Saturday, November 19, 2016

Workplace Injuries

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace.

Workplace Injuries

Lost Income Benefits Lawyer

Our compensation lawyers work as legal teams, handling every part of your claim with expertise and experience. This is very important when working against the huge resources at the disposal of insurance companies. A lost income benefits lawyer is therefore your best chance at getting the just compensation you deserve.

Lost Income Benefits Lawyer

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Wrongful Death Attorney

We make sure that you are well compensated for the damage done by the wrongful death of your loved one. Call our offices today

Wrongful Death Attorney

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

It is important that anyone who have suffered catastrophic injuries get all of the workers` compensation benefits that they are entitled. Indeed, this is one of the hard times for an individual or their loved ones, and they need the experience and knowledge of a lawyer to help. It is good if the energy of the victim is fully focused on recovery from the injuries without any worries of legal issues. The victim should concentrate on healing and let us focus on their legal case. At our catastrophic injury law firm, our workers` compensation lawyers protect the interests of our clients and strive to maximize the benefits that they get.

We are a compassionate and knowledgeable team of lawyers that understands catastrophic injury law. We competently take care of any legal issues that our clients are facing. For sure, our clients are not just names on files at our catastrophic injury law firm. We believe that the well-being of our clients is important, and we work hard to ensure that they receive all the compensation benefits that are available to them or their loved ones.

Professional Legal Help For All Injured Workers

Workplace injuries are categorized as non-catastrophic or catastrophic injury depending on the injury`s nature. Whether the on-the-work injury is a non-catastrophic or catastrophic is determined by the physician who is treating the victim, and the designated injuries that are provided by the law. The catastrophic injuries involve:

• Amputations

• Paralysis

• Blindness

• Severe burns

• Severe head injuries

Many other serious injuries aren’t specifically designated, but may be considered as catastrophic. These include the injuries that can prevent one from being able to do their prior work or any other work for any employers in the national economy.

Normally, insurance companies fight against the claims of victims being designated as catastrophic if possible. Such claims are among the most expensive of all workers` compensation cases for insurers.

One of the first considerations of any insurance company is saving the money for the company, with little regard for the requirements of an injured worker. We are experienced in such cases. We aggressively seek the benefits due to a catastrophically injured worker.

We Advocate For Our Clients

Workers` compensation insurers will look for all possible ways to avoid compensating claims for catastrophic injuries. Sadly, this comes at a time when one cannot clearly make the best decisions regarding their claim. Moreover, the insurance adjusters are highly educated and trained in the techniques that can result in a victim unknowingly giving up their benefits. That is why it is paramount for a victim to have a competent lawyer on their side. Hire Bobe & Snell today.

We always help our clients to file their compensation claim and obtain appropriate rehabilitation and medical treatment. Insurers can dispute whether an individual`s injury is really catastrophic or whether he or she is truly unable to return to work. As leaders in the legal industry, we will get expert opinions from some of the respected medical professionals so that we support the eligibility of our client for workers` compensation benefits.

Whether through litigation or negotiation, our workers` compensation attorneys are highly skilled and experienced at resolving catastrophic injuries claims in favor of our clients. CALL US NOW for a reliable catastrophic injury law firm.

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta GA

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Death Claims Atlanta GA

On-The-Job Death Claims Law Firm

According to the studies carried out by Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the U.S, over 4,600 employees are killed while doing their jobs in a typical year. On-the-job deaths are devastating, especially for the loved ones left behind. Also, the breadwinner`s death can have a significant financial effect on the stability of the affected family. That is when you need to hire an experienced death claims attorney.

In most instances, the workers’ compensation systems in some regions provide some limited death benefits to all survivors of employees killed in accidents that occur on-the-job.

At our law firm, we know that workers` compensation typically covers just a smaller percentage of the entire losses after a deadly on-the-job accident. That is why we are here to thoroughly investigate any workplace accidents with the aim of finding the responsible parties, and potential compensation sources.

Indeed, all survivors of the workers who die as a result of on-the-job accidents have a right to recover any damages from negligent property owners, manufacturers, insurance firms, and any other company that contributed to the accidents. The workers` compensation laws don`t protect these businesses and individuals, and many other non-employers. Therefore, it means that they can be required to pay some compensation in wrongful death lawsuits in case their carelessness contributed to the accident.

As the top professionals in the legal industry, we are devoted to examining all cases of our clients and identify the potential recovery sources. Our experienced lawyers have been helping all injured workers & their loved ones for many years. Give Bobe & Snell a call now, and be sure to get the best legal services.

Compensation Types Available For Death Claims

After a job-related wrongful death, two approaches which can provide compensation and benefits to the family members who survived are available. The options include filing wrongful death lawsuits or making workers` compensation death claims.

The workers` compensation benefits need to be available for all work-related deaths. In case an employee was killed while carrying out his or her job responsibilities, then the surviving family members can get death benefits from workers` compensation insurance company with just narrow exceptions. The compensation benefits can include ongoing income payments to their dependents, and coverage of all funeral expenses.

Pursuing Compensation After An On-The-Job Fatality

The process of getting the compensation benefits should be simple. However, insurance firms and employers sometimes can fail to follow the laws that protect their workers. In such as situation, obtaining the compensation benefits for death claims will become more complicated, particularly if one is denied the first claim. Because of that, an individual should make sure that he or she has a legal expert who is representing him or her to get the benefits that they deserve.

We are the best legal professionals in this field. Contact us now for quality legal services.

Death Claims

Death Claims Atlanta GA

Monday, November 7, 2016

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

No one expects to have an injury at work. We’d love to believe that our workplace is perfectly safe, but the reality is, work accidents do happen. Work injuries can devastate finances and cause emotional distress. Sometimes there’s no issue with getting money and getting medical bills paid, but sometimes your rights are violated as an injured worker, and you must use the law to get what you need to return to work and get properly compensated for your claim. Often insurance companies will deny a claim, refuse certain treatment, or issue checks late or not at all. When these things happen, it’s best to consult with an attorney in order to ensure the protection of your rights as an injured worker. Workers Compensation rules vary from state to state, so it’s important that you retain an attorney that has expertise in your state. For example, Atlanta is a big city, and you want to make sure you have the absolute best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney out there.

Why hire an attorney?

As your best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney, we make sure that you have a better chance of getting what you need and deserve from your claim. We’ll ensure that you’re getting all of your temporary total disability and that you’re getting it on time. They will collect your medical records and confirm that you’re receiving the proper care and that all the medical records are being paid. This ensures that you will not have any medical debt as a result of your injury, which can add up quickly! We also file all necessary litigation paperwork for you and communicate with your claims adjuster on your behalf. When an injured worker reaches the end of medical care, typically an Independent Medical Examination (or IME) is called for. In most cases, the doctor is agreed upon by both the attorney and the claims adjuster. This doctor reviews residual impairment and determines what is called Permanent Disability. Permanent disability is awarded based on each individual state – some have their own system while others adhere to the AMA Guidelines as a standard. The attorney typically takes fees from a part of the permanent disability award.

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

The process of filing a claim can be stressful. You want the best Atlanta Workers Compensation attorney in your corner. Contact Bobe and Snell now for a free consultation.

free attorney consultations

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Workplace Injuries

If you are injured at work, you should consider having your case evaluated by an attorney to make sure that you are receiving all of the workers’ compensation benefits that you are entitled to obtain, and to see if you have a claim against a third party for the injuries you suffered.

Workplace Injuries

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day

Repetitive Trauma Injury Atlanta

Experienced Repetitive Trauma/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Workers Compensation

If an individual`s work needs repetitive tasks that use the arms and hands, he or she might be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, also called median neuropathy. Or he or she might be suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome, also known as ulnar neuropathy. These will prevent him or her from working, seriously affect his or her grip strength or capability to carry out fine manipulation tasks or cause tingling and numbness in his or her fingers. Though the company representatives might tell such a person that he or she is not entitled to any workers` compensation benefits for that condition, we are here to help. We are professional lawyers in the repetitive trauma field, and we help all our clients to know and understand their rights.

Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We have extensive knowledge, skills, and expertise in dealing with workers` compensation claims in the industry. We strive always to level the playing field for our esteemed clients and ensure that they get full benefits they are entitled to. Give us a call today. We have a team of knowledgeable and skilled Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and workers compensation lawyers who are devoted to serving our clients.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is actually a condition that involves placing of pressure on the median nerve. This median nerve is a nerve in the wrist that supply movement and feeling to other parts of the hand. Some of the symptoms of this condition (carpal tunnel syndrome) in hand and fingers (the thumb, index & index side of middle fingers) are:

• Tingling

• Numbness

• Muscle damage

• Weakness

Experienced Repetitive Trauma / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Attorneys

Indeed, the employers are not likely to be upfront with their employees about their ability to get workers` compensation benefits as a result of carpal tunnel syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, or any similar cumulative or repetitive injuries. Instead of just accepting the ideas of the company, it is always important to seek the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

Our legal company is one of the leading experienced and professional legal firms in the industry. We are always prepared and committed to helping our clients. Contact us today. We offer confidential and free consultation services. Evening and weekend appointments are available. As experts, we always work with all our clients on a contingency fee basis—we will not ask any of the clients to pay us until they have received what they are entitled to. Choose us now and be sure to get quality legal representation from the repetitive trauma injury experts.

Repetitive Trauma


Repetitive Trauma Injury Atlanta

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Workers and employees in Atlanta who were injured on the job often depend on assistance from the business while they recuperate. Long-term consequences of your injury including permanent disability also means reduced ability to work. Sadly, don’t assume all workers who deserve compensation have it from other bosses without delay. We can help. Call us today

Workers" Comp Lawyers