfectly safe, but the reality is, work accidents do happen. Work injuries can devastate finances and cause emotional distress. Sometimes there’s no issue with getting money and getting medical bills paid, but sometimes your rights are violated as an injured worker, and you must use the law to get what you need to return to work and get properly compensated for your claim. Often insurance companies will deny a claim, refuse certain treatment, or issue checks late or not at all. When these things happen, it’s best to consult with an attorney in order to ensure the protection of your rights as an injured worker. Workers Compensation rules vary from state to state, so it’s important that you retain an attorney that has expertise in your state. For example, Atlanta is a big city, and you want to make sure you have the absolute best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney out there.

Why hire an attorney?

As your best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney, we make sure that you have a better chance of getting what you need and deserve from your claim. We’ll ensure that you’re getting all of your temporary total disability and that you’re getting it on time. They will collect your medical records and confirm that you’re receiving the proper care and that all the medical records are being paid. This ensures that you will not have any medical debt as a result of your injury, which can add up quickly! We also file all necessary litigation paperwork for you and communicate with your claims adjuster on your behalf. When an injured worker reaches the end of medical care, typically an Independent Medical Examination (or IME) is called for. In most cases, the doctor is agreed upon by both the attorney and the claims adjuster. This doctor reviews residual impairment and determines what is called Permanent Disability. Permanent disability is awarded based on each individual state – some have their own system while others adhere to the AMA Guidelines as a standard. The attorney typically takes fees from a part of the permanent disability award.

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

The process of filing a claim can be stressful. You want the best Atlanta Workers Compensation attorney in your corner. Contact Bobe and Snell now for a free consultation.

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Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

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