Thursday, September 29, 2016

Our Firm Philosophy

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Our Firm Philosophy

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

It is important that anyone who have suffered catastrophic injuries get all of the workers` compensation benefits that they are entitled. Indeed, this is one of the hard times for an individual or their loved ones, and they need the experience and knowledge of a lawyer to help. It is good if the energy of the victim is fully focused on recovery from the injuries without any worries of legal issues. The victim should concentrate on healing and let us focus on their legal case. At our catastrophic injury law firm, our workers` compensation lawyers protect the interests of our clients and strive to maximize the benefits that they get.

We are a compassionate and knowledgeable team of lawyers that understands catastrophic injury law. We competently take care of any legal issues that our clients are facing. For sure, our clients are not just names on files at our catastrophic injury law firm. We believe that the well-being of our clients is important, and we work hard to ensure that they receive all the compensation benefits that are available to them or their loved ones.

Professional Legal Help For All Injured Workers

Workplace injuries are categorized as non-catastrophic or catastrophic injury depending on the injury`s nature. Whether the on-the-work injury is a non-catastrophic or catastrophic is determined by the physician who is treating the victim, and the designated injuries that are provided by the law. The catastrophic injuries involve:

• Amputations

• Paralysis

• Blindness

• Severe burns

• Severe head injuries

Many other serious injuries aren’t specifically designated, but may be considered as catastrophic. These include the injuries that can prevent one from being able to do their prior work or any other work for any employers in the national economy.

Normally, insurance companies fight against the claims of victims being designated as catastrophic if possible. Such claims are among the most expensive of all workers` compensation cases for insurers.

One of the first considerations of any insurance company is saving the money for the company, with little regard for the requirements of an injured worker. We are experienced in such cases. We aggressively seek the benefits due to a catastrophically injured worker.

We Advocate For Our Clients

Workers` compensation insurers will look for all possible ways to avoid compensating claims for catastrophic injuries. Sadly, this comes at a time when one cannot clearly make the best decisions regarding their claim. Moreover, the insurance adjusters are highly educated and trained in the techniques that can result in a victim unknowingly giving up their benefits. That is why it is paramount for a victim to have a competent lawyer on their side. Hire Bobe & Snell today.

We always help our clients to file their compensation claim and obtain appropriate rehabilitation and medical treatment. Insurers can dispute whether an individual`s injury is really catastrophic or whether he or she is truly unable to return to work. As leaders in the legal industry, we will get expert opinions from some of the respected medical professionals so that we support the eligibility of our client for workers` compensation benefits.

Whether through litigation or negotiation, our workers` compensation attorneys are highly skilled and experienced at resolving catastrophic injuries claims in favor of our clients. CALL US NOW for a reliable catastrophic injury law firm.

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta GA

Catastrophic Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Monday, September 26, 2016

Workers Compensation And Employers

Most employers could be paying less in workers compensation premiums if they participated more. Effective participation is essential.

Workers Compensation And Employers

Friday, September 23, 2016

Workers Compensation Rights

Different states have different laws regarding worker’s compensation rights. There may be some similarities in the laws of each state, it is still best to consult laws from an Atlanta workers compensation attorney who specialize in the state. An employee who has recently been injured or having problems with worker’s compensation claim would need compensation attorney to represent and interpret employee’s compensation laws.

Workers Compensation Rights

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Medical Benefits Attorney

Atlanta Medical Benefits Attorney more than 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported in 2014. – Call BS get your medical benefits 470.268.5802

Medical Benefits Attorney

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Licensed Mediator

Did you know that Glenn Bobe is a licensed mediator and available for dispute and/or settlement resolution of your Workers’ Compensation claim? Contact Bobe & Snell to inquire or retain his mediator services.

Licensed Mediator

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Not Covered By Workers Comp

If you’re not covered by workers’ comp insurance, you may have to file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. Talk to a workers’ compensation attorney or personal injury lawyer for help understanding whether you’re entitled to compensation and how you can obtain it.

Not Covered By Workers Comp

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Head And Brain Injuries

On The Job Head And Brain Injuries

When an individual sustains physical and mental health damage as a result of the negligence of a particular person or machine in a company, they’ll normally hire a workers compensation attorney to advocate on their behalf to obtain fair compensation for their sustained injuries. There are many common injuries resulting from negligence where the victim files a personal injury lawsuit. One type of injury that can occur due to the negligence of another is head and brain injuries.

Most head and brain injuries are consequences resulting from a heavy impact to the head region. The head trauma could be the result of the following: vehicle and motorbike accidents, assault, slips and fall, sports activities accidents, aneurysms, and seizures and strokes. The effects of a brain injury will vary and may be the following: inability to walk or speak, paralysis, loss of voluntary and involuntary motor functions. Other causes may include loss of memory, lack of ability to process information, lack of sight, nervousness, depression, traumatic stress, in addition to the lack of ability to perform simple everyday tasks. Head and brain injuries can heal over time, or they can be permanent injuries. In lots of cases, brain damage symptoms may take days or even weeks to appear.

When one suffers brain damage from an accident, malpractice, slip and fall, product defect, or by other negligent means, it’s important to seek advice from a workers compensation lawyer skilled in brain injury claims. In a brain injury claim, the issues may be complex, and workers compensation lawyers concentrate their work on brain injury cases, so they have the skills, experience, and resources to represent their clients in a brain injury claim. The attorney will seek damages for present and future medical costs, present and future earnings loss, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and punitive damages. If you are injured as the result of the negligence of another person or machines in a certain company, it is important to consult with a lawyer to discuss the facts of the events that resulted in the head and brain injuries.

The lawyer will assess the case to determine who must be sued for negligence. Additionally, when you’ve got a brain injury lawyer representing you, the lawyer will be capable of assessing if a settlement is possible or if the case should go to trial. It’s especially necessary to be represented by a workers compensation lawyer when countering the strategies employed by insurance lawyers as they often attempt to get the case dismissed, or they could try to offer low unjust compensation.

Recovering from brain injury is a slow-moving and time-consuming process. Rehabilitation treatments can be physiotherapy, neurology, occupational therapy, psychiatry, medications, orthopedics, physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation, speech and hearing treatment, etc. Over time, therapy costs can accumulate for brain damage victims and their families. A workers compensation lawyer will seek recovery compensation from those deemed liable for the injury so the victim can focus on rehabilitation. If you have suffered head and brain injuries, it is a good idea to meet with a lawyer specializing in brain injury. Having a lawyer on your side will increase the chances of the best possible outcome.

Head And Brain Injuries

Head And Brain Injuries

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Workers Compensation Laws

Understanding Workers Compensation Laws

Most people do not feel the need to understand workers compensation laws until they have suffered a serious work related injury . These laws can be quite complex and they vary from state to state. It is important for every worker to be aware of what workers compensation entails so they will be prepared in the event of a serious accident.

Worker’s Compensation, also known as ‘Workman’s Compensationandquot; or ‘Worker’s Comp’, is a set of laws designed to protect injured workers. The purpose is to ensure that if a worker is injured at work, they will receive medical care, lost wages associated with the injury, rehabilitation, and retraining so they can return to work once they have recovered. If a worker is killed while at work, their families will usually receive death benefits. This systems permits injured employees to receive benefits without having to prove that the employer was negligent

While most injured workers usually qualify for benefits, there are situations where an employee may be denied benefits. This type of situation can become very complicated. Workers who are denied benefits usually consult with an attorney. An attorney who specializes in worker’s comp claims are Worker’s Compensation Attorneys. An attorney can advise a worker on how to protect their benefits and will defend them if they are denied benefits, denied extended or permanent disability, or had their benefits terminated early.

Employers tend to know more about worker’s comp law than the workers. Sometimes an employer may attempt to deny benefits. They may also send an injured employee to a doctor who may not have much experience in the area of the injury, or is working more for the employer than the patient. . An attorney will help protect a worker’s rights if an employer attempts an underhanded method of denying benefits or forces an employee back to work too soon after an accident. An attorney will also help a worker who returns to work for a period of time following an injury and suddenly finds himself laid off and no longer eligible to collect benefits.

Using the services of a worker’s compensation attorney will increases the chances of a worker receiving benefits. An attorney understands all aspects of the worker compensation laws and is familiar with the process, the officers and judges who preside over the process, and how the process works. Worker’s compensation proceedings are much different than other law proceedings. The setting and rules are more relaxed. Most personal injury lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis. This means that the attorney does not receive compensation unless the case is successful. Most states limit the amount an attorney can receive in fees for worker compensation claims so it can be difficult securing a personal injury lawyer. You should try to hire a personal injury lawyer that has experience with worker’s compensation claims

A worker who receives worker’s comp benefits usually cannot file a personal injury claim against an employer. A worker can file lawsuit if an employer intentionally causes an injury. The employer must have committed a precise act that intended to cause injury to the employee. For instance, if an employer pushes an employee down a flight of stairs, you can sue. A worker may also sue if an employer is required to provide compensation coverage and fails to do so.

If you find yourself facing obstacles to securing worker compensation benefits, you should consult with an attorney. Workers compensation laws can be very complex for someone who does not have a legal background. A personal injury lawyer will have the expertise in handling a worker’s compensation claim.

Workers Compensation Laws

Workers Compensation Laws

Workers Compensation Laws

Psychological Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Experienced Psychological Injury Law Firm

When a person thinks of workers’ compensation claims, he or she believe that it just applies to workers who sustained physical injuries or illnesses while at a workplace. However, compensation laws also recognize mental, psychiatric, and emotional conditions that happen on the job. That’s when you need a experienced psychological injury law firm such as Bobe & Snell.

But, proving a mental or psychiatric injury might be difficult since they typically don`t present any visible signs. So, most of the workers` compensation claims that are based on purely psychological injuries are mostly denied.

Therefore, compassionate and highly experienced psychological injury law firm attorney can be a valuable asset to have when pursuing workers` compensation benefits for mental, psychiatric, and emotional injuries. We are the leading experts in this field. Our legal professionals have assisted many clients to obtain great settlements for work-related psychological injuries. We are always committed to making sure that all our clients receive the help that they need to recover from and cope with permanent or temporary disabilities. Contact us now for a free in-home consultation or evaluation.

Types Of Psychological Claims

Mostly, the law recognizes 2 types of psychological claims basing on whether a worker has suffered physical injuries or other conditions apart from the alleged mental or emotional injury. The two claims are:

1. Mental-Physical Claims

These are psychiatric injuries that happen as a result of diminished functional ability, physical pain, or losing a profession that relates to a work-related injury. Some of the examples of this types of claim include depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and panic attacks.

2. Mental-Mental Claims

This type of claim don`t involve physical injuries and might be caused by a violent or traumatic event, like experiencing or witnessing crime, violence, and threats of sexual or physical abuse at the workplace.

What To Consider Before Filing Psychiatric Workers` Compensation Claim

As with many workers` compensation claims, it is always crucial to know well the compensation claims process, and whether an individual has a good chance of succeeding. Because of that, it is always wise to hire the services of a competent, experienced, and knowledgeable attorney to help. Indeed, a skilled lawyer can evaluate a person`s situation and offer valuable insights to assist him or her in making informed decisions.

All psychological injury cases are deeply scrutinized, and an insurance firm can investigate any aspect of the worker’s life. The insurance company will inquire about the victim`s mental medical treatment history, parents, marriage, children, litigation history, criminal history, bankruptcies, and many other things. In case one is not comfortable with the need to disclose such personal details, he or she may want to reconsider filing a stress or psychological claim.

If one has just worked at the employer for not more than two years, he or she might also have a difficult time proving his or her claim unless it is because of a sudden violent event.

If an individual`s stress originates from conflict with a manager or supervisor, and that conflict is about his or her attendance, job assignment, job evaluation, job performance, or any other actions that one considers unfair, there are higher chances that the claim will be defeated under the good faith personnel action defense.

Finding The Right Experienced Law Firm

Anyone who believes they have suffered a psychological injury while on the work should CONTACT US NOW. We are an experienced psychological injury law firm.

Psychological injury Law Firm

 Psychological Injury Law Firm Atlanta


Psychological Injury Law Firm Atlanta

Monday, September 5, 2016

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Workers and employees in Atlanta who were injured on the job often depend on assistance from the business while they recuperate. Long-term consequences of your injury including permanent disability also means reduced ability to work. Sadly, don’t assume all workers who deserve compensation have it from other bosses without delay. We can help. Call us today

Workers" Comp Lawyers

Understanding Workers" Compensation

If you suffer a work-related injury or illness, you are probably entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The types of injuries covered by workers’ compensation include physical injuries, illnesses, and some psychological or stress-related injuries. These injuries or illnesses can occur at any time, so long as they are work-related.

Understanding Workers" Compensation

Friday, September 2, 2016

Starting the Workers" Compensation Process

Starting the Workers’ Compensation Process

If you’ve been injured at work or are suffering from a work-related illness, you may qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits. There are specific procedures that you must go through in order to be considered for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

The first step to receiving benefits is to file your claim. The process for filing varies from state to state, so it’s important to know the process in your home state.

At least in the state of Georgina, if you do not file a claim within 30 days of the initial injury, then it could result in a denial of your claim.

When to File for Workers’ Comp

In a perfect world, your claim would be filed immediately after your injury, but not all injuries are not that obvious. Sometimes you may not know what happened and you have pain a few days later. In these situations, it can sometimes be difficult to prove your case. This is when some people are forced to get an attorney.

Providing Notice of an Injury or Illness

You must notify your employer that you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, as it is the first step to initiating a Workers’ Compensation claim. The employer will have you fill out forms to be submitted to the insurance company. Some state define a clear time-frame for notifying your employer, while others state that it should be done as soon as possible.

If you live in a state where the Workers’ Compensation claims are handled by a state agency, you must provide notice to the state agency that you intend to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

Next Steps in Workers’ Compensation Process

Once you’ve notified your employer and completed the necessary insurance paperwork, the insurance company will conduct an investigation. You may be asked to provide witness statements and wage verification at some point. It’s important that you get the information to them as soon as possible to prevent a delay in your benefits.

You may also need to go to arranged doctor’s appointments and have different tests completed as part of the investigation. Even if you’ve already sought medical treatment on your own, the insurance carrier may require an independent assessment of your condition from another doctor.

If you need help understanding Workers’ Compensation process in Georgia, contact Bobe and Snell Workers’ Compensation Attorneys.


Starting the Workers Compensation Process

Starting the Workers" Compensation Process