Saturday, May 30, 2015

Workers Compensation Injured Workers

Injured workers have experienced in the last several years a massive effort to limit workers compensation benefits. This has directly harmed decent hard working people and their families. Improper medical care and attention, and the reduction of benefits have resulted in poverty, depression, and second class status for those whose only crime is that they were injured on the job.

Workers Compensation Injured Workers

Friday, May 29, 2015

Attorneys Help With Lost Income Benefits

Securing expert legal services is highly advisable if you are facing a contentious lost benefits claim. Representing yourself in such matters may leave you at a major disadvantage.

Attorneys Help With Lost Income Benefits

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Why You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

When you or your loved one suffer an injury as the result of somebody else’s action, perhaps it seems natural that the person would offer to compensate you for your injury, or that their insurance company will do the right thing and offer a fair settlement. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.

Why You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Medical Benefits & Choice of Physician In Georgia

Full medical benefits are provided to employees entitled to worker’s compensation benefits, with no time or monetary limits. The employee’s choice of physician is by selection from a list maintained by the employer. Physical and vocational rehabilitation benefits are available.

Medical Benefits & Choice of Physician In Georgia

Monday, May 25, 2015

What Is A "Lien" On An Injury Case?

Sometimes a work-related injury will support both a workers compensation claim and a personal injury action. Within the context of workers’ compensation, when it is said that a workers compensation insurer has placed a “lien” on a file, it means that they have registered a claim to be reimbursed out of the proceeds of the personal injury litigation for certain expenditures they made on behalf of the injured worker.

What Is A "Lien" On An Injury Case?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Workers Compensation Benefit Cuts

Many states have been passing laws in recent years that significantly cut benefits to injured workers, even though the costs of workers’ compensation to businesses are lower than they’ve been in decades.

Workers Compensation Benefit Cuts

Friday, May 22, 2015

Workers Compensation And The Economy

The workers’ compensation industry must contend with a fast-growing on-demand economy where jobs are filled via apps and more employees are temporary contractors. On-demand economy that includes temporary drivers, laborers, property owners-turned-landlords and independent professionals is transforming the American workforce and the insurance industry.

Workers Compensation And The Economy

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Workers Compensation And Employers

Most employers could be paying less in workers compensation premiums if they participated more. Effective participation is essential.

Workers Compensation And Employers

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Workers Compensation Coverage

Take a minute and consider this question:  “If I got hurt at work today and was off work (for a week or year), how much of my financial loss would be covered by workers’ compensation?” In most US states, “temporary disability” compensation rates are based on gross average earnings.

Workers Compensation Coverage

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Workers Compensation Programs

The Department of Labor’s OWCP administers four major disability compensation programs which provides to federal workers (or their dependents) who are injured at work or acquire an occupational disease: Wage replacement benefits  – Medical treatment – Vocational rehabilitation – Other benefits

Workers Compensation Programs

Monday, May 18, 2015

Workers Compensation Attorney

  • Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence.

Workers Compensation Attorney

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Mental conditions can sometimes be covered by workers’ comp if you can prove the mental or psychiatric problem was primarily caused by your work.

Psychological Issues And Workers Comp

Friday, May 15, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Licensed Mediator Available At Bobe & Snell

Did you know that Glenn Bobe is a licensed mediator and available for dispute and/or settlement resolution of your Workers’ Compensation claim? Contact Bobe & Snell to inquire or retain his mediator services.

Licensed Mediator Available At Bobe & Snell

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hurt On The Job - Call Us Today

Being a construction worker involves working in a risky and accident prone environment. In case you are involved in a moderate to serious injury or fall sick as a result of your work, it is important to seek compensation. 470.268.5802

Hurt On The Job - Call Us Today

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Bobe & Snell Difference

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace. Contact us today for your consultation.

The Bobe & Snell Difference

Monday, May 11, 2015

What Is Workers Compensation

Workers’ compensation laws protect people who are injured on the job. They are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards, eliminating the need for litigation.

What Is Workers Compensation

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Are You Suffering From A Personal Injury?

Being injured and out of work is extremely frustrating. It is more frustrating when someone else is the cause of this. We can help you through the process of filing your claim. Call us today 470.268.5802

Are You Suffering From A Personal Injury?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Atlanta Auto Accident Attorneys

With years of experience in assisting clients claim the benefits they deserve, we can offer you sound legal advice and assistance.

Atlanta Auto Accident Attorneys

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Repetitive Trauma Injuries / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are a number of cases where simply performing your job to the best of your ability could be having an effect on your general health. Repetitive trauma injuries can occur when carrying out the same tasks at work over a prolonged period of time.

Repetitive Trauma Injuries / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tuesday, May 5, 2015