Monday, April 30, 2018

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Denied Claims – Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Unless a simple mistake led to the denial of your claim and it was cleared up immediately, it would be prudent to consult the best Atlanta workers compensation attorney as soon as possible.

A lawyer can assist you to determine whether an appeal would be the best course of action for you. Georgia has short and strict timelines for worker’s compensation appeals. You do not want to lose your benefits just because you missed the deadline.

You should talk to the best Atlanta workers’ compensation attorney before you consider filing an appeal. The judge expects you to know the rules of evidence and civil procedure for filing appeals. However, don’t worry because your worker’s comp attorney, Atlanta can handle this complicated legal process.

Winning at the initial levels is a priority because you may not get a chance to present more evidence later in the process. You are likely to lose your appeal if you don’t hire the best Atlanta workers’compensation attorney to help you build a strong case.

At Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC, we charge a contingency fee: a percentage of the benefits you get. Therefore, we will not charge you unless you win.

Appealing a Workers’ Comp Claim Denial

You may find the information on how to appeal the denial of your claim included in the letter you received. If so, read it carefully. The appeals process varies in every state. A hearing before an administrative judge often sets the first level of appeal. At this stage, you will have to present medical records and other evidence to support your claim.

The hearing can be through a state board of workers’ compensation or a state labor department. Beyond the initial administrative levels, there are additional levels of appeal that vary from one state to another.

Reasons for Denial of Workers’ Comp Claims

Sometimes, employers or their insurance companies try to find any possible reason to deny worker’s compensation claims. Of course, the reason must be a valid one under the law. The following are FOUR common reasons for claim denials:

  1. Missed deadlines – You should report your illness or injury to your employer right away to receive workers’ comp benefits.

  2. Disputes about whether the injury is work-related – Your employer may allege that you were not working when you were injured. The employer will claim that you were involved in some misconduct at the time, or your current medical condition is not a result of a workplace exposure or accident

  3. Your condition does not meet state guidelines – The law(s) in your state may have special restrictions on worker’s compensation claims for cumulative psychological conditions or trauma.

  4. You filed the claim after you left your job – Insurance companies usually deny claims that an employee filed after he or she was laid off, fired, or quit. However, you may have a good reason for the delay.

If your worker’s compensation claim was denied, call Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC at 470-268-5802 to discuss your next course of action.

best Atlanta workers compensation attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Repetitive Trauma Injuries

Call us today to find out how workers compensation attorneys can help with Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Repetitive Trauma Injuries

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Workers" Comp: Employers" Responsibilities

In most states, employers are required to purchase insurance for their employees from a workers’ compensation insurance carrier. In some states, larger employers who are clearly solvent are allowed to self-insure, or act as their own insurance companies, while smaller companies (with fewer than three or four employees) are not required to carry workers’ compensation insurance at all. When a worker is injured, his or her claim is filed with the insurance company, or self-insuring employer, who pays medical and disability benefits according to a state-approved formula. Unless they fall within limited, exempt categories, employers without workers’ compensation insurance are subject to fines, criminal prosecution, and civil liability

Workers" Comp: Employers" Responsibilities

Sunday, April 22, 2018

How Long Does a Workers" Compensation Claim Take?

How Long Does a Workers’ Compensation Claim Take?

It’s important that when you do something, that you do it right the first time.  This is why you don’t want to rush your Workers’ Compensation claim.

The amount of time that it takes to go through a Workers’ Compensation depends on the nature of the case. For example, a claim for a finger laceration can be a lot less time than a low back injury.

An injured worker has 30 days to initially report their injury, so if the injured worker waits, the claim has already been delayed. It’s important to file your claim as soon as you’re injured to get the process started. The sooner your file your claim, the sooner it can be settled.

How long will my claim take to get accepted?

According to the law of the state of Georgia, the insurance company has 21 days to investigate your claim. They will accept or deny your claim at that point. This is the norm, but there are exceptions to every norm. Sometimes the insurance company can take up to six months or more to investigate and accept or deny the claim. If the insurance company takes longer than three weeks to investigate and make a decision on your claim, it’s advised that you seek a consultation with a Georgia Workers’ Compensation attorney to protect your rights.

How long it takes for a non-litigated case depends on the injury and whether or not light duty is available. If it’s a minor injury and light duty is available, then the claim may only take several weeks from beginning to end. If it’s a more complicated injury like a fracture or a herniated disc and light duty isn’t available, then the claim could take several months or more.

If a claim is contested or litigated, then it could extend the shelf life of the claim by anywhere from a few months. If an Independent Medical Examination is warranted, then it could be a few month’s wait until the injured worker is able to see the doctor.  The ligation could take anywhere from 8 to 12 months. The trial itself is spread out over the course of several months, and can be quite exhaustive.

After the claim is settled, it can be a few months before you receive your settlement benefits. The attorney should constantly be reminding about payment if 14 days have gone by since the settlement award has been issued and no payment has been made.

There are cases when an injured worker is permanently and totally disabled. In this case, their claim never really ends because they will always have some sort of medical treatment. Especially in these cases, it’s important to have an attorney that you can trust like Bobe and Snell.


How Long Does a Workers’ Compensation Claim Take?

How Long Does a Workers" Compensation Claim Take?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Mental conditions can sometimes be covered by workers’ comp if you can prove the mental or psychiatric problem was primarily caused by your work.

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Monday, April 16, 2018

Atlanta Construction Accidents Lawyer

Hiring An Atlanta Construction Accidents Lawyer

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), one in ten construction workers is injured every year. If you work in a construction company, you probably already know that it can be a dangerous occupation. With such a high probability of getting hurt at work, it is essential to have a good Atlanta construction accidents lawyer just in case something happens to you.

You have probably already encountered several medical and financial issues if you have been in an accident at a construction site. In the midst of the chaos and confusion, you may be wondering, “should I hire an Atlanta construction accidents lawyer?” The answer will depend on your situation but is often yes.

How Would An Atlanta Construction Accidents Lawyer Help?

A good Atlanta construction accidents lawyer can assist you to recover damages resulting from your accident at work. He or she will help reduce the amount of paperwork and the hassle associated with your potential insurance and legal claims.

Having an experienced attorney on your side will help you file a civil suit and identify legal theories to bring the action, and help you with the workers’ compensation claim, if applicable. Keep in mind that hiring a construction accidents lawyer can make the difference between losing money caring for your injuries from the accident and a justly resolved case.

An experienced and reliable lawyer can help you and your family recover compensation when a loved one is killed on a construction site in what is known as a wrongful death case. With the help of the attorney, you will get the compensation to cover the losses you incurred due to the accident, such as lost wages, medical expenses, and future medical needs.

When to Hire an Atlanta Construction Accidents Attorney

You should contact an Atlanta construction accidents lawyer shortly after the accident happens, within one to two weeks. The deadline to file your accident lawsuit or claims varies from one state to another. It is best to hire an attorney early in the process to avoid costly mistakes. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the better because you may have to cover your lost wages and pay for medical bills.

If an insurance company or a representative of your employer comes to you with a settlement offer, do not sign it without first consulting with an Atlanta construction accidents lawyer. Be careful because the settlement may not be in your best interests, especially if you’ve financial losses or more injuries that are not accounted for in the offer.

Questions to Ask an  Atlanta Construction Accidents Lawyer

Before coming to speak with a prospective attorney, you should have as much detailed facts and information about your construction accident and all of your financial losses and injuries as possible.

Most Atlanta construction accidents attorneys offer free, short consultations to determine if they can take your case. You should bring any medical records, any pictures of the scene or your injuries, any record of days you missed from work, your employment contract or other paperwork, among other things. These will assist your lawyer to determine the merit of your case and the most appropriate first steps to take.

You should find an attorney who’s well versed in the relevant state and federal workplace safety, negligence, transportation, or product liability laws, and knows how to handle workers’ compensation and healthcare and insurance companies. Hire a lawyer who knows how to prepare and settle a case effectively. During your consultation, you should ask the following preliminary questions to get to know the lawyer and his or her experience:

  • How long have you been practicing law in Georgia? How long with construction accident cases?

  • How many construction accident cases have you handled? How often have they settled? How many have gone through litigation?

  • What percentage of your practice do you devote to construction accident cases?

  • What’s a typical settlement for cases like mine?

  • What’s your fee structure? Am I responsible for out-of-pocket expenses? These cases can be taken on a contingency that means if you do not win, your attorney gets nothing, but if you win, you owe a certain amount, such as 30-40 percent to your him or her.

  • Do you’ve any references?

If you’re looking for an experienced construction accidents attorney in Atlanta, GA, contact Bobe & Snell Law Office LLC. We have the most experienced and dedicated Atlanta construction accidents lawyers.

Call us today at (470) 268-5802.

Atlanta construction accidents lawyer

Atlanta Construction Accidents Lawyer

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Injured Workers

Certain occupations pose high risks of accidental injury or death. Workers compensation laws throughout the country ensure that any worker injured in the course of employment is adequately compensated.

Injured Workers

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Workers Compensation And The Economy

The workers’ compensation industry must contend with a fast-growing on-demand economy where jobs are filled via apps and more employees are temporary contractors. On-demand economy that includes temporary drivers, laborers, property owners-turned-landlords and independent professionals is transforming the American workforce and the insurance industry.

Workers Compensation And The Economy

Monday, April 9, 2018

Medical Benefits Attorney

A common misconception is that states pay out workers’ compensation benefits when, in fact, it is private insurance companies. Employers are required by law to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover employees in case they are injured on the job. Much like personal auto or fire insurance claims, workers’ compensation claims are handled by an adjuster from the insurance company and the company pays out any benefits.

Medical Benefits Attorney

Friday, April 6, 2018

Alpharetta Catastrophic Accidents Lawyer

Our lawyers are very experienced with compensation claims. They understand the law, insurance practices, and tactics. That is how workers compensation attorneys help with catastrophic accidents in the best possible way.

Alpharetta Catastrophic Accidents Lawyer

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Federal Employees & Workers Comp

Federal government employees, those who worked on nuclear weapons, maritime workers, and coal miners would be covered under one of several federal workers’ compensation programs. Call us today to find out more 470.268.5802

Federal Employees & Workers Comp