Monday, July 23, 2018

Bobe & Snell - Our Philosophy

Bobe & Snell has a simple philosophy to contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of our families and to our personal growth through a challenging law practice dedicated to excellence and achieving results that have a positive impact on our clients using a creative and benevolent approach.

Bobe & Snell - Our Philosophy

Friday, July 20, 2018

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Workers Compensation

Our team of competent lawyers are committed to give you a comprehensive and realistic advice on your workers’ compensation benefits needs. We offer client-oriented results.

Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation Coverage

Take a minute and consider this question:  “If I got hurt at work today and was off work (for a week or year), how much of my financial loss would be covered by workers’ compensation?” In most US states, “temporary disability” compensation rates are based on gross average earnings.

Workers Compensation Coverage

Saturday, July 14, 2018

What We Do

Our firm experts specialize in workers’ compensation, motor vehicle accidents, and dealing with a multitude of injuries that can happen in the workplace. Contact us today for your consultation.

What We Do

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Catastrophic Accidents Atlanta GA


Even if the workplace is made extremely safe by following all precautions and safety measures, catastrophic accidents are common in workplaces, especially where heavy machinery and equipment is used. These injuries often happen unexpectedly but leave a life-long impact on the lives of the people. In Georgia, workers who suffer from catastrophic injuries while on the job may be entitled to receive long-time or, in some cases, lifetime benefits because of the continuing nature of the injuries. But commonly, catastrophic injury sufferers are often denied their legitimate rights because the insurer will fight to avoid lifetime award of benefits. That’s when Bobe & Snell worker’s compensation lawyers help you fight for your rights and get you your due compensation.


Defined in the Georgia code in O.C.G.A 34-9-2001, catastrophic workplace injury is defined as any of the following:

  • Injuries of the spinal cord involving paralysis

  • Amputation of any body part

  • Severe head or brain injury involving:

  • Sensory disturbance

  • Communication interference

  • Disturbances in cerebral function

  • Neurological disorders

  • Extensive degree burns

  • Serious or total blindness

  • Any injury of nature and severity that has the capability of preventing the employee from performing his/her work.

Evidently, catastrophic accidents result in serious injuries. These injuries hamper the entire life of the worker and prevent them from living the life they once used to live.


Catastrophic accidents are not as common as everyday workplace injuries. These incidents take place because of an accident, negligence or carelessness. There are several potential causes of catastrophic accidents. These are:

  • Falls

Workplace falls occur the most in the construction industry. Construction workers and those in similar professions will often find themselves working at heights and might experience falls leading to severe head injury, etc.

  • Fires

Many workplaces contain inflammable materials. When a fire breaks out, employees in the area suffer from severe burns, smoke inhalation injuries and other fire-related catastrophic injuries.

  • Explosions

Workplaces that contain chemicals, explosions are likely to happen if proper precaution is not taken.

  • Electrocutions

Electricians and people dealing with electricity are exposed to high voltages of electricity and might suffer from deafness, head trauma, falls, etc.

At Bobe & Snell, our worker’s compensation attorneys are completely aware of the various difficulties related to the worker’s compensation in terms of catastrophic accidents. Our firm thoroughly understands the laws surrounding catastrophic injury claims, the obstacles you might come across and help you get your rights. Visit and obtain the compensation you deserve for your serious injury. Our expert lawyers are also available at 470-268-5802. Call us today and enjoy free consultation.

Catastrophic Accidents

Catastrophic Accidents Atlanta GA

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Death Claims

Death Claims and Workers Compensation

Deaths claims are formal requests filed by employees with work-related injuries for benefits. However, the worker’s compensation system is very different from lawsuits filed in the court. This is because the employee is not required by law to prove that the employer was at fault for the injury. Thus, the employee is entitled to receive benefits as long as the injury took place while the employee was performing a task related to work.

Who May File a Claim?

The employee who suffered injuries when carrying out a job-related task is the one eligible to file a claim. However, the employee’s spouse, children, or other dependants are allowed to file a claim for death benefits in case of job-related fatal injury. In this justification, the main objective of death claims benefits is to compensate the employee’s dependants. Moreover, the family members can get a small sum to take care of the burial and funeral expenses.

How to File a Claim

After filing a claim, the insurance company has three decisions to make. These include accepting the claim, challenge the claim, or ask for more time to collect information. Thus, you should now prepare to challenge the company if the claim is not accepted.

However, to ensure that your claim is easily accepted, you should ensure that you notify the employer of your injury shortly after it happens. This is because many states have a fixed amount of time within which the employee should have reported an injury. In this regard, the state of California has fixed a 30-day timeframe for the employee to report. The other states require you to report the injury when it is practical, as they do not have a specific deadline.

In most cases, you will be required to follow a special format when notifying the state agency or your employer of the injury. However, a written notice is required in some states such as California and New York. In addition to that, it is good to provide a written notice and ensure that you keep a copy for reference. You will need to fill an official claim in some states such as California, Illinois, and New York.

Getting a Response

Receiving a response can take some time. This is because most employers get workers’ compensation policies through insurance companies. However, large employers are self-insured and thus they can take relatively a short time to give a response. Consequently, the insurance company handles the processing of your claim after being notified of the injury.

The company starts sending you temporary disability benefits weekly if your claim is accepted. However, if the claim is challenged, then the company sends you a letter stating the specific grounds for the denial.


If your claim is challenged, you will be required now to file an appeal with state’s workers’ compensation agency. This paperwork is normally referred to as an appeal petition. This shows that workers’ compensation claims can be tricky as insurers fight to avoid paying the benefits.

Death Claims

Death Claims


Death Claims