Monday, January 30, 2017

Medical Benefits Lawyer Atlanta GA

Workers Compensation Law Firm: Medical Benefits Lawyer

The Workers Compensation Act has a system of disability & medical benefits that are offered to employees who are hurt or injured at workplaces or develop occupational diseases due to their jobs. The system is meant to offer protection to all workers from any financial hardships that are related to any on-the-job injuries, such as medical expenses and inability to earn salaries as result of injuries. If you have suffered a workplace injury then you need to contact a medical benefits lawyer. Below is some helpful information that you need to know.

Workers compensation offers the following two main benefits to injured workers. These include:

• Disability Benefits

These are cash benefits that are made to any injured employee as compensation, especially for permanent injuries or lost wages.

• Medical Compensation

Medical Compensation includes payment for medications, hospitalization, doctor visits, and surgeries. Also, medical compensation includes mileage reimbursement for vocational rehabilitation service, doctor`s visits, and attendant & nursing care in case of serious injuries.

A medical benefits lawyer at Bobe and Snell Law Office know that workers compensation cases can become complex. Our experienced attorneys also understand the importance of the outcome, particularly to the injured employees as far as protection of their living standards is concerned. Indeed, we help our clients throughout the region navigate the complicated workers` compensation systems, and ensure that they get the benefits that they deserve.

Our Medical Benefits Lawyers Protect The Rights Of Our Clients

Insurance firms are eager to convince their employees to settle compensation claims with lump sum payouts so that they clear their books & prevent workers from hiring the services of expert attorneys. This kind of settlement is referred to as clincher. If one signs this type of settlement without the help of an experienced medical benefits lawyer, it can lead to serious problems later that can`t be fixed.

We have teams of highly respected medical benefits attorneys and other medical experts who can provide the necessary documentations on the medical treatments that will be necessary in future, and the actual costs of those treatments. We advocate seriously on our clients’ behalf in order to secure their full compensation benefits.

Clincher settlements stipulate that workers can`t pursue extra benefits or even reopen their cases in case the conditions worsen. Because of that, it is vital to hire the legal services of an experienced and competent workers` compensations lawyer before signing any agreement.

Our expert medical benefits attorneys at Bobe and Snell Law Office are always committed to doing anything that is necessary to protect the rights of our clients. We take workers compensation claim cases on contingency fees basis. In case we fail to recover payment for a client, either through court decisions or negotiations, our client will not be required to pay any legal fees.

Call Bobe and Snell Law Office today for professional legal services.

Medical Benefits Lawyer



Medical Benefits Lawyer Atlanta GA

Monday, January 23, 2017

Medical Benefits Lawyer GA | Bobe & Snell LLC Illnesses or injuries that qualify to be compensated according to the applicable workers` compensation laws need prescribed medical benefits that should be paid to all injured workers. The benefit limits & duration actually differ by jurisdiction. However, every state in the U.S offers essentially the same 3 categories or classes of benefits. These classes include: • Death Benefits • Disability or Indemnity Benefits • Medical Benefits

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Slip And Fall Injuries Atlanta GA

Slip and Fall Injuries: Worker’s Compensation Law Firm

Over twenty percent (20%) of workers’ injuries in the United States are as a result of slip and fall accidents. These injuries add up to more than one million compensation cases every year. Slip and fall injuries can occur in all work surroundings, right from construction sites to hospitals or even office jobs among many other workplaces.

However, the good news is that there are worker’s compensation laws that protect victims who suffer from slip and fall injuries. In addition, the compensation laws recognize the fact that such injuries can occur easily in the workplace. As a result, that person may be owed compensation benefits for lost wages, medical bills, and many others.

Slip And Fall Injuries: Common Accidents

• Falls from heights

These include falls from staircases, machinery, or ladders.

• Falls on a slippery surface

These include falls from icy patches or spilled liquids (both outdoors and indoors)

• Same-level trips & falls

These include accidents that occur on uneven surfaces, and quick movements.

Though falls from heights might seem dangerous, any of the above accidents may result in severe injuries that might have a lasting effect. Therefore, anybody who has been hurt should not take the injury lightly.

Accident Causes

All employers have responsibilities of keeping their employees safe. This means they must always fix know issues and any safety risks. Though companies or employers and workers try their best possible to prevent accidents from occurring, it is not possible to prevent all accidents. Slip and fall injuries are mainly caused by:

• Damaged floors

• Spilled liquids

• Broken or even missing guardrails

• Broken or cracked stairs

• Unsecured mats

• Unmarked hazards

• Broken or poor lighting

• Exposed cords & wires

Anyone who is injured in the workplace and any of these issues is responsible for the accident, he or she has a right of filing a worker’s compensation benefits claim.

Common Slip And Fall Injuries

The common slip & fall accidents usually range from severe to minor problems. The kinds of injuries resulting from such accidents include broken bones, sprains, neck injuries, strained muscles, back injuries, cuts & burns, herniated discs, spinal injuries, joint injuries (shoulders, and knees among many others), and head trauma.

We are here to help: Call Bobe and Snell Law Office we are the most competent slip and fall worker’s compensation law firm in the Atlanta area.

We are the right law firm to represent clients who have suffered from slip & fall accidents.

Slip And Fall Injuries

Slip And Fall Injuries Atlanta GA