Friday, June 30, 2017

GA Construction AccidentNeed a Workers Compensation Lawyer

Construction workers are among the hardest working people in a country. They have helped in building our homes, cities, and country in general into what is now. Unfortunately, construction workers are among the frequently injured employees in the workplace. Due to the naturally risk tasks that they do, the surroundings that they work, and the conditions that they work in daily, it isn’t uncommon at all for such workers to experience some serious construction injuries or even be killed in the line of work.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Workers Compensation Atlanta GA

Workers Compensation Lawyers Atlanta GA

In the U.S., one of the most widely accessed entitlement programs is Workers’ Compensation. Workers compensation is a series of benefits that are paid to employees that are injured or become ill during and as a result of the performance of their jobs. Employers are required by law to provide this benefit to their employees and typically do so through a workers compensation insurance policy provided by a private carrier. Virtually every employee is covered by the Workers Compensation Act, and benefits are paid to the employee regardless of who is at fault for the accident and injury.

The actual procedure for filing a workers’ compensation claim is straightforward and can be done by the injured party. However, the system has definite filing requirements and depending upon circumstances and documentation requirements, preparing the claim can become a complicated process and should not be attempted without a worker’s compensation attorney. States and cities may also have individual requirements regarding workers’ compensation, so it is important when choosing a worker’s compensation attorney to have representation from the proper state or jurisdiction. Attorneys who do not specialize in workers’ compensation law and are from outside the jurisdiction likely will not be able to properly represent your claim.

A workers’ compensation claim is similar to a claim against an auto or homeowner’s insurance company. It is a claim filed against the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier and is not a law suit directed at the employer. In fact, the law provides that: (1) injured workers cannot sue employers for accidents occurring on the job and, (2) it is also illegal for employers to terminate workers for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

Under workers’ compensation, the main benefit categories are, but not limited to:

Payment of Related Medical Bills:

Benefits paid when the worker temporarily cannot work due to the injury or illness. This is titled Temporary Total Disability (TTD) and is likely a series of ongoing payments until the worker can return to work.

Benefits paid when the worker is injured to the point that he/she cannot return to work at all. This is called Permanent Disability (PD). Based on the nature and extent of the injury, PD benefits are, very often, a lump sum settlement.

It must be understood that all insurance companies are actively reviewing cases for legitimacy and to minimize fraudulent claims and their cost of claims. Depending on circumstances and for any number of reasons, a worker’s compensation insurance carrier may deny benefit payments at the beginning of the claim or may be terminate compensation after initial benefits have been paid. Questions and positions regarding TTD and PD also are often contested as are charges of illegal firing due to the injury. Since the insurance company will employ experts in the workers’ compensation arena, in these situations, it is crucial to have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who will advocate for you to get your legal benefits restored and the settlements to which you are entitled.

Navigating through the workers’ compensation benefit system can be a difficult task, especially if there are contested issues and special circumstances. It is a wise decision to engage the services of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyers such as Bobe & Snell Lae Office early in the claim to guide you and represent you through the process.

Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation Atlanta GA

Monday, June 12, 2017

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel & Workers Compensation

Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to carpal tunnel space that the nerves & tendons pass through in the wrist. This happens when the nerves with carpal tunnel are compressed or become irritated due to repetitive movement or even injuries to the nerves. Often, symptoms occur in the index finger, thumb, half of the ring finger, and middle finger. They are manifested through pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. It is important to know that workers` compensation is actually available for individuals who are facing the limiting effect of carpal tunnel syndrome due to occupational activity. Bobe & Snell has teams of workers compensation lawyers who are always devoted to ensuring that their clients get the maximum compensation benefits that they deserve.

Speak with Bobe & Snell workers compensation today and be sure to get the best help needed during such a challenging time. Our lawyers have resenting many clients for decades, and they are always prepared to help their clients to pursue the fair support that they deserve through compensation programs.  Our workers have decades of competence, knowledge, and skills. In addition, our company provides our clients with award-winning legal services.

Why Choose Bobe & Snell Workers Compensation Lawyers

There is an extensive range of reasons why one should consider using the legal services of our law firm. Some of these reasons include the following.

• We Are Knowledgeable And Experienced

Bobe & Snell worker compensation lawyers have accumulated many years of competence, knowledge, skills, and experience. We have supplied the best legal services in the Atlanta area for years. In addition, our teams of competent lawyers have served thousands of clients since we entered into legal community. Furthermore, all our workers compensation attorneys are highly trained, certified, and experienced. Therefore, our legal services are of premium quality. In fact, we strive to supply award-winning legal services in the legal industry consistently.

• We Offer High Quality Legal Services

The aim of our lawyers is always to ensure that all our clients are supplied with reliable and quality legal representation. We ensure that our legal services always exceed our clients expectation. So, choose us and be sure to rely on our services.

• Affordable Legal Services

Though our legal services are competitively priced, we do not compromise our quality. Our attorneys always ensure that all our clients get the best legal representation possible. That way, we ensure that they get maximum compensation benefits and affordable legal fees.


Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Workplace Injury Types

Workplace injury types

Once we get hired by a company, we make sure that our rights as employees are covered well by the job offer. This is to make sure that whatever happens to us, we are sure to claim assistance from the company we work for. And when accidents happen in a workplace, it is best to have a worker’s compensation lawyer by your side.

Our lawyers at Bobe and Snell can help you in every step of the way, no matter what type of injury you suffer in the workplace. We have the best lawyers that can handle all injury related cases in the workplace.

Workplace injury checklist together with their basic things you should know:

These types of accidents in our workplace injury checklist may involve large and heavy machinery and equipment or simple accidents that cause major injuries. It is a must that employers make sure that employees are safest when at work. However, when disastrous accidents happen in the workplace, employers face high costs of compensation claims, medical expenses and loss or earnings. It is hard to make claims during and after these types of accident happen. And when this happens to you, our compensation attorneys can make sure your claim get to be acknowledged by your employer.

Our lawyers have the most experience in handling workplace related injuries. We know the each step to be taken for each claim. We make sure that we investigate well on when and where the accidents happened and what were the consequences of the accidents. We will ask assistance only from medical experts to make sure that we can determine the correct diagnoses of your injuries. And because we know how hard it is to file a complaint while injured, we can visit you at your home and even in the hospital. Once all evidences are gathered, we will advise you of the actions we can take for your claims.

Of course, these injuries may only be a few of which you may experience. If you think that your injuries fall under our workplace injury checklist, do not hesitate to call us. We are here to listen and aid you the best way we can for your claims to be won.

free attorney consultations

Workplace injury Types

Workplace Injury Types