Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

10 Questions to Ask a Workers" Compensation Attorney

10 Questions to Ask a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

When you’ve filed a Workers’ Compensation claim, sometimes the insurance company doesn’t treat you as you should be treated. Sometimes the insurance company might unexpectedly deny your claim, withhold benefits, or delay your medical treatment. In this event, you need to consult with a Workers’ Compensation attorney.

However, there’s a lot of Workers’ Compensation attorneys in Georgia, so how do you choose one that you can connect with and that will handle your claim properly?  Do research online and see reviews that people have given attorneys. Reviews can go a long way. Also ask your family or friends if they have any recommendations for attorneys.  Don’t just go with the first attorney that you see in the yellow pages. Make sure you do your due diligence, as finding the right attorney is important. After you’ve narrowed it down to just a few attorneys, develop a list of questions to ask them.

10 Questions to Ask a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Here’s 10 questions that we recommend that you ask your prospective Workers’ Compensation attorney before signing an agreement with them.

1. Are you a Board Certified workers’ compensation specialist?  What states are your board licensed in?

You want to make sure that you get an attorney who has a specialization in Workers’ Compensation.  If not, then you’re just wasting your time and money because they won’t be qualified to help you.

2. How many years of experience do you have?

If it’s a complex claim, you want an attorney that has 10 or more years of experience. Don’t go with an attorney that is fresh out of law school.

3. Do you a free telephone or office consultation?

Prioritize attorneys that offer a free telephone or office consultation. You don’t want them to give free advice all of the time, but you certainly don’t want to pay money to attorney that will wind up not being able to help you.

4. Do you take your cases to hearing?

You want an attorney that will take your case to hearing if required to get the benefits you deserve.

5. What about litigation costs?

You want an attorney who will try to keep  the litigation costs low – it’s expensive to go to court!

6. Will you meet with me at home or on evenings or weekends?

If your spouse works and you want them to be there when your attorney comes over, then it’s really beneficial to have an attorney that will meet with you outside of traditional office hours.

7. How much does it cost to hire your law firm?

Many Workers’ Compensation attorneys handle workers’ compensation cases on a contingency fee basis.  That means that receive a percentage of what you win only if the attorney wins your case.

8. How quickly do you return telephone calls?

You want an attorney who is responsive and will return calls within 24 hours.

9. Do I need a GA workers’ compensation lawyer?  

If you have been seriously injured, are not receiving the benefits you deserve, are considering a settlement, or have questions about your claim, you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Georgia.

10. How do I get started with my Georgia Workers’ Compensation case?

Call Bobe and Snell law office at 470-268-5802 for a consultation today!

alpharetta workers compensation law

10 Questions to Ask a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

10 Questions to Ask a Workers" Compensation Attorney

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Slip And Fall Attorneys

If you have experienced a slip or fall at work and would like further information on how workers compensation attorneys help contact us today

Slip And Fall Attorneys

Monday, October 17, 2016

Why You Need Us

A workers’ compensation lawyer can guide clients through the often complicated process of filing a case for workers’ compensation, especially when the claim has been denied by the insurance company.

Why You Need Us

Friday, October 14, 2016

Filing A Workers" Comp Claim

Having an Atlanta workers’ comp claim can be a stressful experience. Contact our office today to ensure your rights are protected. 407.268.5802

Filing A Workers" Comp Claim

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Workplace Injuries

Employees injured on the job or in a work-related accident should take steps to protect their rights. The first step is to receive medical attention and begin the Workers’ Compensation process by filing a claim. The claim will enable you to seek compensation through medical benefits and wage loss benefits.

Workplace Injuries

Monday, October 10, 2016

Lost Income Benefits Atlanta

Lost Income Benefits Attorney

The fundamental aspect of the workers` compensation law lost income benefits program is the financial help that is provided by employers when their employees are hurt on the work. Therefore, if an individual is injured, and due to the injuries sustained, he or she cannot work for a particular period or permanently, an experienced legal team should help to ensure that that person is compensated for the period he or she is out of work. This is where our experienced and skilled legal team come in.

In many instances, employers try to make one feel like he or she was at fault or he or she is likely to lose the job if they file a compensation claim against the company or employer. The truth is that if one is hurt and his or her employer is the one at fault, that particular person has the right to file a compensation claim. This should be done without the fear of losing the job position with the employer. Furthermore, such as a person has the right to get compensation, especially for the time in which he or she was not able to work because of the injuries sustained.

Filing Lost Income Benefits Compensation Claim

Allow our law firm to step in and assist in the process of filing the claim. Our legal team has years of knowledge, skills, and expertise in filing work compensation claims. Besides, we specialize in such cases. Therefore, we are fully ready to help our clients when they are hurt on the work. If our clients are owed some compensation, if they should get lost income benefits, and in case there are other damages that should be included in their settlements, we always work hard to ensure that they are included.

Moreover, we always ensure that our clients are given a higher amount of compensation when filing their cases. We also inform them about their rights, particularly if the employer has threatened any of them with the likelihood of losing his or her job position if the employee files a compensation claim.

Receiving The Lost Income Benefits

If a person is out of the job, and cannot earn a living because of the injuries that were sustained by the work, he or she has a right of receiving compensation in case the negligence of the employer or a co-worker is the reason behind the injuries.

Choose our professional legal team for guidance, and assistance in the process of filing a compensation claim. We are specialists in this area. Call us today for more information and legal advice.

Lost Income Benefits

Lost Income Benefits

Lost Income Benefits Atlanta

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Medical Treatment For Workers Comp

One of the issues that every injured worker faces in their Georgia Workers’ Compensation claim revolves around medical treatment. After an authorized treating physician has been assigned to the claim, it is very import for the injured worker to be involved in their treatment and to follow the advice of their medical providers.

Medical Treatment For Workers Comp

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

No one expects to have an injury at work. We’d love to believe that our workplace is perfectly safe, but the reality is, work accidents do happen. Work injuries can devastate finances and cause emotional distress. Sometimes there’s no issue with getting money and getting medical bills paid, but sometimes your rights are violated as an injured worker, and you must use the law to get what you need to return to work and get properly compensated for your claim. Often insurance companies will deny a claim, refuse certain treatment, or issue checks late or not at all. When these things happen, it’s best to consult with an attorney in order to ensure the protection of your rights as an injured worker. Workers Compensation rules vary from state to state, so it’s important that you retain an attorney that has expertise in your state. For example, Atlanta is a big city, and you want to make sure you have the absolute best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney out there.

Why hire an attorney?

As your best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney, we make sure that you have a better chance of getting what you need and deserve from your claim. We’ll ensure that you’re getting all of your temporary total disability and that you’re getting it on time. They will collect your medical records and confirm that you’re receiving the proper care and that all the medical records are being paid. This ensures that you will not have any medical debt as a result of your injury, which can add up quickly! We also file all necessary litigation paperwork for you and communicate with your claims adjuster on your behalf. When an injured worker reaches the end of medical care, typically an Independent Medical Examination (or IME) is called for. In most cases, the doctor is agreed upon by both the attorney and the claims adjuster. This doctor reviews residual impairment and determines what is called Permanent Disability. Permanent disability is awarded based on each individual state – some have their own system while others adhere to the AMA Guidelines as a standard. The attorney typically takes fees from a part of the permanent disability award.

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

The process of filing a claim can be stressful. You want the best Atlanta Workers Compensation attorney in your corner. Contact Bobe and Snell now for a free consultation.

free attorney consultations

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Best Atlanta Workers Compensation Attorney

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Workers Compensation Laws GA

The Purpose Of Workers Compensation Laws GA

Do you wonder about the purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA? There are two primary purposes for workers compensation. The first is to provide help to those who have been hurt at work or have gotten sick on the job, medical coverage.

Workers compensation provides medical coverage to those who have been hurt at their job or have gotten sick as a result of their work. For instance, if you develop a lung disease from working in a freezer day in and day out, workers compensation is supposed to pay for your medical care.

The other purpose of Workers Compensation Laws GA is to protect employers. Employees are not permitted to sue their employer for injury or sickness unless the employer tried to injure the employee or make the worker ill on purpose. If you are injured on the job, you are required to inform your employer immediately. Your supervisor needs to fill out the paperwork and submit his or her report to the insurance company.

The insurance company will assign you to a medical doctor. You have to visit this doctor for the first thirty days of your injury or sickness. If you still need medical care after this time, you are free to choose your doctor. Most people will complain that the insurance company doctor tries to compel the worker to return to work too soon.

The doctor, however, is compensated by the insurance company and is instructed to try to compel the worker back to the job as soon as possible. The doctor might even warn the patient again and again that it is unlawful to report a false claim. But do not be intimidated. If you are injured or if sick, wait until you are well before returning to work.

If you are injured on the job, worry about getting well and not about the pressure from people in the workers compensation system. If you want help with your case, you have the option of consulting with a workers compensation lawyer. The law says that the workers compensation lawyer must offer you a free initial consultation. The attorney will examine the facts of your case and suggest options is dealing with the claims system.

If you do hire him or her to represent you, your attorney can charge you up to fifteen percent of your award. This is a bargain compared to other legal claim awards. Personal injury lawyers will take up to forty percent of their client’s award. But Workers Compensation Laws GA  limits what attorneys can earn. The system is to protect workers, not to make lawyers rich.

Many workers involved in a claim do not go to a lawyer because they do not realize that the first meeting is free. They do not consider of hiring a lawyer because they believe they will have to part with a large part of their settlement. This is not the case. If you need assistance with your worker’s compensation claim, you need to contact a lawyer.

Some think this holds insurance business back. Some think that without this coverage, workers would be at the mercy of employers. No matter your stance, if you have been hurt at work, you should seek a lawyer to help you throughout the claims process.

Workers Compensation Laws GA

Workers Compensation Laws GA